1. 07 Sep, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 3089da58
      Don Gagne authored
      Enable ArduPilot motor testing
  2. 01 Sep, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 7bbfca75
      Don Gagne authored
      Use firmware version type, not vehicle type
  3. 30 Aug, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · b6f71f19
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix problems with ArduRover firmware parameter differences
  4. 19 Aug, 2019 1 commit
  5. 11 Aug, 2019 1 commit
  6. 20 Jun, 2019 2 commits
  7. 14 Jun, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 241279c1
      Don Gagne authored
      Support 8 servos
  8. 07 Jun, 2019 1 commit
  9. 05 Jun, 2019 1 commit
  10. 20 May, 2019 1 commit
  11. 04 May, 2019 5 commits
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · d872da76
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Safer handling of missing params
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · 083ae310
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Visual accel cal
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · 6bed47a9
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Better visual spacing
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · f90d1b98
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Update for correct simple parameter semantics
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · 4224b476
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Simple and Super-Simple flight mode support
  12. 01 May, 2019 2 commits
  13. 29 Apr, 2019 6 commits
  14. 28 Apr, 2019 2 commits
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · c389bcc5
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Update ArduPilot version to latest releases only
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · 57d0292d
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Rework ArduPilot Airfame setup page
  15. 27 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · b9e053e1
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Add support for ESC Calibration
  16. 26 Apr, 2019 3 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 93b26d6c
      Don Gagne authored
      More work on no serial port ifdef
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 1a963e4d
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix no serial and android builds
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 74ce084c
      Don Gagne authored
      Check for CubeBlack service bulletin
  17. 11 Apr, 2019 2 commits
  18. 10 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  19. 29 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 4703fd12
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix incorrect text
  20. 28 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • DonLakeFlyer's avatar
      · 62dbd2f5
      DonLakeFlyer authored
      Copter 3.7 CH#_OPT -> RC#_OPTION name change
  21. 27 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  22. 20 Nov, 2018 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · ab0fce17
      Don Gagne authored
      Allow Safety page editing while in flight
  23. 19 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  24. 30 Oct, 2018 2 commits