readonlypropertystring_helpText:qsTr("Pressure calibration will set the %1 to zero at the current pressure reading. %2").arg(_altText).arg(_helpTextFW)
readonlypropertystring_helpTextFW:_activeVehicle.fixedWing?qsTr("To calibrate the airspeed sensor shield it from the wind. Do not touch the sensor or obstruct any holes during the calibration."):""
readonlypropertystring_helpTextFW:activeVehicle.fixedWing?qsTr("To calibrate the airspeed sensor shield it from the wind. Do not touch the sensor or obstruct any holes during the calibration."):""
propertyboolallowOverrideSatCount:false///< true: sat count above failureSatCount reguired to pass, false: user can click past satCount <= failureSetCount
propertyintfailureSatCount:-1///< -1 indicates no sat count check
propertystring_satCountFailureText:allowOverrideSatCount?qsTr("Warning - Sat count below %1.").arg(failureSatCount+1):qsTr("Waiting for sat count above %1.").arg(failureSatCount)