tst_uasunittest.cc 4.39 KB
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#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include "UAS.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
6 7 8 9 10 11

class UASUnitTest : public QObject

12 13 14
    #define  UASID  50
    MAVLinkProtocol* mav;
    UAS* uas;
15 16 17 18 19

private Q_SLOTS:
    void initTestCase();
    void cleanupTestCase();
20 21 22 23
    void getUASID_test();
    void getUASName_test();
    void getUpTime_test();
    void getCommunicationStatus_test();
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24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
    void filterVoltage_test();
    void getAutopilotType_test();
    void setAutopilotType_test();
    void getStatusForCode_test();
    void getLocalX_test();
    void getLocalY_test();
    void getLocalZ_test();
    void getLatitude_test();
    void getLongitude_test();
    void getAltitude_test();
    void getRoll_test();
    void getPitch_test();
    void getYaw_test();
37 38 39


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40 41
    UAS *prueba;
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


void UASUnitTest::initTestCase()
50 51
  mav= new MAVLinkProtocol();
  uas=new UAS(mav,UASID);
52 53 54 55

void UASUnitTest::cleanupTestCase()
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
  delete uas;
  delete mav;


void UASUnitTest::getUASID_test()
    // Test a default ID of zero is assigned
    UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
    QCOMPARE(uas2->getUASID(), 0);
    delete uas2;

    // Test that the chosen ID was assigned at construction
    QCOMPARE(uas->getUASID(), UASID);

    // Make sure that no other ID was sert
    QEXPECT_FAIL("", "When you set an ID it does not use the default ID of 0", Continue);
    QCOMPARE(uas->getUASID(), 0);

void UASUnitTest::getUASName_test()
  // Test that the name is build as MAV + ID
  QCOMPARE(uas->getUASName(), "MAV 0" + QString::number(UASID));


void UASUnitTest::getUpTime_test()
  UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
  // Test that the uptime starts at zero to a
  // precision of seconds
  QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 0.0);

  // Sleep for three seconds

  // Test that the up time is computed correctly to a
  // precision of seconds
  QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 3.0);

  delete uas2;
98 99

void UASUnitTest::getCommunicationStatus_test()
102 103
  // Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
  QCOMPARE(uas->getCommunicationStatus(), static_cast<int>(UASInterface::COMM_DISCONNECTED));
104 105

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void UASUnitTest::filterVoltage_test()
    float verificar=uas->filterVoltage(0.4f);
  // Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
  QCOMPARE(verificar, 8.52f);
void UASUnitTest:: getAutopilotType_test()
    int verificar=uas->getAutopilotType();
  // Verify that upon construction the autopilot is set to -1
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116 117 118 119 120
  QCOMPARE(verificar, -1);
void UASUnitTest::setAutopilotType_test()
  // Verify that the autopilot is set
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122 123
  QCOMPARE(uas->getAutopilotType(), 2);

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125 126
void UASUnitTest::getStatusForCode_test()
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
  QString state, desc;
  state = "";
  desc = "";

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_BOOT, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "BOOT");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CALIBRATING, state, desc);

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_ACTIVE, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "ACTIVE");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_STANDBY, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "STANDBY");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CRITICAL, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "CRITICAL");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_EMERGENCY, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "EMERGENCY");

  uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_POWEROFF, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "SHUTDOWN");

  uas->getStatusForCode(5325, state, desc);
  QVERIFY(state == "UNKNOWN");
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161 162

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163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
void UASUnitTest::getLocalX_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalX(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLocalY_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalY(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLocalZ_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalZ(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLatitude_test()
{  QCOMPARE(uas->getLatitude(), 0.0);
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177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
void UASUnitTest::getLongitude_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getLongitude(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getAltitude_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getAltitude(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getRoll_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getRoll(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getPitch_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getPitch(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getYaw_test()
  QCOMPARE(uas->getYaw(), 0.0);

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#include "tst_uasunittest.moc"