Commit 73e270fe authored by Mariano Lizarraga's avatar Mariano Lizarraga

Some initial unit tests in place for UAS class

parent 9ff341a0
......@@ -2,18 +2,28 @@
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include "UAS.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
class UASUnitTest : public QObject
#define UASID 50
MAVLinkProtocol* mav;
UAS* uas;
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
void testCase1();
void getUASID_test();
void getUASName_test();
void getUpTime_test();
void getCommunicationStatus_test();
......@@ -22,17 +32,60 @@ UASUnitTest::UASUnitTest()
void UASUnitTest::initTestCase()
MAVLinkProtocol *mav= new MAVLinkProtocol();
UAS *prueba=new UAS(mav,0);
mav= new MAVLinkProtocol();
uas=new UAS(mav,UASID);
void UASUnitTest::cleanupTestCase()
delete uas;
delete mav;
void UASUnitTest::getUASID_test()
// Test a default ID of zero is assigned
UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
QCOMPARE(uas2->getUASID(), 0);
delete uas2;
// Test that the chosen ID was assigned at construction
// Make sure that no other ID was sert
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "When you set an ID it does not use the default ID of 0", Continue);
QCOMPARE(uas->getUASID(), 0);
void UASUnitTest::getUASName_test()
// Test that the name is build as MAV + ID
QCOMPARE(uas->getUASName(), "MAV 0" + QString::number(UASID));
void UASUnitTest::getUpTime_test()
UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
// Test that the uptime starts at zero to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 0.0);
// Sleep for three seconds
// Test that the up time is computed correctly to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 3.0);
delete uas2;
void UASUnitTest::testCase1()
void UASUnitTest::getCommunicationStatus_test()
QVERIFY2(true, "Failure");
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(uas->getCommunicationStatus(), static_cast<int>(UASInterface::COMM_DISCONNECTED));
......@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ macx {
ICON = $$BASEDIR/images/icons/macx.icns
# Copy audio files if needed
# Copy google earth starter file
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/earth.html $$TARGETDIR/
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/earth.html $$TARGETDIR/
# Copy CSS stylesheets
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-mission.css $$TARGETDIR/
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-outdoor.css $$TARGETDIR/
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-mission.css $$TARGETDIR/
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-outdoor.css $$TARGETDIR/
# Copy model files
#QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/models/*.dae $$TARGETDIR/
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