LinkConfiguration.h 7.1 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2018 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
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 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#pragma once
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#include <QSettings>

class LinkInterface;

/// Interface holding link specific settings.

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class LinkConfiguration : public QObject
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    LinkConfiguration(const QString& name);
    LinkConfiguration(LinkConfiguration* copy);
    virtual ~LinkConfiguration() {}

    Q_PROPERTY(QString          name                READ name           WRITE setName           NOTIFY nameChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(LinkInterface*   link                READ link           WRITE setLink           NOTIFY linkChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(LinkType         linkType            READ type                                   CONSTANT)
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    Q_PROPERTY(bool             dynamic             READ isDynamic      WRITE setDynamic        NOTIFY dynamicChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             autoConnect         READ isAutoConnect  WRITE setAutoConnect    NOTIFY autoConnectChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             autoConnectAllowed  READ isAutoConnectAllowed                   CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          settingsURL         READ settingsURL                            CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          settingsTitle       READ settingsTitle                          CONSTANT)
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    Q_PROPERTY(bool             highLatency         READ isHighLatency  WRITE setHighLatency    NOTIFY highLatencyChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             highLatencyAllowed  READ isHighLatencyAllowed                   CONSTANT)
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    // Property accessors

    QString         name(void) const { return _name; }
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    LinkInterface*  link(void)  { return _link; }

    void            setName(const QString name);
    void            setLink(LinkInterface* link);

    ///  The link types supported by QGC
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    ///  Any changes here MUST be reflected in LinkManager::linkTypeStrings()
    enum LinkType {
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        TypeSerial,     ///< Serial Link
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        TypeUdp,        ///< UDP Link
        TypeTcp,        ///< TCP Link
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        TypeBluetooth,  ///< Bluetooth Link
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#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        TypeMock,       ///< Mock Link for Unitesting
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        TypeLast        // Last type value (type >= TypeLast == invalid)

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     * Is this a dynamic configuration? (non persistent)
     * @return True if this is an automatically added configuration.
    bool isDynamic() { return _dynamic; }

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     * Is this an Auto Connect configuration?
     * @return True if this is an Auto Connect configuration (connects automatically at boot time).
    bool isAutoConnect() { return _autoConnect; }

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     * Is this a High Latency configuration?
     * @return True if this is an High Latency configuration (link with large delays).
    bool isHighLatency() { return _highLatency; }

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     * Set if this is this a dynamic configuration. (decided at runtime)
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    void setDynamic(bool dynamic = true) { _dynamic = dynamic; emit dynamicChanged(); }

     * Set if this is this an Auto Connect configuration.
    void setAutoConnect(bool autoc = true) { _autoConnect = autoc; emit autoConnectChanged(); }
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     * Set if this is this an High Latency configuration.
    void setHighLatency(bool hl = false) { _highLatency = hl; emit highLatencyChanged(); }

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    /// Virtual Methods

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     * Is Auto Connect allowed for this type?
     * @return True if this type can be set as an Auto Connect configuration
    virtual bool isAutoConnectAllowed() { return false; }

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     * Is High Latency allowed for this type?
     * @return True if this type can be set as an High Latency configuration
    virtual bool isHighLatencyAllowed() { return false; }

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     * @brief Connection type
     * Pure virtual method returning one of the -TypeXxx types above.
     * @return The type of links these settings belong to.
    virtual LinkType type() = 0;
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     * @brief Load settings
     * Pure virtual method telling the instance to load its configuration.
     * @param[in] settings The QSettings instance to use
     * @param[in] root The root path of the setting.
    virtual void loadSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& root) = 0;

     * @brief Save settings
     * Pure virtual method telling the instance to save its configuration.
     * @param[in] settings The QSettings instance to use
     * @param[in] root The root path of the setting.
    virtual void saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& root) = 0;

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     * @brief Settings URL
     * Pure virtual method providing the URL for the (QML) settings dialog
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    virtual QString settingsURL     () = 0;

     * @brief Settings Title
     * Pure virtual method providing the Title for the (QML) settings dialog
    virtual QString settingsTitle   () = 0;

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     * @brief Update settings
     * After editing the settings, use this method to tell the connected link (if any) to reload its configuration.
    virtual void updateSettings() {}

     * @brief Copy instance data
     * When manipulating data, you create a copy of the configuration using the copy constructor,
     * edit it and then transfer its content to the original using this method.
     * @param[in] source The source instance (the edited copy)
    virtual void copyFrom(LinkConfiguration* source);

    /// Helper static methods

     * @brief Root path for QSettings
     * @return The root path of the settings.
    static const QString settingsRoot();

     * @brief Create new link configuration instance
     * Configuration Factory. Creates an appropriate configuration instance based on the given type.
     * @return A new instance of the given type
    static LinkConfiguration* createSettings(int type, const QString& name);

     * @brief Duplicate configuration instance
     * Helper method to create a new instance copy for editing.
     * @return A new copy of the given settings instance
    static LinkConfiguration* duplicateSettings(LinkConfiguration *source);

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    void nameChanged        (const QString& name);
    void dynamicChanged     ();
    void autoConnectChanged ();
    void linkChanged        (LinkInterface* link);
    void highLatencyChanged ();
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    LinkInterface* _link; ///< Link currently using this configuration (if any)
    QString _name;
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    bool    _dynamic;       ///< A connection added automatically and not persistent (unless it's edited).
    bool    _autoConnect;   ///< This connection is started automatically at boot
    bool    _highLatency;
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typedef QSharedPointer<LinkConfiguration> SharedLinkConfigurationPointer;