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void Vehicle::guidedModeLand(void)
    if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
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void Vehicle::guidedModeTakeoff(double altitudeRelative)
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    if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
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    _firmwarePlugin->guidedModeTakeoff(this, altitudeRelative);
double Vehicle::minimumTakeoffAltitude(void)
    return _firmwarePlugin->minimumTakeoffAltitude(this);

void Vehicle::startMission(void)
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void Vehicle::guidedModeGotoLocation(const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord)
    if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
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    if (!coordinate().isValid()) {
    double maxDistance = 1000.0;
    if (coordinate().distanceTo(gotoCoord) > maxDistance) {
        qgcApp()->showMessage(QString("New location is too far. Must be less than %1 %2").arg(qRound(FactMetaData::metersToAppSettingsDistanceUnits(maxDistance).toDouble())).arg(FactMetaData::appSettingsDistanceUnitsString()));
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    _firmwarePlugin->guidedModeGotoLocation(this, gotoCoord);

void Vehicle::guidedModeChangeAltitude(double altitudeChange)
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    if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
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    _firmwarePlugin->guidedModeChangeAltitude(this, altitudeChange);
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void Vehicle::guidedModeOrbit(const QGeoCoordinate& centerCoord, double radius, double amslAltitude)
    if (!orbitModeSupported()) {
        qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Orbit mode not supported by Vehicle."));
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    if (capabilityBits() & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_COMMAND_INT) {
                          true,            // show error if fails
                          qQNaN(),         // Use default velocity
                          0,               // Vehicle points to center
                          qQNaN(),         // reserved
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                          centerCoord.latitude(), centerCoord.longitude(), amslAltitude);
    } else {
                       true,            // show error if fails
                       qQNaN(),         // Use default velocity
                       0,               // Vehicle points to center
                       qQNaN(),         // reserved
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                       centerCoord.latitude(), centerCoord.longitude(), amslAltitude);
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void Vehicle::pauseVehicle(void)
    if (!pauseVehicleSupported()) {
        qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Pause not supported by vehicle."));

void Vehicle::abortLanding(double climbOutAltitude)
                   true,        // show error if fails
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bool Vehicle::guidedMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->isGuidedMode(this);

void Vehicle::setGuidedMode(bool guidedMode)
    return _firmwarePlugin->setGuidedMode(this, guidedMode);

void Vehicle::emergencyStop(void)
                   true,        // show error if fails
                   21196.0f);  // Magic number for emergency stop
void Vehicle::setCurrentMissionSequence(int seq)
    if (!_firmwarePlugin->sendHomePositionToVehicle()) {
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    sendMessageOnLink(priorityLink(), msg);
void Vehicle::sendMavCommand(int component, MAV_CMD command, bool showError, float param1, float param2, float param3, float param4, float param5, float param6, float param7)
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    MavCommandQueueEntry_t entry;

    entry.commandInt = false;
    entry.component = component;
    entry.command = command;
    entry.showError = showError;
    entry.rgParam[0] = param1;
    entry.rgParam[1] = param2;
    entry.rgParam[2] = param3;
    entry.rgParam[3] = param4;
    entry.rgParam[4] = param5;
    entry.rgParam[5] = param6;
    entry.rgParam[6] = param7;


    if (_mavCommandQueue.count() == 1) {
        _mavCommandRetryCount = 0;

void Vehicle::sendMavCommandInt(int component, MAV_CMD command, MAV_FRAME frame, bool showError, float param1, float param2, float param3, float param4, double param5, double param6, float param7)
    MavCommandQueueEntry_t entry;

    entry.commandInt = true;
    entry.component = component;
    entry.command = command;
    entry.frame = frame;
    entry.showError = showError;
    entry.rgParam[0] = param1;
    entry.rgParam[1] = param2;
    entry.rgParam[2] = param3;
    entry.rgParam[3] = param4;
    entry.rgParam[4] = param5;
    entry.rgParam[5] = param6;
    entry.rgParam[6] = param7;


    if (_mavCommandQueue.count() == 1) {
        _mavCommandRetryCount = 0;

void Vehicle::_sendMavCommandAgain(void)
    if(!_mavCommandQueue.size()) {
        qWarning() << "Command resend with no commands in queue";

    MavCommandQueueEntry_t& queuedCommand = _mavCommandQueue[0];

    if (_mavCommandRetryCount++ > _mavCommandMaxRetryCount) {
        if (queuedCommand.command == MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES) {
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            qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Vehicle failed to responded to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES.";
        if (queuedCommand.command == MAV_CMD_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
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            qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Vehicle failed to responded to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION.";
        emit mavCommandResult(_id, queuedCommand.component, queuedCommand.command, MAV_RESULT_FAILED, true /* noResponsefromVehicle */);
        if (queuedCommand.showError) {
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("Vehicle did not respond to command: %1").arg(_toolbox->missionCommandTree()->friendlyName(queuedCommand.command)));

    if (_mavCommandRetryCount > 1) {
        // We always let AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES go through multiple times even if we don't get acks. This is because
        // we really need to get capabilities and version info back over a lossy link.
        if (queuedCommand.command != MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES) {
            if (px4Firmware()) {
                // Older PX4 firmwares are inconsistent with repect to sending back an Ack from a COMMAND_LONG, hence we can't support retry logic for it.
                if (_firmwareMajorVersion != versionNotSetValue) {
                    // If no version set assume lastest master dev build, so acks are suppored
                    if (_firmwareMajorVersion <= 1 && _firmwareMinorVersion <= 5 && _firmwarePatchVersion <= 3) {
                        // Acks not supported in this version
            } else {
                if (queuedCommand.command == MAV_CMD_START_RX_PAIR) {
                    // The implementation of this command comes from the IO layer and is shared across stacks. So for other firmwares
                    // we aren't really sure whether they are correct or not.
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        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Vehicle::_sendMavCommandAgain retrying command:_mavCommandRetryCount" << queuedCommand.command << _mavCommandRetryCount;

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    mavlink_message_t       msg;
    if (queuedCommand.commandInt) {
        mavlink_command_int_t  cmd;

        memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
        cmd.target_system =     _id;
        cmd.target_component =  queuedCommand.component;
        cmd.command =           queuedCommand.command;
        cmd.frame =             queuedCommand.frame;
        cmd.param1 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[0];
        cmd.param2 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[1];
        cmd.param3 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[2];
        cmd.param4 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[3];
        cmd.x =                 queuedCommand.rgParam[4] * qPow(10.0, 7.0);
        cmd.y =                 queuedCommand.rgParam[5] * qPow(10.0, 7.0);
        cmd.z =                 queuedCommand.rgParam[6];
    } else {
        mavlink_command_long_t  cmd;

        memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
        cmd.target_system =     _id;
        cmd.target_component =  queuedCommand.component;
        cmd.command =           queuedCommand.command;
        cmd.confirmation =      0;
        cmd.param1 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[0];
        cmd.param2 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[1];
        cmd.param3 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[2];
        cmd.param4 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[3];
        cmd.param5 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[4];
        cmd.param6 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[5];
        cmd.param7 =            queuedCommand.rgParam[6];
    sendMessageOnLink(priorityLink(), msg);
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void Vehicle::_sendNextQueuedMavCommand(void)
    if (_mavCommandQueue.count()) {
        _mavCommandRetryCount = 0;

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void Vehicle::_handleUnsupportedRequestProtocolVersion(void)
    // We end up here if either the vehicle does not support the MAV_CMD_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION command or if
    // we never received an Ack back for the command.

    // If the link isn't already running Mavlink V2 fall back to the capability bits to determine whether to use Mavlink V2 or not.
    if (_maxProtoVersion == 0) {
        if (capabilitiesKnown()) {
            unsigned vehicleMaxProtoVersion = capabilityBits() & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MAVLINK2 ? 200 : 100;
            qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QStringLiteral("Setting _maxProtoVersion to %1 based on capabilitity bits since not yet set.").arg(vehicleMaxProtoVersion);
        } else {
            qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Waiting for capabilities to be known to set _maxProtoVersion";
    } else {
        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Leaving _maxProtoVersion at current value" << _maxProtoVersion;
    _mavlinkProtocolRequestComplete = true;

    // Determining protocol version is one of the triggers to possibly start downloading the plan

void Vehicle::_protocolVersionTimeOut(void)
    // The PROTOCOL_VERSION message didn't make it through the pipe from Vehicle->QGC.
    // This means although the vehicle may support mavlink 1, the pipe does not.
    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QStringLiteral("Setting _maxProtoVersion to 100 due to timeout on receiving PROTOCOL_VERSION message.");
    _mavlinkProtocolRequestComplete = true;

void Vehicle::_handleUnsupportedRequestAutopilotCapabilities(void)
    // We end up here if either the vehicle does not support the MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES command or if
    // we never received an Ack back for the command.


    // Determining vehicle capabilities is one of the triggers to possibly start downloading the plan
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void Vehicle::_handleCommandAck(mavlink_message_t& message)
    bool showError = false;

    mavlink_command_ack_t ack;
    mavlink_msg_command_ack_decode(&message, &ack);

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        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QStringLiteral("Vehicle responded to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES with error(%1). Setting no capabilities.").arg(ack.result);
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    if (ack.command == MAV_CMD_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
        if (ack.result == MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED) {
            // The vehicle should be sending a PROTOCOL_VERSION message in a mavlink 2 packet. This may or may not make it through the pipe.
            // So we wait for it to come and timeout if it doesn't.
            if (!_mavlinkProtocolRequestComplete) {
                QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, &Vehicle::_protocolVersionTimeOut);
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        } else {
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            qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QStringLiteral("Vehicle responded to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION with error(%1).").arg(ack.result);
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    if (ack.command == MAV_CMD_FLASH_BOOTLOADER && ack.result == MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED) {
        qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("Bootloader flash succeeded"));
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    if (_mavCommandQueue.count() && ack.command == _mavCommandQueue[0].command) {
        showError = _mavCommandQueue[0].showError;

    emit mavCommandResult(_id, message.compid, ack.command, ack.result, false /* noResponsefromVehicle */);

    if (showError) {
        QString commandName = _toolbox->missionCommandTree()->friendlyName((MAV_CMD)ack.command);

        switch (ack.result) {
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("%1 command temporarily rejected").arg(commandName));
        case MAV_RESULT_DENIED:
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("%1 command denied").arg(commandName));
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("%1 command not supported").arg(commandName));
        case MAV_RESULT_FAILED:
            qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("%1 command failed").arg(commandName));
            // Do nothing


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void Vehicle::setPrearmError(const QString& prearmError)
    _prearmError = prearmError;
    emit prearmErrorChanged(_prearmError);
    if (!_prearmError.isEmpty()) {

void Vehicle::_prearmErrorTimeout(void)
void Vehicle::setFirmwareVersion(int majorVersion, int minorVersion, int patchVersion, FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE versionType)
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    _firmwareMajorVersion = majorVersion;
    _firmwareMinorVersion = minorVersion;
    _firmwarePatchVersion = patchVersion;
    _firmwareVersionType = versionType;
    emit firmwareVersionChanged();

void Vehicle::setFirmwareCustomVersion(int majorVersion, int minorVersion, int patchVersion)
    _firmwareCustomMajorVersion = majorVersion;
    _firmwareCustomMinorVersion = minorVersion;
    _firmwareCustomPatchVersion = patchVersion;
    emit firmwareCustomVersionChanged();

QString Vehicle::firmwareVersionTypeString(void) const
    switch (_firmwareVersionType) {
        return QStringLiteral("dev");
        return QStringLiteral("alpha");
        return QStringLiteral("beta");
        return QStringLiteral("rc");
        return QStringLiteral("");
void Vehicle::rebootVehicle()
    _autoDisconnect = true;
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    mavlink_message_t       msg;
    mavlink_command_long_t  cmd;

    memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
    cmd.target_system =     _id;
    cmd.target_component =  _defaultComponentId;
    cmd.command =           MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN;
    cmd.confirmation =      0;
    cmd.param1 =            1;
    cmd.param2 = cmd.param3 = cmd.param4 = cmd.param5 = cmd.param6 = cmd.param7 = 0;
    sendMessageOnLink(priorityLink(), msg);
void Vehicle::setSoloFirmware(bool soloFirmware)
    if (soloFirmware != _soloFirmware) {
        _soloFirmware = soloFirmware;
        emit soloFirmwareChanged(soloFirmware);

void Vehicle::motorTest(int motor, int percent)
    sendMavCommand(_defaultComponentId, MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST, true, motor, MOTOR_TEST_THROTTLE_PERCENT, percent, 0, 0, MOTOR_TEST_ORDER_BOARD);
QString Vehicle::brandImageIndoor(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->brandImageIndoor(this);

QString Vehicle::brandImageOutdoor(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->brandImageOutdoor(this);
QStringList Vehicle::unhealthySensors(void) const
    QStringList sensorList;

    struct sensorInfo_s {
        uint32_t    bit;
        const char* sensorName;

    static const sensorInfo_s rgSensorInfo[] = {
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO,                "Gyro" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_ACCEL,               "Accelerometer" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_MAG,                 "Magnetometer" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ABSOLUTE_PRESSURE,      "Absolute pressure" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_DIFFERENTIAL_PRESSURE,  "Differential pressure" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_GPS,                    "GPS" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_OPTICAL_FLOW,           "Optical flow" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_VISION_POSITION,        "Computer vision position" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION,         "Laser based position" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_EXTERNAL_GROUND_TRUTH,  "External ground truth" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ANGULAR_RATE_CONTROL,   "Angular rate control" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ATTITUDE_STABILIZATION, "Attitude stabilization" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_YAW_POSITION,           "Yaw position" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL,     "Z/altitude control" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL,    "X/Y position control" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_MOTOR_OUTPUTS,          "Motor outputs / control" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_RC_RECEIVER,            "RC receiver" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO2,               "Gyro 2" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_ACCEL2,              "Accelerometer 2" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_MAG2,                "Magnetometer 2" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE,                      "GeoFence" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_AHRS,                          "AHRS" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_TERRAIN,                       "Terrain" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_REVERSE_MOTOR,                 "Motors reversed" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_LOGGING,                       "Logging" },
        { MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_BATTERY,                "Battery" },

    for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(rgSensorInfo)/sizeof(sensorInfo_s); i++) {
        const sensorInfo_s* pSensorInfo = &rgSensorInfo[i];
        if ((_onboardControlSensorsEnabled & pSensorInfo->bit) && !(_onboardControlSensorsHealth & pSensorInfo->bit)) {
            sensorList << pSensorInfo->sensorName;

    return sensorList;

void Vehicle::setOfflineEditingDefaultComponentId(int defaultComponentId)
    if (_offlineEditingVehicle) {
        _defaultComponentId = defaultComponentId;
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Call to Vehicle::setOfflineEditingDefaultComponentId on vehicle which is not offline";
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void Vehicle::triggerCamera(void)
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                   true,                            // show errors
                   0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,              // param 1-4 unused
                   1.0,                             // trigger camera
                   0.0,                             // param 6 unused
                   1.0);                            // test shot flag
void Vehicle::setVtolInFwdFlight(bool vtolInFwdFlight)
    if (_vtolInFwdFlight != vtolInFwdFlight) {
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                       true,                                                    // show errors
                       vtolInFwdFlight ? MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW : MAV_VTOL_STATE_MC, // transition state
                       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);                                       // param 2-7 unused
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_latFactName =                 "lat";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_lonFactName =                 "lon";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_hdopFactName =                "hdop";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_vdopFactName =                "vdop";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_courseOverGroundFactName =    "courseOverGround";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_countFactName =               "count";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_lockFactName =                "lock";
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VehicleGPSFactGroup::VehicleGPSFactGroup(QObject* parent)
    : FactGroup(1000, ":/json/Vehicle/GPSFact.json", parent)
    , _latFact              (0, _latFactName,               FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble)
    , _lonFact              (0, _lonFactName,               FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble)
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    , _hdopFact             (0, _hdopFactName,              FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble)
    , _vdopFact             (0, _vdopFactName,              FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble)
    , _courseOverGroundFact (0, _courseOverGroundFactName,  FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble)
    , _countFact            (0, _countFactName,             FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32)
    , _lockFact             (0, _lockFactName,              FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32)
    _addFact(&_latFact,                 _latFactName);
    _addFact(&_lonFact,                 _lonFactName);
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    _addFact(&_hdopFact,                _hdopFactName);
    _addFact(&_vdopFact,                _vdopFactName);
    _addFact(&_courseOverGroundFact,    _courseOverGroundFactName);
    _addFact(&_lockFact,                _lockFactName);
    _addFact(&_countFact,               _countFactName);
void Vehicle::startMavlinkLog()
    sendMavCommand(_defaultComponentId, MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START, false /* showError */);
void Vehicle::stopMavlinkLog()
    sendMavCommand(_defaultComponentId, MAV_CMD_LOGGING_STOP, false /* showError */);
void Vehicle::_ackMavlinkLogData(uint16_t sequence)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_logging_ack_t ack;
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    memset(&ack, 0, sizeof(ack));
    ack.target_component = _defaultComponentId;
    ack.target_system = id();
    sendMessageOnLink(priorityLink(), msg);

void Vehicle::_handleMavlinkLoggingData(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_logging_data_t log;
    mavlink_msg_logging_data_decode(&message, &log);
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    emit mavlinkLogData(this, log.target_system, log.target_component, log.sequence,
                        log.first_message_offset, QByteArray((const char*), log.length), false);
void Vehicle::_handleMavlinkLoggingDataAcked(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_logging_data_acked_t log;
    mavlink_msg_logging_data_acked_decode(&message, &log);
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    emit mavlinkLogData(this, log.target_system, log.target_component, log.sequence,
                        log.first_message_offset, QByteArray((const char*), log.length), true);
void Vehicle::setFirmwarePluginInstanceData(QObject* firmwarePluginInstanceData)
    _firmwarePluginInstanceData = firmwarePluginInstanceData;

QString Vehicle::missionFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->missionFlightMode();

QString Vehicle::pauseFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->pauseFlightMode();

QString Vehicle::rtlFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->rtlFlightMode();

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QString Vehicle::smartRTLFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->smartRTLFlightMode();

bool Vehicle::supportsSmartRTL(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->supportsSmartRTL();

QString Vehicle::landFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->landFlightMode();

QString Vehicle::takeControlFlightMode(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->takeControlFlightMode();

QString Vehicle::vehicleImageOpaque() const
        return _firmwarePlugin->vehicleImageOpaque(this);
        return QString();

QString Vehicle::vehicleImageOutline() const
        return _firmwarePlugin->vehicleImageOutline(this);
        return QString();

QString Vehicle::vehicleImageCompass() const
        return _firmwarePlugin->vehicleImageCompass(this);
        return QString();

const QVariantList& Vehicle::toolBarIndicators()
    if(_firmwarePlugin) {
        return _firmwarePlugin->toolBarIndicators(this);
    static QVariantList emptyList;
    return emptyList;

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const QVariantList& Vehicle::staticCameraList(void) const
    if (_firmwarePlugin) {
        return _firmwarePlugin->cameraList(this);
    static QVariantList emptyList;
    return emptyList;

bool Vehicle::vehicleYawsToNextWaypointInMission(void) const
    return _firmwarePlugin->vehicleYawsToNextWaypointInMission(this);
void Vehicle::_setupAutoDisarmSignalling(void)
    QString param = _firmwarePlugin->autoDisarmParameter(this);

    if (!param.isEmpty() && _parameterManager->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, param)) {
        Fact* fact = _parameterManager->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId,param);
        connect(fact, &Fact::rawValueChanged, this, &Vehicle::autoDisarmChanged);
        emit autoDisarmChanged();

bool Vehicle::autoDisarm(void)
    QString param = _firmwarePlugin->autoDisarmParameter(this);

    if (!param.isEmpty() && _parameterManager->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, param)) {
        Fact* fact = _parameterManager->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId,param);
        return fact->rawValue().toDouble() > 0;

    return false;

void Vehicle::_handleADSBVehicle(const mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t adsbVehicle;
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    static const int maxTimeSinceLastSeen = 15;

    mavlink_msg_adsb_vehicle_decode(&message, &adsbVehicle);
    if (adsbVehicle.flags | ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS) {
        if (_adsbICAOMap.contains(adsbVehicle.ICAO_address)) {
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            if (adsbVehicle.tslc > maxTimeSinceLastSeen) {
                ADSBVehicle* vehicle = _adsbICAOMap[adsbVehicle.ICAO_address];
            } else {
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        } else if (adsbVehicle.tslc <= maxTimeSinceLastSeen) {
            ADSBVehicle* vehicle = new ADSBVehicle(adsbVehicle, this);
            _adsbICAOMap[adsbVehicle.ICAO_address] = vehicle;

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void Vehicle::_updateDistanceHeadingToHome(void)
    if (coordinate().isValid() && homePosition().isValid()) {
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        if (_distanceToHomeFact.rawValue().toDouble() > 1.0) {
        } else {
    } else {
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void Vehicle::_updateDistanceToGCS(void)
    QGeoCoordinate gcsPosition = _toolbox->qgcPositionManager()->gcsPosition();
    if (coordinate().isValid() && gcsPosition.isValid()) {
    } else {

void Vehicle::_updateHobbsMeter(void)

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void Vehicle::forceInitialPlanRequestComplete(void)
    _initialPlanRequestComplete = true;
    emit initialPlanRequestCompleteChanged(true);

void Vehicle::sendPlan(QString planFile)
    PlanMasterController::sendPlanToVehicle(this, planFile);

QString Vehicle::hobbsMeter()
    static const char* HOOBS_HI = "LND_FLIGHT_T_HI";
    static const char* HOOBS_LO = "LND_FLIGHT_T_LO";
    //-- TODO: Does this exist on non PX4?
    if (_parameterManager->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, HOOBS_HI) &&
            _parameterManager->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, HOOBS_LO)) {
        Fact* factHi = _parameterManager->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, HOOBS_HI);
        Fact* factLo = _parameterManager->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, HOOBS_LO);
        uint64_t hobbsTimeSeconds = ((uint64_t)factHi->rawValue().toUInt() << 32 | (uint64_t)factLo->rawValue().toUInt()) / 1000000;
        int hours   = hobbsTimeSeconds / 3600;
        int minutes = (hobbsTimeSeconds % 3600) / 60;
        int seconds = hobbsTimeSeconds % 60;
        QString timeStr;
        timeStr.sprintf("%04d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "Hobbs Meter:" << timeStr << "(" << factHi->rawValue().toUInt() << factLo->rawValue().toUInt() << ")";
        return timeStr;
    return QString("0000:00:00");
void Vehicle::_vehicleParamLoaded(bool ready)
    //-- TODO: This seems silly but can you think of a better
    //   way to update this?
    if(ready) {
        emit hobbsMeterChanged();

void Vehicle::_updateHighLatencyLink(bool sendCommand)
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    if (_priorityLink->highLatency() != _highLatencyLink) {
        _highLatencyLink = _priorityLink->highLatency();
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        _mavCommandAckTimer.setInterval(_highLatencyLink ? _mavCommandAckTimeoutMSecsHighLatency : _mavCommandAckTimeoutMSecs);
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        emit highLatencyLinkChanged(_highLatencyLink);
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                           _highLatencyLink ? 1.0f : 0.0f); // request start/stop transmitting over high latency telemetry
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void Vehicle::_trafficUpdate(bool alert, QString traffic_id, QString vehicle_id, QGeoCoordinate location, float heading)
    // qDebug() << "traffic update:" << traffic_id << vehicle_id << heading << location;
    // TODO: filter based on minimum altitude?
    if (_trafficVehicleMap.contains(traffic_id)) {
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        _trafficVehicleMap[traffic_id]->update(alert, location, heading);
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        ADSBVehicle* vehicle = new ADSBVehicle(location, heading, alert, this);
        _trafficVehicleMap[traffic_id] = vehicle;

void Vehicle::_adsbTimerTimeout()
    // TODO: take into account _adsbICAOMap as well? Needs to be tested, especially the timeout

    for (auto it = _trafficVehicleMap.begin(); it != _trafficVehicleMap.end();) {
        if (it.value()->expired()) {
            delete it.value();
            it = _trafficVehicleMap.erase(it);
        } else {
void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageStatus(int uasId, uint64_t totalSent, uint64_t totalReceived, uint64_t totalLoss, float lossPercent)
    if(uasId == _id) {
        _mavlinkSentCount       = totalSent;
        _mavlinkReceivedCount   = totalReceived;
        _mavlinkLossCount       = totalLoss;
        _mavlinkLossPercent     = lossPercent;
        emit mavlinkStatusChanged();

int  Vehicle::versionCompare(QString& compare)
    return _firmwarePlugin->versionCompare(this, compare);

int  Vehicle::versionCompare(int major, int minor, int patch)
    return _firmwarePlugin->versionCompare(this, major, minor, patch);

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void Vehicle::_handleMessageInterval(const mavlink_message_t& message)
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    if (_pidTuningWaitingForRates) {
        mavlink_message_interval_t messageInterval;

        mavlink_msg_message_interval_decode(&message, &messageInterval);

        int msgId = messageInterval.message_id;
        if (_pidTuningMessages.contains(msgId)) {
            _pidTuningMessageRatesUsecs[msgId] = messageInterval.interval_us;
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        if (_pidTuningMessageRatesUsecs.count() == _pidTuningMessages.count()) {
            // We have back all the rates we requested
            _pidTuningWaitingForRates = false;

void Vehicle::setPIDTuningTelemetryMode(bool pidTuning)
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    if (pidTuning) {
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        if (!_pidTuningTelemetryMode) {
            // First step is to get the current message rates before we adjust them
            _pidTuningTelemetryMode = true;
            _pidTuningWaitingForRates = true;
            for (int telemetry: _pidTuningMessages) {
                               true,                        // show error
    } else {
        if (_pidTuningTelemetryMode) {
            _pidTuningTelemetryMode = false;
            if (_pidTuningWaitingForRates) {
                // We never finished waiting for previous rates
                _pidTuningWaitingForRates = false;
            } else {

void Vehicle::_pidTuningAdjustRates(bool setRatesForTuning)
    int requestedRate = (int)(1000000.0 / 30.0); // 30 Hz in usecs

    for (int telemetry: _pidTuningMessages) {

        if (requestedRate < _pidTuningMessageRatesUsecs[telemetry]) {
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                           true,                        // show error
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                           setRatesForTuning ? requestedRate : _pidTuningMessageRatesUsecs[telemetry]);
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void Vehicle::flashBootloader(void)