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//    sendMessage(msg);
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    qDebug() << "UAS Request WPs";
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void UAS::setWaypoint(Waypoint* wp)
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//    mavlink_message_t msg;
//    mavlink_waypoint_set_t set;
// = wp->id;
//    //QString name = wp->name;
//    // FIXME Check if this works properly
//    //strcpy((char*), name.toStdString().c_str());
//    set.autocontinue = wp->autocontinue;
//    set.target_component = 25; // FIXME
//    set.target_system = uasId;
// = wp->current;
//    set.x = wp->x;
//    set.y = wp->y;
//    set.z = wp->z;
//    set.yaw = wp->yaw;
//    mavlink_msg_waypoint_set_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &set);
//    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
//    sendMessage(msg);
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void UAS::setWaypointActive(int id)
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//    mavlink_message_t msg;
//    mavlink_waypoint_set_active_t active;
// = id;
//    active.target_system = uasId;
//    active.target_component = 25; // FIXME
//    mavlink_msg_waypoint_set_active_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &active);
//    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
//    sendMessage(msg);
//    sendMessage(msg);
//    // TODO This should be not directly emitted, but rather being fed back from the UAS
//    emit waypointSelected(getUASID(), id);

void UAS::clearWaypointList()
//    mavlink_message_t msg;
//    // FIXME
//    mavlink_waypoint_clear_list_t clist;
//    clist.target_system = uasId;
//    clist.target_component = 25;  // FIXME
//    mavlink_msg_waypoint_clear_list_encode(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, &clist);
//    sendMessage(msg);
//    qDebug() << "UAS clears Waypoints!";
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void UAS::halt()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
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    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, (int)MAV_ACTION_HALT);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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void UAS::go()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
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    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU,  (int)MAV_ACTION_CONTINUE);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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/** Order the robot to return home / to land on the runway **/
void UAS::home()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
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    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU,  (int)MAV_ACTION_RETURN);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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 * The MAV starts the emergency landing procedure. The behaviour depends on the onboard implementation
 * and might differ between systems.
void UAS::emergencySTOP()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
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    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, (int)MAV_ACTION_EMCY_LAND);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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 * All systems are immediately shut down (e.g. the main power line is cut).
 * @warning This might lead to a crash
 * The command will not be executed until emergencyKILLConfirm is issues immediately afterwards
bool UAS::emergencyKILL()
    bool result = false;
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to cut power on all systems?");
    msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    int ret = msgBox.exec();

    // Close the message box shortly after the click to prevent accidental clicks
    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &msgBox, SLOT(reject()));

        mavlink_message_t msg;
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        // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
        mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, (int)MAV_ACTION_EMCY_KILL);
        // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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        result = true;
    return result;

void UAS::startHil()
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    mavlink_message_t msg;
    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU,(int)MAV_ACTION_START_HILSIM);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
void UAS::stopHil()
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    mavlink_message_t msg;
    // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU,(int)MAV_ACTION_STOP_HILSIM);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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void UAS::shutdown()
    bool result = false;
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setText("Shutting down the UAS");
    msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to shut down the onboard computer?");
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    msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    int ret = msgBox.exec();

    // Close the message box shortly after the click to prevent accidental clicks
    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &msgBox, SLOT(reject()));

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        // If the active UAS is set, execute command
        mavlink_message_t msg;
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        // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
        mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU,(int)MAV_ACTION_SHUTDOWN);
        // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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        result = true;

void UAS::setTargetPosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_position_target_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, x, y, z, yaw);

    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
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 * @return The name of this system as string in human-readable form
QString UAS::getUASName(void) const
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    QString result;
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        result = tr("MAV ") + result.sprintf("%03d", getUASID());
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        result = name;
    return result;

const QString& UAS::getShortState() const
    return shortStateText;

const QString& UAS::getShortMode() const
    return shortModeText;

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void UAS::addLink(LinkInterface* link)
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        connect(link, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(removeLink(QObject*)));
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void UAS::removeLink(QObject* object)
    LinkInterface* link = dynamic_cast<LinkInterface*>(object);

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 * @brief Get the links associated with this robot
QList<LinkInterface*>* UAS::getLinks()
    return links;

void UAS::setBattery(BatteryType type, int cells)
    this->batteryType = type;
    this->cells = cells;
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    case NICD:
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    case NIMH:
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    case LIION:
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    case LIPOLY:
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        fullVoltage = this->cells * UAS::lipoFull;
        emptyVoltage = this->cells * UAS::lipoEmpty;
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    case LIFE:
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    case AGZN:
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void UAS::setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs)
    if (specs.length() == 0 || specs.contains("%"))
        batteryRemainingEstimateEnabled = false;
        QString percent = specs;
        percent = percent.remove("%");
        float temp = percent.toFloat(&ok);
            warnLevelPercent = temp;
            emit textMessageReceived(0, 0, 0, "Could not set battery options, format is wrong");
        batteryRemainingEstimateEnabled = true;
        QString stringList = specs;
        stringList = stringList.remove("V");
        stringList = stringList.remove("v");
        QStringList parts = stringList.split(",");
            float temp;
            bool ok;
            // Get the empty voltage
            temp =;
            if (ok) emptyVoltage = temp;
            // Get the warning voltage
            temp =;
            if (ok) warnVoltage = temp;
            // Get the full voltage
            temp =;
            if (ok) fullVoltage = temp;
            emit textMessageReceived(0, 0, 0, "Could not set battery options, format is wrong");
        return QString("%1V,%2V,%3V").arg(emptyVoltage).arg(warnVoltage).arg(fullVoltage);
        return QString("%1%").arg(warnLevelPercent);
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int UAS::calculateTimeRemaining()
    quint64 dt = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - startTime;
    double seconds = dt / 1000.0f;
    double voltDifference = startVoltage - currentVoltage;
    if (voltDifference <= 0) voltDifference = 0.00000000001f;
    double dischargePerSecond = voltDifference / seconds;
    int remaining = static_cast<int>((currentVoltage - emptyVoltage) / dischargePerSecond);
    // Can never be below 0
    if (remaining < 0) remaining = 0;
    return remaining;

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 * @return charge level in percent - 0 - 100
float UAS::getChargeLevel()
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    if (batteryRemainingEstimateEnabled)
        if (lpVoltage < emptyVoltage)
            chargeLevel = 0.0f;
            chargeLevel = 100.0f;
            chargeLevel = 100.0f * ((lpVoltage - emptyVoltage)/(fullVoltage - emptyVoltage));
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void UAS::startLowBattAlarm()
        GAudioOutput::instance()->alert(tr("SYSTEM %1 HAS LOW BATTERY").arg(getUASName()));
        QTimer::singleShot(2000, GAudioOutput::instance(), SLOT(startEmergency()));
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        lowBattAlarm = true;

void UAS::stopLowBattAlarm()
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        lowBattAlarm = false;