Commit fe5ec399 authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk
Browse files

Added angle conversion testing, added battery settings option, added option to...

Added angle conversion testing, added battery settings option, added option to set MAVLink ID of groundstation
parent eb2a01d9
......@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ UASUnitTest::UASUnitTest()
void UASUnitTest::initTestCase()
mav= new MAVLinkProtocol();
uas=new UAS(mav,UASID);
mav= new MAVLinkProtocol();
link = new SerialLink();
uas=new UAS(mav,UASID);
void UASUnitTest::cleanupTestCase()
delete uas;
delete mav;
delete uas;
delete mav;
......@@ -34,123 +35,244 @@ void UASUnitTest::getUASID_test()
void UASUnitTest::getUASName_test()
// Test that the name is build as MAV + ID
QCOMPARE(uas->getUASName(), "MAV 0" + QString::number(UASID));
// Test that the name is build as MAV + ID
QCOMPARE(uas->getUASName(), "MAV 0" + QString::number(UASID));
void UASUnitTest::getUpTime_test()
UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
// Test that the uptime starts at zero to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 0.0);
UAS* uas2 = new UAS(mav);
// Test that the uptime starts at zero to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 0.0);
// Sleep for three seconds
// Sleep for three seconds
// Test that the up time is computed correctly to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 3.0);
// Test that the up time is computed correctly to a
// precision of seconds
QCOMPARE(floor(uas2->getUptime()/1000.0), 3.0);
delete uas2;
delete uas2;
void UASUnitTest::getCommunicationStatus_test()
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(uas->getCommunicationStatus(), static_cast<int>(UASInterface::COMM_DISCONNECTED));
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(uas->getCommunicationStatus(), static_cast<int>(UASInterface::COMM_DISCONNECTED));
void UASUnitTest::filterVoltage_test()
float verificar=uas->filterVoltage(0.4f);
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(verificar, 8.52f);
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(verificar, 8.52f);
void UASUnitTest:: getAutopilotType_test()
int verificar=uas->getAutopilotType();
// Verify that upon construction the autopilot is set to -1
QCOMPARE(verificar, -1);
int type = uas->getAutopilotType();
// Verify that upon construction the autopilot is set to -1
QCOMPARE(type, -1);
void UASUnitTest::setAutopilotType_test()
// Verify that the autopilot is set
QCOMPARE(uas->getAutopilotType(), 2);
// Verify that the autopilot is set
QCOMPARE(uas->getAutopilotType(), 2);
void UASUnitTest::getStatusForCode_test()
QString state, desc;
state = "";
desc = "";
QString state, desc;
state = "";
desc = "";
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_UNINIT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNINIT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_BOOT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "BOOT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_BOOT, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "BOOT");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CALIBRATING, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CALIBRATING, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_ACTIVE, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "ACTIVE");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_ACTIVE, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "ACTIVE");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_STANDBY, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "STANDBY");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_STANDBY, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "STANDBY");
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CRITICAL, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_CRITICAL, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_EMERGENCY, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_EMERGENCY, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_POWEROFF, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(MAV_STATE_POWEROFF, state, desc);
uas->getStatusForCode(5325, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNKNOWN");
uas->getStatusForCode(5325, state, desc);
QVERIFY(state == "UNKNOWN");
void UASUnitTest::getLocalX_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalX(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalX(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLocalY_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalY(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalY(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLocalZ_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalZ(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getLocalZ(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLatitude_test()
{ QCOMPARE(uas->getLatitude(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getLongitude_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getLongitude(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getLongitude(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getAltitude_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getAltitude(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getAltitude(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getRoll_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getRoll(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getRoll(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getPitch_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getPitch(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getPitch(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::getYaw_test()
QCOMPARE(uas->getYaw(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getYaw(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsZero_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set zero values and encode them
att.roll = 0.0f;
att.pitch = 0.0f;
att.yaw = 0.0f;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QCOMPARE(uas->getRoll(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getPitch(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(uas->getYaw(), 0.0);
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsPi_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set PI values and encode them
att.roll = M_PI;
att.pitch = M_PI;
att.yaw = M_PI;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() < M_PI+0.000001) && (uas->getRoll() > M_PI+-0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() < M_PI+0.000001) && (uas->getPitch() > M_PI+-0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() < M_PI+0.000001) && (uas->getYaw() > M_PI+-0.000001));
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsMinusPi_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set -PI values and encode them
att.roll = -M_PI;
att.pitch = -M_PI;
att.yaw = -M_PI;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() > -M_PI-0.000001) && (uas->getRoll() < -M_PI+0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() > -M_PI-0.000001) && (uas->getPitch() < -M_PI+0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() > -M_PI-0.000001) && (uas->getYaw() < -M_PI+0.000001));
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsTwoPi_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set off-limit values and check
// correct wrapping
// Set 2PI values and encode them
att.roll = 2*M_PI;
att.pitch = 2*M_PI;
att.yaw = 2*M_PI;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() < 0.000001) && (uas->getRoll() > -0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() < 0.000001) && (uas->getPitch() > -0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() < 0.000001) && (uas->getYaw() > -0.000001));
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsMinusTwoPi_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set -2PI values and encode them
att.roll = -2*M_PI;
att.pitch = -2*M_PI;
att.yaw = -2*M_PI;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() < 0.000001) && (uas->getRoll() > -0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() < 0.000001) && (uas->getPitch() > -0.000001));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() < 0.000001) && (uas->getYaw() > -0.000001));
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsTwoPiOne_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set over 2 PI values and encode them
att.roll = 2*M_PI+1.0f;
att.pitch = 2*M_PI+1.0f;
att.yaw = 2*M_PI+1.0f;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() < 1.000001) && (uas->getRoll() > 0.999999));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() < 1.000001) && (uas->getPitch() > 0.999999));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() < 1.000001) && (uas->getYaw() > 0.999999));
void UASUnitTest::attitudeLimitsMinusTwoPiOne_test()
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_attitude_t att;
// Set 3PI values and encode them
att.roll = -2*M_PI-1.0f;
att.pitch = -2*M_PI-1.0f;
att.yaw = -2*M_PI-1.0f;
mavlink_msg_attitude_encode(uas->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, &msg, &att);
// Let UAS decode message
uas->receiveMessage(link, msg);
// Check result
QVERIFY((uas->getRoll() > -1.000001) && (uas->getRoll() < -0.999999));
QVERIFY((uas->getPitch() > -1.000001) && (uas->getPitch() < -0.999999));
QVERIFY((uas->getYaw() > -1.000001) && (uas->getYaw() < -0.999999));
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include "UAS.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "SerialLink.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "AutoTest.h"
......@@ -13,36 +14,44 @@ class UASUnitTest : public QObject
#define UASID 50
MAVLinkProtocol* mav;
UAS* uas;
#define UASID 50
MAVLinkProtocol* mav;
UAS* uas;
SerialLink* link;
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
void getUASID_test();
void getUASName_test();
void getUpTime_test();
void getCommunicationStatus_test();
void filterVoltage_test();
void getAutopilotType_test();
void setAutopilotType_test();
void getStatusForCode_test();
void getLocalX_test();
void getLocalY_test();
void getLocalZ_test();
void getLatitude_test();
void getLongitude_test();
void getAltitude_test();
void getRoll_test();
void getPitch_test();
void getYaw_test();
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
void getUASID_test();
void getUASName_test();
void getUpTime_test();
void getCommunicationStatus_test();
void filterVoltage_test();
void getAutopilotType_test();
void setAutopilotType_test();
void getStatusForCode_test();
void getLocalX_test();
void getLocalY_test();
void getLocalZ_test();
void getLatitude_test();
void getLongitude_test();
void getAltitude_test();
void getRoll_test();
void getPitch_test();
void getYaw_test();
void attitudeLimitsZero_test();
void attitudeLimitsPi_test();
void attitudeLimitsMinusPi_test();
void attitudeLimitsTwoPi_test();
void attitudeLimitsMinusTwoPi_test();
void attitudeLimitsTwoPiOne_test();
void attitudeLimitsMinusTwoPiOne_test();
UAS *prueba;
UAS *prueba;
# -------------------------------------------------
# QGroundControl - Micro Air Vehicle Groundstation
# Please see our website at <>
# Author:
# Lorenz Meier <>
# (c) 2009-2010 PIXHAWK Team
# This file is part of the mav groundstation project
# QGroundControl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# QGroundControl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with QGroundControl. If not, see <>.
# -------------------------------------------------
# Include QMapControl map library
# prefer version from external directory /
# from
# over bundled version in lib directory
# Version from GIT repository is preferred
# include ( "../qmapcontrol/QMapControl/QMapControl.pri" ) #{
# Include bundled version if necessary
CONFIG += designer plugin
TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET)
QTDIR_build:DESTDIR = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/plugins/designer
FORMS = src/ui/designer/QGCParamSlider.ui
HEADERS = src/ui/designer/QGCParamSlider.h \
SOURCES = src/ui/designer/ \
# install
target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/designer
sources.files = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS *.pro
sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/designer/worldtimeclockplugin
INSTALLS += target
symbian: include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/examples/symbianpkgrules.pri)
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "QGC.h"
#include <qmath.h>
#include <float.h>
namespace QGC {
......@@ -36,7 +37,22 @@ quint64 groundTimeUsecs()
return static_cast<quint64>(microseconds + (time.time().msec()*1000));
double limitAngleToPMPI(double angle)
float limitAngleToPMPIf(float angle)
while (angle > (M_PI+FLT_EPSILON))
angle -= 2 * M_PI;
while (angle <= -(M_PI+FLT_EPSILON))
angle += 2 * M_PI;
return angle;
double limitAngleToPMPId(double angle)
if (angle < -M_PI)
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
namespace QGC
const static int defaultSystemId = 255;
const static int defaultComponentId = 0;
const QColor colorCyan(55, 154, 195);
const QColor colorRed(154, 20, 20);
const QColor colorGreen(20, 200, 20);
......@@ -19,7 +22,9 @@ namespace QGC
/** @brief Get the current ground time in microseconds */
quint64 groundTimeUsecs();
/** @brief Returns the angle limited to -pi - pi */
double limitAngleToPMPI(double angle);
float limitAngleToPMPIf(float angle);
/** @brief Returns the angle limited to -pi - pi */
double limitAngleToPMPId(double angle);
int applicationVersion();
const static int MAX_FLIGHT_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 * 21;
......@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
#include <QTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include "MG.h"
//#include "MG.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
......@@ -40,11 +42,13 @@ MAVLinkProtocol::MAVLinkProtocol() :
m_logfile(new QFile(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/mavlink_packetlog.mavlink")),
// Start heartbeat timer, emitting a heartbeat at the configured rate
connect(heartbeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendHeartbeat()));
......@@ -63,8 +67,53 @@ MAVLinkProtocol::MAVLinkProtocol() :
emit versionCheckChanged(m_enable_version_check);
void MAVLinkProtocol::loadSettings()
// Load defaults from settings
QSettings settings;
m_heartbeatsEnabled = settings.value("HEARTBEATS_ENABLED", m_heartbeatsEnabled).toBool();
m_loggingEnabled = settings.value("LOGGING_ENABLED", m_loggingEnabled).toBool();
m_enable_version_check = settings.value("VERION_CHECK_ENABLED", m_enable_version_check).toBool();
// Only set logfile if there is a name present in settings
if (settings.contains("LOGFILE_NAME") && m_logfile == NULL)
m_logfile = new QFile(settings.value("LOGFILE_NAME").toString());
// Only set system id if it was valid
int temp = settings.value("GCS_SYSTEM_ID", systemId).toInt();
if (temp > 0 && temp < 256)
systemId = temp;
void MAVLinkProtocol::storeSettings()
// Store settings
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("HEARTBEATS_ENABLED", m_heartbeatsEnabled);
settings.setValue("LOGGING_ENABLED", m_loggingEnabled);
settings.setValue("VERION_CHECK_ENABLED", m_enable_version_check);
settings.setValue("GCS_SYSTEM_ID", systemId);
if (m_logfile)
// Logfile exists, store the name
settings.setValue("LOGFILE_NAME", m_logfile->fileName());
//qDebug() << "Storing settings!";
if (m_logfile)
......@@ -82,7 +131,14 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::run()
QString MAVLinkProtocol::getLogfileName()
return m_logfile->fileName();
if (m_logfile)
return m_logfile->fileName();
return QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation) + "qgrouncontrol_packetlog.mavlink";
......@@ -254,13 +310,18 @@ QString MAVLinkProtocol::getName()
/** @return System id of this application */
int MAVLinkProtocol::getSystemId()
return MG::SYSTEM::ID;
return systemId;
void MAVLinkProtocol::setSystemId(int id)
systemId = id;
/** @return Component id of this application */
int MAVLinkProtocol::getComponentId()
return QGC::defaultComponentId;
......@@ -329,21 +390,29 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::enableLogging(bool enabled)
if (enabled)
if (m_logfile->isOpen())
if (m_logfile && m_logfile->isOpen())
if (!m_logfile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append))
if (m_logfile)
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("Opening MAVLink logfile for writing failed"), tr("MAVLink cannot log to the file %1, please choose a different file.").arg(m_logfile->fileName()));
if (!m_logfile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append))
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("Opening MAVLink logfile for writing failed"), tr("MAVLink cannot log to the file %1, please choose a different file.").arg(m_logfile->fileName()));
else if (!enabled)
if (m_logfile)
delete m_logfile;
m_logfile = NULL;
m_loggingEnabled = enabled;
if (changed) emit loggingChanged(enabled);
......@@ -351,8 +420,15 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::enableLogging(bool enabled)
void MAVLinkProtocol::setLogfileName(const QString& filename)
if (!m_logfile)
m_logfile = new QFile(filename);
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "ProtocolInterface.h"
#include "LinkInterface.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "QGC.h"
* @brief MAVLink micro air vehicle protocol reference implementation.
......@@ -84,6 +85,8 @@ public slots:
void sendMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message);
/** @brief Set the rate at which heartbeats are emitted */
void setHeartbeatRate(int rate);
/** @brief Set the system id of this application */
void setSystemId(int id);
/** @brief Enable / disable the heartbeat emission */
void enableHeartbeats(bool enabled);
......@@ -100,6 +103,11 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Send an extra heartbeat to all connected units */
void sendHeartbeat();
/** @brief Load protocol settings */
void loadSettings();
/** @brief Store protocol settings */
void storeSettings();
QTimer* heartbeatTimer; ///< Timer to emit heartbeats
int heartbeatRate; ///< Heartbeat rate, controls the timer interval
......@@ -114,6 +122,7 @@ protected:
int currReceiveCounter;
int currLossCounter;
bool versionMismatchIgnore;
int systemId;
/** @brief Message received and directly copied via signal */
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ void UAS::writeSettings()
settings.setValue("NAME", this->name);
settings.setValue("AIRFRAME", this->airframe);
settings.setValue("AP_TYPE", this->autopilot);
settings.setValue("BATTERY_SPECS", getBatterySpecs());
......@@ -117,6 +118,10 @@ void UAS::readSettings()
this->name = settings.value("NAME", this->name).toString();
this->airframe = settings.value("AIRFRAME", this->airframe).toInt();
this->autopilot = settings.value("AP_TYPE", this->autopilot).toInt();
if (settings.contains("BATTERY_SPECS"))
......@@ -382,50 +387,28 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_attitude_t attitude;
mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(&message, &attitude);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(attitude.usec);
roll = attitude.roll;
pitch = attitude.pitch;
yaw = attitude.yaw;
roll = QGC::limitAngleToPMPI(roll);
pitch = QGC::limitAngleToPMPI(pitch);
yaw = QGC::limitAngleToPMPI(yaw);
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_roll(&message), time);
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_pitch(&message), time);
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_yaw(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_roll(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_pitch(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_yaw(&message), time);
roll = QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.roll);
pitch = QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.pitch);
yaw = QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.yaw);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "rad", roll, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "rad", pitch, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "rad", yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "rad/s", attitude.rollspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "rad/s", attitude.pitchspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "rad/s", attitude.yawspeed, time);
// Emit in angles
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "deg", (attitude.roll/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "deg", (attitude.pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "deg", (roll/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "deg", (pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "deg", (yaw/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.rollspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.pitchspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
// Force yaw to 180 deg range
double yaw = ((attitude.yaw/M_PI)*180.0);
double sign = 1.0;
if (yaw < 0)
sign = -1.0;
yaw = -yaw;
while (yaw > 180.0)
yaw -= 180.0;
yaw *= sign;
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "deg", yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.yawspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit attitudeChanged(this, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw, time);
emit attitudeChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, time);
emit attitudeSpeedChanged(uasId, attitude.rollspeed, attitude.pitchspeed, attitude.yawspeed, time);
......@@ -1774,6 +1757,33 @@ void UAS::setBattery(BatteryType type, int cells)
void UAS::setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs)
QString stringList = specs;
stringList = stringList.remove("V");
stringList = stringList.remove("v");
QStringList parts = stringList.split(",");
if (parts.length() == 3)
float temp;
bool ok;
// Get the empty voltage
temp =;
if (ok) emptyVoltage = temp;
// Get the warning voltage
temp =;
if (ok) warnVoltage = temp;
// Get the full voltage
temp =;
if (ok) fullVoltage = temp;
QString UAS::getBatterySpecs()
return QString("%1V,%2V,%3V").arg(emptyVoltage).arg(warnVoltage).arg(fullVoltage);
int UAS::calculateTimeRemaining()
quint64 dt = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - startTime;
......@@ -120,9 +120,10 @@ protected: //COMMENTS FOR TEST UNIT
double thrustMax; ///< Maximum forward/up thrust of this vehicle, in Newtons
// Battery stats
double fullVoltage; ///< Voltage of the fully charged battery (100%)
double emptyVoltage; ///< Voltage of the empty battery (0%)
double startVoltage; ///< Voltage at system start
float fullVoltage; ///< Voltage of the fully charged battery (100%)
float emptyVoltage; ///< Voltage of the empty battery (0%)
float warnVoltage; ///< Voltage where QGC will start to warn about low battery
float startVoltage; ///< Voltage at system start
double currentVoltage; ///< Voltage currently measured
float lpVoltage; ///< Low-pass filtered voltage
int timeRemaining; ///< Remaining time calculated based on previous and current
......@@ -172,7 +173,6 @@ public:
/** @brief Check if vehicle is in autonomous mode */
bool isAuto();
UASWaypointManager* getWaypointManager() { return &waypointManager; }
int getSystemType();
int getAutopilotType() {return autopilot;}
......@@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ public slots:
void setUASName(const QString& name);
/** @brief Executes an action **/
void setAction(MAV_ACTION action);
/** @brief Set the current battery type and voltages */
void setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs);
/** @brief Get the current battery type and specs */
QString getBatterySpecs();
/** @brief Launches the system **/
void launch();
......@@ -269,7 +269,10 @@ public slots:
virtual void startGyroscopeCalibration() = 0;
virtual void startPressureCalibration() = 0;
/** @brief Set the current battery type and voltages */
virtual void setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs) = 0;
/** @brief Get the current battery type and specs */
virtual QString getBatterySpecs() = 0;
QColor color;
......@@ -382,6 +385,7 @@ signals:
void thrustChanged(UASInterface*, double thrust);
void heartbeat(UASInterface* uas);
void attitudeChanged(UASInterface*, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 usec);
void attitudeSpeedChanged(int uas, double rollspeed, double pitchspeed, double yawspeed, quint64 usec);
void attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(UASInterface*, double rollDesired, double pitchDesired, double yawDesired, double thrustDesired, quint64 usec);
void positionSetPointsChanged(int uasid, float xDesired, float yDesired, float zDesired, float yawDesired, quint64 usec);
void localPositionChanged(UASInterface*, double x, double y, double z, quint64 usec);
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ MAVLinkSettingsWidget::MAVLinkSettingsWidget(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, QWidget
// Connect actions
connect(protocol, SIGNAL(heartbeatChanged(bool)), m_ui->heartbeatCheckBox, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
......@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ MAVLinkSettingsWidget::MAVLinkSettingsWidget(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, QWidget
connect(protocol, SIGNAL(versionCheckChanged(bool)), m_ui->versionCheckBox, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
connect(m_ui->versionCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), protocol, SLOT(enableVersionCheck(bool)));
connect(m_ui->logFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseLogfileName()));
connect(m_ui->systemIdSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), protocol, SLOT(setSystemId(int)));
// Update values
m_ui->versionLabel->setText(tr("MAVLINK_VERSION: %1").arg(protocol->getVersion()));
......@@ -6,29 +6,29 @@
<property name="windowTitle">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout" columnstretch="1,100,1">
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="3">
<item row="1" column="0" colspan="3">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="heartbeatCheckBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Emit heartbeat</string>
<item row="1" column="0" colspan="3">
<item row="2" column="0" colspan="3">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="loggingCheckBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Log all MAVLink packets</string>
<item row="3" column="0">
<item row="4" column="0">
<spacer name="logFileSpacer">
<property name="orientation">
......@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
<item row="4" column="0" colspan="3">
<item row="5" column="0" colspan="3">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="versionCheckBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Only accept MAVs with same protocol version</string>
<item row="5" column="0">
<item row="6" column="0">
<spacer name="versionSpacer">
<property name="orientation">
......@@ -64,27 +64,56 @@
<item row="5" column="1" colspan="2">
<item row="6" column="1" colspan="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="versionLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>MAVLINK_VERSION: </string>
<item row="3" column="1">
<item row="4" column="1">
<widget class="QLabel" name="logFileLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Logfile name</string>
<item row="3" column="2">
<item row="4" column="2">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="logFileButton">
<property name="text">
<item row="0" column="2">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="systemIdSpinBox">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Set the groundstation number</string>
<property name="statusTip">
<string>Set the groundstation number</string>
<property name="minimum">
<property name="maximum">
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="systemIdLabel">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>The system ID is the number the MAV associates with this computer</string>
<property name="statusTip">
<string>The system ID is the number the MAV associates with this computer</string>
<property name="text">
<string>Groundstation MAVLink System ID</string>
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent):
delete mavlink;
......@@ -896,6 +896,7 @@ void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
settings.setValue(getWindowGeometryKey(), saveGeometry());
//settings.setValue("windowState", saveState());
aboutToCloseFlag = true;
// Save the last current view in any case
settings.setValue("CURRENT_VIEW", currentView);
// Save the current window state, but only if a system is connected (else no real number of widgets would be present)
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ UASView::UASView(UASInterface* uas, QWidget *parent) :
renameAction(new QAction("Rename..", this)),
selectAction(new QAction("Control this system", this )),
selectAirframeAction(new QAction("Choose Airframe", this)),
setBatterySpecsAction(new QAction("Set Battery Options", this)),
m_ui(new Ui::UASView)
......@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ UASView::UASView(UASInterface* uas, QWidget *parent) :
connect(renameAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(rename()));
connect(selectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), uas, SLOT(setSelected()));
connect(selectAirframeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectAirframe()));
connect(setBatterySpecsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setBatterySpecs()));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(systemRemoved()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Name changes
......@@ -423,9 +425,23 @@ void UASView::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event)
void UASView::setBatterySpecs()
if (uas)
bool ok;
QString newName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Set Battery Specifications for %1").arg(uas->getUASName()),
tr("Specs: (empty,warn,full), e.g. (9V,9.5V,12.6V)"), QLineEdit::Normal,
uas->getBatterySpecs(), &ok);
if (ok && !newName.isEmpty()) uas->setBatterySpecs(newName);
void UASView::rename()
if (uas)
......@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ public slots:
void rename();
/** @brief Select airframe for this vehicle */
void selectAirframe();
/** @brief Select the battery type */
void setBatterySpecs();
void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
......@@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ protected:
QAction* renameAction;
QAction* selectAction;
QAction* selectAirframeAction;
QAction* setBatterySpecsAction;
static const int updateInterval = 300;
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