Last commit
Last update
.. Move crc32 implementation to QGC namespace for use elsewhere
Bootloader.h Major re-write of Firmware Upgrade Save airframe meta XML file during Firmware upgrades
FirmwareImage.h Major re-write of Firmware Upgrade
FirmwareUpgrade.qml Started preferences panel Use new QGCSerialPortInfo
FirmwareUpgradeController.h removed DefaultVehicleFirmware mapping to QuadFirmware
FirmwareUpgradeIcon.png Modify UI to fit latest designer sketches
JoystickConfig.qml Disable COM_RC_IN_MODE magic handling, as its causing confusion on all autopilot stacks. This is a developer thing which is actually much easier to not expose, even for the involved developers. Remove as many Singletons as possible
JoystickConfigController.h Remove as many Singletons as possible Use new QGCSerialPortInfo
PX4FirmwareUpgradeThread.h Use new QGCSerialPortInfo
PX4FlowSensor.qml Tidying up Setup dialogs.
SetupParameterEditor.qml Remove Parameter Editor widget
SetupView.qml PX4FLOW Sensor Support. Centralize unit test declaration location
SetupViewTest.h Remove as many Singletons as possible More works towards removing UAS completely
VehicleComponent.h More works towards removing UAS completely
VehicleSummary.qml Tidying up Setup dialogs.
VehicleSummaryIcon.png Modify UI to fit latest designer sketches