C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Graph

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1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // This code computes the strongly connected components of a directed graph,
15 // and presents them sorted by reverse topological order.
16 //
17 // It implements an efficient version of Tarjan's strongly connected components
18 // algorithm published in: Tarjan, R. E. (1972), "Depth-first search and linear
19 // graph algorithms", SIAM Journal on Computing.
20 //
21 // A description can also be found here:
22 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm
23 //
25 //
26 // Fill a vector<vector<int>> graph; representing your graph adjacency lists.
27 // That is, graph[i] contains the nodes adjacent to node #i. The nodes must be
28 // integers in [0, num_nodes). Then just do:
29 //
30 // vector<vector<int>> components;
31 // FindStronglyConnectedComponents(
32 // static_cast<int>(graph.size()), graph, &components);
33 //
34 // The nodes of each strongly connected components will be listed in each
35 // subvector of components. The components appear in reverse topological order:
36 // outgoing arcs from a component will only be towards earlier components.
37 //
38 // IMPORTANT: num_nodes will be the number of nodes of the graph. Its type
39 // is the type used internally by the algorithm. It is why it is better to
40 // convert it to int or even int32 rather than using size_t which takes 64 bits.
45 #include <limits>
46 #include <vector>
48 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
49 #include "ortools/base/macros.h"
51 // Finds the strongly connected components of a directed graph. It is templated
52 // so it can be used in many contexts. See the simple example above for the
53 // easiest use case.
54 //
55 // The requirement of the different types are:
56 // - The type NodeIndex must be an integer type representing a node of the
57 // graph. The nodes must be in [0, num_nodes). It can be unsigned.
58 // - The type Graph must provide a [] operator such that the following code
59 // iterates over the adjacency list of the given node:
60 // for (const NodeIndex head : graph[node]) {}
61 // - The type SccOutput must implement the function:
62 // emplace_back(NodeIndex const* begin, NodeIndex const* end);
63 // It will be called with the connected components of the given graph as they
64 // are found (In the reverse topological order).
65 //
66 // More practical details on the algorithm:
67 // - It deals properly with self-loop and duplicate nodes.
68 // - It is really fast! and work in O(nodes + edges).
69 // - Its memory usage is also bounded by O(nodes + edges) but in practice it
70 // uses less than the input graph.
71 template <typename NodeIndex, typename Graph, typename SccOutput>
72 void FindStronglyConnectedComponents(const NodeIndex num_nodes,
73  const Graph& graph, SccOutput* components);
75 // A simple custom output class that just counts the number of SCC. Not
76 // allocating many vectors can save both space and speed if your graph is large.
77 //
78 // Note: If this matters, you probably don't want to use vector<vector<int>> as
79 // an input either. See StaticGraph in ortools/graph/graph.h
80 // for an efficient graph data structure compatible with this algorithm.
81 template <typename NodeIndex>
84  void emplace_back(NodeIndex const* b, NodeIndex const* e) {
86  }
87  // This is just here so this class can transparently replace a code that
88  // use vector<vector<int>> as an SccOutput, and get its size with size().
89  int size() const { return number_of_components; }
90 };
92 // This implementation is slightly different than a classical iterative version
93 // of Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm. But basically it is
94 // still an iterative DFS. We use a class so memory can be reused if one needs
95 // to compute many SCC in a row. It also allows more complex behavior in the
96 // Graph or SccOutput class that might inspect the current state of the
97 // algorithm.
98 //
99 // TODO(user): Possible optimizations:
100 // - Try to reserve the vectors which sizes are bounded by num_nodes.
101 // - Use an index rather than doing push_back(), pop_back() on them.
102 template <typename NodeIndex, typename Graph, typename SccOutput>
104  public:
106  const Graph& graph,
107  SccOutput* components) {
108  // Reset the class fields.
109  scc_stack_.clear();
110  scc_start_index_.clear();
111  node_index_.assign(num_nodes, 0);
112  node_to_process_.clear();
114  // Optimization. This will always be equal to scc_start_index_.back() except
115  // when scc_stack_ is empty, in which case its value does not matter.
116  NodeIndex current_scc_start = 0;
118  // Loop over all the nodes not yet settled and start a DFS from each of
119  // them.
120  for (NodeIndex base_node = 0; base_node < num_nodes; ++base_node) {
121  if (node_index_[base_node] != 0) continue;
122  DCHECK_EQ(0, node_to_process_.size());
123  node_to_process_.push_back(base_node);
124  do {
125  const NodeIndex node = node_to_process_.back();
126  const NodeIndex index = node_index_[node];
127  if (index == 0) {
128  // We continue the dfs from this node and set its 1-based index.
129  scc_stack_.push_back(node);
130  current_scc_start = scc_stack_.size();
131  node_index_[node] = current_scc_start;
132  scc_start_index_.push_back(current_scc_start);
134  // Enqueue all its adjacent nodes.
135  NodeIndex min_head_index = kSettledIndex;
136  for (const NodeIndex head : graph[node]) {
137  const NodeIndex head_index = node_index_[head];
138  if (head_index == 0) {
139  node_to_process_.push_back(head);
140  } else {
141  // Note that if head_index == kSettledIndex, nothing happens.
142  min_head_index = std::min(min_head_index, head_index);
143  }
144  }
146  // Update the start of this strongly connected component.
147  // Note that scc_start_index_ can never be empty since it first
148  // element is 1 and by definition min_head_index is 1-based and can't
149  // be 0.
150  while (current_scc_start > min_head_index) {
151  scc_start_index_.pop_back();
152  current_scc_start = scc_start_index_.back();
153  }
154  } else {
155  node_to_process_.pop_back();
156  if (current_scc_start == index) {
157  // We found a strongly connected component.
158  components->emplace_back(&scc_stack_[current_scc_start - 1],
159  &scc_stack_[0] + scc_stack_.size());
160  for (int i = current_scc_start - 1; i < scc_stack_.size(); ++i) {
161  node_index_[scc_stack_[i]] = kSettledIndex;
162  }
163  scc_stack_.resize(current_scc_start - 1);
164  scc_start_index_.pop_back();
165  current_scc_start =
166  scc_start_index_.empty() ? 0 : scc_start_index_.back();
167  }
168  }
169  } while (!node_to_process_.empty());
170  }
171  }
173  // Advanced usage. This can be used in either the Graph or SccOutput template
174  // class to query the current state of the algorithm. It allows to build more
175  // complex variant based on the core DFS algo.
177  return node_index_[node] > 0 && node_index_[node] < kSettledIndex;
178  }
180  private:
181  static constexpr NodeIndex kSettledIndex =
182  std::numeric_limits<NodeIndex>::max();
184  // Each node expanded by the DFS will be pushed on this stack. A node is only
185  // popped back when its strongly connected component has been explored and
186  // outputted.
187  std::vector<NodeIndex> scc_stack_;
189  // This is equivalent to the "low link" of a node in Tarjan's algorithm.
190  // Basically, scc_start_index_.back() represent the 1-based index in
191  // scc_stack_ of the beginning of the current strongly connected component.
192  // All the nodes after this index will be on the same component.
193  std::vector<NodeIndex> scc_start_index_;
195  // Each node is assigned an index which changes 2 times in the algorithm:
196  // - Everyone starts with an index of 0 which means unexplored.
197  // - The first time they are explored by the DFS and pushed on scc_stack_,
198  // they get their 1-based index on this stack.
199  // - Once they have been processed and outputted to components, they are said
200  // to be settled, and their index become kSettledIndex.
201  std::vector<NodeIndex> node_index_;
203  // This is a well known way to do an efficient iterative DFS. Each time a node
204  // is explored, all its adjacent nodes are pushed on this stack. The iterative
205  // dfs processes the nodes one by one by popping them back from here.
206  std::vector<NodeIndex> node_to_process_;
207 };
209 // Simple wrapper function for most usage.
210 template <typename NodeIndex, typename Graph, typename SccOutput>
212  const Graph& graph,
213  SccOutput* components) {
215  return helper.FindStronglyConnectedComponents(num_nodes, graph, components);
216 }
int size() const
ListGraph Graph
Definition: graph.h:2354
void emplace_back(NodeIndex const *b, NodeIndex const *e)
void FindStronglyConnectedComponents(const NodeIndex num_nodes, const Graph &graph, SccOutput *components)
bool NodeIsInCurrentDfsPath(NodeIndex node) const
int32 NodeIndex
Definition: ebert_graph.h:192
void FindStronglyConnectedComponents(const NodeIndex num_nodes, const Graph &graph, SccOutput *components)
int number_of_components