C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Graph

operations_research Namespace Reference




class  AnnotatedGraphBuildManager
class  ArcFunctorOrderingByTailAndHead
class  ArcIndexOrderingByTailNode
class  BronKerboschAlgorithm
class  ChristofidesPathSolver
class  ConnectedComponents
class  CostValueCycleHandler
class  EbertGraph
class  EbertGraphBase
class  ElementIterator
class  ForwardEbertGraph
class  ForwardStaticGraph
class  GenericMaxFlow
class  GenericMinCostFlow
struct  graph_traits
struct  graph_traits< ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  graph_traits< ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  Graphs
struct  Graphs< operations_research::StarGraph >
class  HamiltonianPathSolver
class  HeldWolfeCrowderEvaluator
class  LatticeMemoryManager
class  LinearSumAssignment
class  MaxFlow
class  MaxFlowStatusClass
class  MinCostFlow
class  MinCostFlowBase
class  PermutationIndexComparisonByArcHead
class  PriorityQueueWithRestrictedPush
class  PruningHamiltonianSolver
class  Set
class  SetRangeIterator
class  SetRangeWithCardinality
class  SimpleMaxFlow
class  SimpleMinCostFlow
class  StarGraphBase
class  TailArrayManager
struct  TravelingSalesmanLowerBoundParameters
class  VolgenantJonkerEvaluator


typedef int32 NodeIndex
typedef int32 ArcIndex
typedef int64 FlowQuantity
typedef int64 CostValue
typedef EbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndexStarGraph
typedef ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndexForwardStarGraph
typedef ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndexForwardStarStaticGraph
typedef ZVector< NodeIndexNodeIndexArray
typedef ZVector< ArcIndexArcIndexArray
typedef ZVector< FlowQuantityQuantityArray
typedef ZVector< CostValueCostArray
typedef int PathNodeIndex


enum  CliqueResponse { CONTINUE, STOP }
enum  BronKerboschAlgorithmStatus { COMPLETED, INTERRUPTED }
enum  FlowModel_ProblemType : int { FlowModel_ProblemType_LINEAR_SUM_ASSIGNMENT = 0, FlowModel_ProblemType_MAX_FLOW = 1, FlowModel_ProblemType_MIN_COST_FLOW = 2 }


template<typename WeightFunctionType , typename GraphType >
std::vector< std::pair< typename GraphType::NodeIndex, typename GraphType::NodeIndex > > ComputeMinimumWeightMatching (const GraphType &graph, const WeightFunctionType &weight)
template<typename WeightFunctionType , typename GraphType >
std::vector< std::pair< typename GraphType::NodeIndex, typename GraphType::NodeIndex > > ComputeMinimumWeightMatchingWithMIP (const GraphType &graph, const WeightFunctionType &weight)
void FindCliques (std::function< bool(int, int)> graph, int node_count, std::function< bool(const std::vector< int > &)> callback)
void CoverArcsByCliques (std::function< bool(int, int)> graph, int node_count, std::function< bool(const std::vector< int > &)> callback)
template<typename GraphType >
bool BuildLineGraph (const GraphType &graph, GraphType *const line_graph)
template<typename Graph >
bool IsEulerianGraph (const Graph &graph)
template<typename NodeIndex , typename Graph >
bool IsSemiEulerianGraph (const Graph &graph, std::vector< NodeIndex > *odd_nodes)
template<typename NodeIndex , typename Graph >
std::vector< NodeIndexBuildEulerianPathFromNode (const Graph &graph, NodeIndex root)
template<typename NodeIndex , typename Graph >
std::vector< NodeIndexBuildEulerianTourFromNode (const Graph &graph, NodeIndex root)
template<typename Graph >
std::vector< typename Graph::NodeIndex > BuildEulerianTour (const Graph &graph)
template<typename Graph >
std::vector< typename Graph::NodeIndex > BuildEulerianPath (const Graph &graph)
template<typename CostType , typename CostFunction >
HamiltonianPathSolver< CostType, CostFunction > MakeHamiltonianPathSolver (int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
template<typename Graph >
std::vector< typename Graph::ArcIndex > BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTreeFromSortedArcs (const Graph &graph, const std::vector< typename Graph::ArcIndex > &sorted_arcs)
template<typename Graph , typename ArcComparator >
std::vector< typename Graph::ArcIndex > BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTree (const Graph &graph, const ArcComparator &arc_comparator)
template<typename Graph , typename ArcValue >
std::vector< typename Graph::ArcIndex > BuildPrimMinimumSpanningTree (const Graph &graph, const ArcValue &arc_value)
template<typename CostFunction >
std::set< std::pair< int, int > > NearestNeighbors (int number_of_nodes, int number_of_neighbors, const CostFunction &cost)
template<typename CostFunction >
void AddArcsFromMinimumSpanningTree (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost, std::set< std::pair< int, int >> *arcs)
template<typename CostFunction , typename GraphType , typename AcceptFunction >
int GetNodeMinimizingEdgeCostToSource (const GraphType &graph, int source, const CostFunction &cost, AcceptFunction accept)
template<typename CostFunction , typename GraphType , typename CostType >
std::vector< int > ComputeOneTree (const GraphType &graph, const CostFunction &cost, const std::vector< double > &weights, const std::vector< int > &sorted_arcs, CostType *one_tree_cost)
template<typename CostFunction , typename Algorithm >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithAlgorithm (int number_of_nodes, int nearest_neighbors, const CostFunction &cost, Algorithm *algorithm)
template<typename CostFunction >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithParameters (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost, const TravelingSalesmanLowerBoundParameters &parameters)
template<typename CostFunction >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBound (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost)
bool DijkstraShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, std::function< int64(int, int)> graph, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
bool StableDijkstraShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, std::function< int64(int, int)> graph, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
bool BellmanFordShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, std::function< int64(int, int)> graph, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
bool AStarShortestPath (int node_count, int start_node, int end_node, std::function< int64(int, int)> graph, std::function< int64(int)> heuristic, int64 disconnected_distance, std::vector< int > *nodes)
bool FlowModel_ProblemType_IsValid (int value)
const ::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::EnumDescriptor * FlowModel_ProblemType_descriptor ()
template<typename T >
const std::string & FlowModel_ProblemType_Name (T enum_t_value)
bool FlowModel_ProblemType_Parse (const std::string &name, FlowModel_ProblemType *value)


ArcDefaultTypeInternal _Arc_default_instance_
FlowModelDefaultTypeInternal _FlowModel_default_instance_
NodeDefaultTypeInternal _Node_default_instance_
constexpr FlowModel_ProblemType FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MIN = FlowModel_ProblemType_LINEAR_SUM_ASSIGNMENT
constexpr FlowModel_ProblemType FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MAX = FlowModel_ProblemType_MIN_COST_FLOW
constexpr int FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_ARRAYSIZE = FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MAX + 1

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArcIndex

typedef int32 ArcIndex

Definition at line 201 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ ArcIndexArray

typedef ZVector<ArcIndex> ArcIndexArray

Definition at line 208 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ CostArray

typedef ZVector<CostValue> CostArray

Definition at line 210 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ CostValue

typedef int64 CostValue

Definition at line 203 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ FlowQuantity

typedef int64 FlowQuantity

Definition at line 202 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ ForwardStarGraph

Definition at line 205 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ ForwardStarStaticGraph

◆ NodeIndex

typedef int32 NodeIndex

Definition at line 200 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ NodeIndexArray

typedef ZVector<NodeIndex> NodeIndexArray

Definition at line 207 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ PathNodeIndex

typedef int PathNodeIndex

Definition at line 450 of file hamiltonian_path.h.

◆ QuantityArray

typedef ZVector<FlowQuantity> QuantityArray

Definition at line 209 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ StarGraph

Definition at line 204 of file ebert_graph.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BronKerboschAlgorithmStatus


Definition at line 68 of file cliques.h.

◆ CliqueResponse

enum CliqueResponse

Definition at line 58 of file cliques.h.

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType


Definition at line 76 of file flow_problem.pb.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddArcsFromMinimumSpanningTree()

void operations_research::AddArcsFromMinimumSpanningTree ( int  number_of_nodes,
const CostFunction &  cost,
std::set< std::pair< int, int >> *  arcs 

Definition at line 293 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ AStarShortestPath()

bool operations_research::AStarShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
std::function< int64(int, int)>  graph,
std::function< int64(int)>  heuristic,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

◆ BellmanFordShortestPath()

bool operations_research::BellmanFordShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
std::function< int64(int, int)>  graph,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

◆ BuildEulerianPath()

std::vector<typename Graph::NodeIndex> operations_research::BuildEulerianPath ( const Graph &  graph)

Definition at line 138 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ BuildEulerianPathFromNode()

std::vector<NodeIndex> operations_research::BuildEulerianPathFromNode ( const Graph &  graph,
NodeIndex  root 

Definition at line 74 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ BuildEulerianTour()

std::vector<typename Graph::NodeIndex> operations_research::BuildEulerianTour ( const Graph &  graph)

Definition at line 128 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ BuildEulerianTourFromNode()

std::vector<NodeIndex> operations_research::BuildEulerianTourFromNode ( const Graph &  graph,
NodeIndex  root 

Definition at line 116 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTree()

std::vector<typename Graph::ArcIndex> operations_research::BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTree ( const Graph &  graph,
const ArcComparator &  arc_comparator 

Definition at line 91 of file minimum_spanning_tree.h.

◆ BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTreeFromSortedArcs()

std::vector<typename Graph::ArcIndex> operations_research::BuildKruskalMinimumSpanningTreeFromSortedArcs ( const Graph &  graph,
const std::vector< typename Graph::ArcIndex > &  sorted_arcs 

Definition at line 50 of file minimum_spanning_tree.h.

◆ BuildLineGraph()

bool operations_research::BuildLineGraph ( const GraphType &  graph,
GraphType *const  line_graph 

Definition at line 2088 of file ebert_graph.h.

◆ BuildPrimMinimumSpanningTree()

std::vector<typename Graph::ArcIndex> operations_research::BuildPrimMinimumSpanningTree ( const Graph &  graph,
const ArcValue &  arc_value 

Definition at line 117 of file minimum_spanning_tree.h.

◆ ComputeMinimumWeightMatching()

std::vector< std::pair<typename GraphType::NodeIndex, typename GraphType::NodeIndex> > operations_research::ComputeMinimumWeightMatching ( const GraphType &  graph,
const WeightFunctionType &  weight 

Definition at line 106 of file christofides.h.

◆ ComputeMinimumWeightMatchingWithMIP()

std::vector< std::pair<typename GraphType::NodeIndex, typename GraphType::NodeIndex> > operations_research::ComputeMinimumWeightMatchingWithMIP ( const GraphType &  graph,
const WeightFunctionType &  weight 

Definition at line 140 of file christofides.h.

◆ ComputeOneTree()

std::vector<int> operations_research::ComputeOneTree ( const GraphType &  graph,
const CostFunction &  cost,
const std::vector< double > &  weights,
const std::vector< int > &  sorted_arcs,
CostType *  one_tree_cost 

Definition at line 331 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ ComputeOneTreeLowerBound()

double operations_research::ComputeOneTreeLowerBound ( int  number_of_nodes,
const CostFunction &  cost 

Definition at line 480 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithAlgorithm()

double operations_research::ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithAlgorithm ( int  number_of_nodes,
int  nearest_neighbors,
const CostFunction &  cost,
Algorithm *  algorithm 

Definition at line 378 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithParameters()

double operations_research::ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithParameters ( int  number_of_nodes,
const CostFunction &  cost,
const TravelingSalesmanLowerBoundParameters parameters 

Definition at line 452 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ CoverArcsByCliques()

void operations_research::CoverArcsByCliques ( std::function< bool(int, int)>  graph,
int  node_count,
std::function< bool(const std::vector< int > &)>  callback 

◆ DijkstraShortestPath()

bool operations_research::DijkstraShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
std::function< int64(int, int)>  graph,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

◆ FindCliques()

void operations_research::FindCliques ( std::function< bool(int, int)>  graph,
int  node_count,
std::function< bool(const std::vector< int > &)>  callback 

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_descriptor()

const ::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::EnumDescriptor* operations_research::FlowModel_ProblemType_descriptor ( )

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_IsValid()

bool operations_research::FlowModel_ProblemType_IsValid ( int  value)

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_Name()

const std::string& operations_research::FlowModel_ProblemType_Name ( enum_t_value)

Definition at line 88 of file flow_problem.pb.h.

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_Parse()

bool operations_research::FlowModel_ProblemType_Parse ( const std::string &  name,
FlowModel_ProblemType value 

Definition at line 95 of file flow_problem.pb.h.

◆ GetNodeMinimizingEdgeCostToSource()

int operations_research::GetNodeMinimizingEdgeCostToSource ( const GraphType &  graph,
int  source,
const CostFunction &  cost,
AcceptFunction  accept 

Definition at line 310 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ IsEulerianGraph()

bool operations_research::IsEulerianGraph ( const Graph &  graph)

Definition at line 40 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ IsSemiEulerianGraph()

bool operations_research::IsSemiEulerianGraph ( const Graph &  graph,
std::vector< NodeIndex > *  odd_nodes 

Definition at line 55 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ MakeHamiltonianPathSolver()

HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction> operations_research::MakeHamiltonianPathSolver ( int  num_nodes,
CostFunction  cost 

Definition at line 599 of file hamiltonian_path.h.

◆ NearestNeighbors()

std::set<std::pair<int, int> > operations_research::NearestNeighbors ( int  number_of_nodes,
int  number_of_neighbors,
const CostFunction &  cost 

Definition at line 262 of file one_tree_lower_bound.h.

◆ StableDijkstraShortestPath()

bool operations_research::StableDijkstraShortestPath ( int  node_count,
int  start_node,
int  end_node,
std::function< int64(int, int)>  graph,
int64  disconnected_distance,
std::vector< int > *  nodes 

Variable Documentation

◆ _Arc_default_instance_

ArcDefaultTypeInternal _Arc_default_instance_

◆ _FlowModel_default_instance_

FlowModelDefaultTypeInternal _FlowModel_default_instance_

◆ _Node_default_instance_

NodeDefaultTypeInternal _Node_default_instance_

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_ARRAYSIZE

constexpr int FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_ARRAYSIZE = FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MAX + 1

Definition at line 84 of file flow_problem.pb.h.

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MAX

constexpr FlowModel_ProblemType FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MAX = FlowModel_ProblemType_MIN_COST_FLOW

Definition at line 83 of file flow_problem.pb.h.

◆ FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MIN

constexpr FlowModel_ProblemType FlowModel_ProblemType_ProblemType_MIN = FlowModel_ProblemType_LINEAR_SUM_ASSIGNMENT

Definition at line 82 of file flow_problem.pb.h.