C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Graph

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1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 // Solves the Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem using a complete algorithm.
18 // The algorithm was first described in
19 // M. Held, R.M. Karp, A dynamic programming approach to sequencing problems,
20 // J. SIAM 10 (1962) 196-210
21 //
22 // The Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem (SHPP) is similar to the Traveling
23 // Salesperson Problem (TSP).
24 // You have to visit all the cities, starting from a given one and you
25 // do not need to return to your starting point. With the TSP, you can start
26 // anywhere, but you have to return to your start location.
27 //
28 // By complete we mean that the algorithm guarantees to compute the optimal
29 // solution. The algorithm uses dynamic programming. Its time complexity is
30 // O(n^2 * 2^(n-1)), where n is the number of nodes to be visited, and '^'
31 // denotes exponentiation. Its space complexity is O(n * 2 ^ (n - 1)).
32 //
33 // Note that the naive implementation of the SHPP
34 // exploring all permutations without memorizing intermediate results would
35 // have a complexity of (n - 1)! (factorial of (n - 1) ), which is much higher
36 // than n^2 * 2^(n-1). To convince oneself of this, just use Stirling's
37 // formula: n! ~ sqrt(2 * pi * n)*( n / exp(1)) ^ n.
38 // Because of these complexity figures, the algorithm is not practical for
39 // problems with more than 20 nodes.
40 //
41 // Here is how the algorithm works:
42 // Let us denote the nodes to be visited by their indices 0 .. n - 1
43 // Let us pick 0 as the starting node.
44 // Let d(i,j) denote the distance (or cost) from i to j.
45 // f(S, j) where S is a set of nodes and j is a node in S is defined as follows:
46 // f(S, j) = min (i in S \ {j}, f(S \ {j}, i) + cost(i, j))
47 // (j is an element of S)
48 // Note that this formulation, from the original Held-Karp paper is a bit
49 // different, but equivalent to the one used in Caseau and Laburthe, Solving
50 // Small TSPs with Constraints, 1997, ICLP
51 // f(S, j) = min (i in S, f(S \ {i}, i) + cost(i, j))
52 // (j is not an element of S)
53 //
54 // The advantage of the Held and Karp formulation is that it enables:
55 // - to build the dynamic programming lattice layer by layer starting from the
56 // subsets with cardinality 1, and increasing the cardinality.
57 // - to traverse the dynamic programming lattice using sequential memory
58 // accesses, making the algorithm cache-friendly, and faster, despite the large
59 // amount of computation needed to get the position when f(S, j) is stored.
60 // - TODO(user): implement pruning procedures on top of the Held-Karp algorithm.
61 //
62 // The set S can be represented by an integer where bit i corresponds to
63 // element i in the set. In the following S denotes the integer corresponding
64 // to set S.
65 //
66 // The dynamic programming iteration is implemented in the method Solve.
67 // The optimal value of the Hamiltonian path starting at 0 is given by
68 // min (i in S, f(2 ^ n - 1, i))
69 // The optimal value of the Traveling Salesman tour is given by f(2 ^ n, 0).
70 // (There is actually no need to duplicate the first node, as all the paths
71 // are computed from node 0.)
72 //
73 // To implement dynamic programming, we store the preceding results of
74 // computing f(S,j) in an array M[Offset(S,j)]. See the comments about
75 // LatticeMemoryManager::BaseOffset() to see how this is computed.
76 //
77 // Keywords: Traveling Salesman, Hamiltonian Path, Dynamic Programming,
78 // Held, Karp.
80 #include <math.h>
81 #include <stddef.h>
83 #include <algorithm>
84 #include <cmath>
85 #include <limits>
86 #include <memory>
87 #include <stack>
88 #include <type_traits>
89 #include <utility>
90 #include <vector>
92 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
93 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
94 #include "ortools/util/bitset.h"
95 #include "ortools/util/saturated_arithmetic.h"
96 #include "ortools/util/vector_or_function.h"
98 namespace operations_research {
100 // TODO(user): Move the Set-related classbelow to util/bitset.h
101 // Iterates over the elements of a set represented as an unsigned integer,
102 // starting from the smallest element. (See the class Set<Integer> below.)
103 template <typename Set>
105  public:
106  explicit ElementIterator(Set set) : current_set_(set) {}
107  bool operator!=(const ElementIterator& other) const {
108  return current_set_ != other.current_set_;
109  }
111  // Returns the smallest element in the current_set_.
112  int operator*() const { return current_set_.SmallestElement(); }
114  // Advances the iterator by removing its smallest element.
116  current_set_ = current_set_.RemoveSmallestElement();
117  return *this;
118  }
120  private:
121  // The current position of the iterator. Stores the set consisting of the
122  // not-yet iterated elements.
123  Set current_set_;
124 };
126 template <typename Integer>
127 class Set {
128  public:
129  // Make this visible to classes using this class.
130  typedef Integer IntegerType;
132  // Useful constants.
133  static constexpr Integer One = static_cast<Integer>(1);
134  static constexpr Integer Zero = static_cast<Integer>(0);
135  static const int MaxCardinality = 8 * sizeof(Integer); // NOLINT
137  // Construct a set from an Integer.
138  explicit Set(Integer n) : value_(n) {
139  static_assert(std::is_integral<Integer>::value, "Integral type required");
140  static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integer>::value, "Unsigned type required");
141  }
143  // Returns the integer corresponding to the set.
144  Integer value() const { return value_; }
146  static Set FullSet(Integer card) {
147  return card == 0 ? Set(0) : Set(~Zero >> (MaxCardinality - card));
148  }
150  // Returns the singleton set with 'n' as its only element.
151  static Set Singleton(Integer n) { return Set(One << n); }
153  // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with element n added.
154  // If n is already in the set, no operation occurs.
155  Set AddElement(int n) const { return Set(value_ | (One << n)); }
157  // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with element n removed.
158  // If n is not in the set, no operation occurs.
159  Set RemoveElement(int n) const { return Set(value_ & ~(One << n)); }
161  // Returns true if the calling set contains element n.
162  bool Contains(int n) const { return ((One << n) & value_) != 0; }
164  // Returns true if 'other' is included in the calling set.
165  bool Includes(Set other) const {
166  return (value_ & other.value_) == other.value_;
167  }
169  // Returns the number of elements in the set. Uses the 32-bit version for
170  // types that have 32-bits or less. Specialized for uint64.
171  int Cardinality() const { return BitCount32(value_); }
173  // Returns the index of the smallest element in the set. Uses the 32-bit
174  // version for types that have 32-bits or less. Specialized for uint64.
175  int SmallestElement() const { return LeastSignificantBitPosition32(value_); }
177  // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with its smallest
178  // element removed.
179  Set RemoveSmallestElement() const { return Set(value_ & (value_ - 1)); }
181  // Returns the rank of an element in a set. For the set 11100, ElementRank(4)
182  // would return 2. (Ranks start at zero).
183  int ElementRank(int n) const {
184  DCHECK(Contains(n)) << "n = " << n << ", value_ = " << value_;
185  return SingletonRank(Singleton(n));
186  }
188  // Returns the set consisting of the smallest element of the calling object.
189  Set SmallestSingleton() const { return Set(value_ & -value_); }
191  // Returns the rank of the singleton's element in the calling Set.
192  int SingletonRank(Set singleton) const {
193  DCHECK_EQ(singleton.value(), singleton.SmallestSingleton().value());
194  return Set(value_ & (singleton.value_ - 1)).Cardinality();
195  }
197  // STL iterator-related member functions.
199  return ElementIterator<Set>(Set(value_));
200  }
202  bool operator!=(const Set& other) const { return value_ != other.value_; }
204  private:
205  // The Integer representing the set.
206  Integer value_;
207 };
209 template <>
210 inline int Set<uint64>::SmallestElement() const {
211  return LeastSignificantBitPosition64(value_);
212 }
214 template <>
215 inline int Set<uint64>::Cardinality() const {
216  return BitCount64(value_);
217 }
219 // An iterator for sets of increasing corresponding values that have the same
220 // cardinality. For example, the sets with cardinality 3 will be listed as
221 // ...00111, ...01011, ...01101, ...1110, etc...
222 template <typename SetRange>
224  public:
225  // Make the parameter types visible to SetRangeWithCardinality.
226  typedef typename SetRange::SetType SetType;
227  typedef typename SetType::IntegerType IntegerType;
229  explicit SetRangeIterator(const SetType set) : current_set_(set) {}
231  // STL iterator-related methods.
232  SetType operator*() const { return current_set_; }
233  bool operator!=(const SetRangeIterator& other) const {
234  return current_set_ != other.current_set_;
235  }
237  // Computes the next set with the same cardinality using Gosper's hack.
238  // ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/pdf/AIM-239.pdf ITEM 175
239  // Also translated in C https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~am21/hakmemc.html
241  const IntegerType c = current_set_.SmallestSingleton().value();
242  const IntegerType a = current_set_.value();
243  const IntegerType r = c + current_set_.value();
244  // Dividing by c as in HAKMEMC can be avoided by taking into account
245  // that c is the smallest singleton of current_set_, and using a shift.
246  const IntegerType shift = current_set_.SmallestElement();
247  current_set_ = r == 0 ? SetType(0) : SetType(((r ^ a) >> (shift + 2)) | r);
248  return *this;
249  }
251  private:
252  // The current set of iterator.
253  SetType current_set_;
254 };
256 template <typename Set>
258  public:
259  typedef Set SetType;
260  // The end_ set is the first set with cardinality card, that does not fit
261  // in max_card bits. Thus, its bit at position max_card is set, and the
262  // rightmost (card - 1) bits are set.
263  SetRangeWithCardinality(int card, int max_card)
264  : begin_(Set::FullSet(card)),
265  end_(Set::FullSet(card - 1).AddElement(max_card)) {
266  DCHECK_LT(0, card);
267  DCHECK_LT(0, max_card);
268  DCHECK_EQ(card, begin_.Cardinality());
269  DCHECK_EQ(card, end_.Cardinality());
270  }
272  // STL iterator-related methods.
275  }
278  }
280  private:
281  // Keep the beginning and end of the iterator.
282  SetType begin_;
283  SetType end_;
284 };
286 // The Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm memorizes the values f(set, node) for
287 // node in set, for all the subsets of cardinality <= max_card_.
288 // LatticeMemoryManager manages the storage of f(set, node) so that the
289 // DP iteration access memory in increasing addresses.
290 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
292  public:
293  LatticeMemoryManager() : max_card_(0) {}
295  // Reserves memory and fills in the data necessary to access memory.
296  void Init(int max_card);
298  // Returns the offset in memory for f(s, node), with node contained in s.
299  uint64 Offset(Set s, int node) const;
301  // Returns the base offset in memory for f(s, node), with node contained in s.
302  // This is useful in the Dynamic Programming iterations.
303  // Note(user): inlining this function gains about 5%.
304  // TODO(user): Investigate how to compute BaseOffset(card - 1, s \ { n })
305  // from BaseOffset(card, n) to speed up the DP iteration.
306  inline uint64 BaseOffset(int card, Set s) const;
308  // Returns the offset delta for a set of cardinality 'card', to which
309  // node 'removed_node' is replaced by 'added_node' at 'rank'
310  uint64 OffsetDelta(int card, int added_node, int removed_node,
311  int rank) const {
312  return card *
313  (binomial_coefficients_[added_node][rank] - // delta for added_node
314  binomial_coefficients_[removed_node][rank]); // for removed_node.
315  }
317  // Memorizes the value = f(s, node) at the correct offset.
318  // This is favored in all other uses than the Dynamic Programming iterations.
319  void SetValue(Set s, int node, CostType value);
321  // Memorizes 'value' at 'offset'. This is useful in the Dynamic Programming
322  // iterations where we want to avoid compute the offset of a pair (set, node).
323  void SetValueAtOffset(uint64 offset, CostType value) {
324  memory_[offset] = value;
325  }
327  // Returns the memorized value f(s, node) with node in s.
328  // This is favored in all other uses than the Dynamic Programming iterations.
329  CostType Value(Set s, int node) const;
331  // Returns the memorized value at 'offset'.
332  // This is useful in the Dynamic Programming iterations.
333  CostType ValueAtOffset(uint64 offset) const { return memory_[offset]; }
335  private:
336  // Returns true if the values used to manage memory are set correctly.
337  // This is intended to only be used in a DCHECK.
338  bool CheckConsistency() const;
340  // The maximum cardinality of the set on which the lattice is going to be
341  // used. This is equal to the number of nodes in the TSP.
342  int max_card_;
344  // binomial_coefficients_[n][k] contains (n choose k).
345  std::vector<std::vector<uint64>> binomial_coefficients_;
347  // base_offset_[card] contains the base offset for all f(set, node) with
348  // card(set) == card.
349  std::vector<int64> base_offset_;
351  // memory_[Offset(set, node)] contains the costs of the partial path
352  // f(set, node).
353  std::vector<CostType> memory_;
354 };
356 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
358  DCHECK_LT(0, max_card);
359  DCHECK_GE(Set::MaxCardinality, max_card);
360  if (max_card <= max_card_) return;
361  max_card_ = max_card;
362  binomial_coefficients_.resize(max_card_ + 1);
364  // Initialize binomial_coefficients_ using Pascal's triangle recursion.
365  for (int n = 0; n <= max_card_; ++n) {
366  binomial_coefficients_[n].resize(n + 2);
367  binomial_coefficients_[n][0] = 1;
368  for (int k = 1; k <= n; ++k) {
369  binomial_coefficients_[n][k] = binomial_coefficients_[n - 1][k - 1] +
370  binomial_coefficients_[n - 1][k];
371  }
372  // Extend to (n, n + 1) to minimize branchings in LatticeMemoryManager().
373  // This also makes the recurrence above work for k = n.
374  binomial_coefficients_[n][n + 1] = 0;
375  }
376  base_offset_.resize(max_card_ + 1);
377  base_offset_[0] = 0;
378  // There are k * binomial_coefficients_[max_card_][k] f(S,j) values to store
379  // for each group of f(S,j), with card(S) = k. Update base_offset[k]
380  // accordingly.
381  for (int k = 0; k < max_card_; ++k) {
382  base_offset_[k + 1] =
383  base_offset_[k] + k * binomial_coefficients_[max_card_][k];
384  }
385  memory_.resize(0);
386  memory_.shrink_to_fit();
387  memory_.resize(max_card_ * (1 << (max_card_ - 1)));
388  DCHECK(CheckConsistency());
389 }
391 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
393  for (int n = 0; n <= max_card_; ++n) {
394  int64 sum = 0;
395  for (int k = 0; k <= n; ++k) {
396  sum += binomial_coefficients_[n][k];
397  }
398  DCHECK_EQ(1 << n, sum);
399  }
400  DCHECK_EQ(0, base_offset_[1]);
401  DCHECK_EQ(max_card_ * (1 << (max_card_ - 1)),
402  base_offset_[max_card_] + max_card_);
403  return true;
404 }
406 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
408  Set set) const {
409  DCHECK_LT(0, card);
410  DCHECK_EQ(set.Cardinality(), card);
411  uint64 local_offset = 0;
412  int node_rank = 0;
413  for (int node : set) {
414  // There are binomial_coefficients_[node][node_rank + 1] sets which have
415  // node at node_rank.
416  local_offset += binomial_coefficients_[node][node_rank + 1];
417  ++node_rank;
418  }
419  DCHECK_EQ(card, node_rank);
420  // Note(user): It is possible to get rid of base_offset_[card] by using a 2-D
421  // array. It would also make it possible to free all the memory but the layer
422  // being constructed and the preceding one, if another lattice of paths is
423  // constructed.
424  // TODO(user): Evaluate the interest of the above.
425  // There are 'card' f(set, j) to store. That is why we need to multiply
426  // local_offset by card before adding it to the corresponding base_offset_.
427  return base_offset_[card] + card * local_offset;
428 }
430 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
432  DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
433  return BaseOffset(set.Cardinality(), set) + set.ElementRank(node);
434 }
436 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
437 CostType LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::Value(Set set, int node) const {
438  DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
439  return ValueAtOffset(Offset(set, node));
440 }
442 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
444  CostType value) {
445  DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
446  SetValueAtOffset(Offset(set, node), value);
447 }
449 // Deprecated type.
450 typedef int PathNodeIndex;
452 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
454  // HamiltonianPathSolver computes a minimum Hamiltonian path starting at node
455  // 0 over a graph defined by a cost matrix. The cost function need not be
456  // symmetric.
457  // When the Hamiltonian path is closed, it's a Hamiltonian cycle,
458  // i.e. the algorithm solves the Traveling Salesman Problem.
459  // Example:
461  // std::vector<std::vector<int>> cost_mat;
462  // ... fill in cost matrix
463  // HamiltonianPathSolver<int, std::vector<std::vector<int>>>
464  // mhp(cost_mat); // no computation done
465  // printf("%d\n", mhp.TravelingSalesmanCost()); // computation done and
466  // stored
467  public:
468  // In 2010, 26 was the maximum solvable with 24 Gigs of RAM, and it took
469  // several minutes. With this 2014 version of the code, one may go a little
470  // higher, but considering the complexity of the algorithm (n*2^n), and that
471  // there are very good ways to solve TSP with more than 32 cities,
472  // we limit ourselves to 32 cites.
473  // This is why we define the type NodeSet to be 32-bit wide.
474  // TODO(user): remove this limitation by using pruning techniques.
475  typedef uint32 Integer;
478  explicit HamiltonianPathSolver(CostFunction cost);
479  HamiltonianPathSolver(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
481  // Replaces the cost matrix while avoiding re-allocating memory.
482  void ChangeCostMatrix(CostFunction cost);
483  void ChangeCostMatrix(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
485  // Returns the cost of the Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
486  CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node);
488  // Returns the shortest Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
489  std::vector<int> HamiltonianPath(int end_node);
491  // Returns the end-node that yields the shortest Hamiltonian path of
492  // all shortest Hamiltonian path from 0 to end-node (end-node != 0).
495  // Deprecated API. Stores HamiltonianPath(BestHamiltonianPathEndNode()) into
496  // *path.
497  void HamiltonianPath(std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path);
499  // Returns the cost of the TSP tour.
500  CostType TravelingSalesmanCost();
502  // Returns the TSP tour in the vector pointed to by the argument.
503  std::vector<int> TravelingSalesmanPath();
505  // Deprecated API.
506  void TravelingSalesmanPath(std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path);
508  // Returns true if there won't be precision issues.
509  // This is always true for integers, but not for floating-point types.
510  bool IsRobust();
512  // Returns true if the cost matrix verifies the triangle inequality.
515  private:
516  // Saturated arithmetic helper class.
517  template <typename T,
518  bool = true /* Dummy parameter to allow specialization */>
519  // Returns the saturated addition of a and b. It is specialized below for
520  // int32 and int64.
521  struct SaturatedArithmetic {
522  static T Add(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
523  static T Sub(T a, T b) { return a - b; }
524  };
525  template <bool Dummy>
526  struct SaturatedArithmetic<int64, Dummy> {
527  static int64 Add(int64 a, int64 b) { return CapAdd(a, b); }
528  static int64 Sub(int64 a, int64 b) { return CapSub(a, b); }
529  };
530  // TODO(user): implement this natively in saturated_arithmetic.h
531  template <bool Dummy>
532  struct SaturatedArithmetic<int32, Dummy> {
533  static int32 Add(int32 a, int32 b) {
534  const int64 a64 = a;
535  const int64 b64 = b;
536  const int64 min_int32 = kint32min;
537  const int64 max_int32 = kint32max;
538  return static_cast<int32>(
539  std::max(min_int32, std::min(max_int32, a64 + b64)));
540  }
541  static int32 Sub(int32 a, int32 b) {
542  const int64 a64 = a;
543  const int64 b64 = b;
544  const int64 min_int32 = kint32min;
545  const int64 max_int32 = kint32max;
546  return static_cast<int32>(
547  std::max(min_int32, std::min(max_int32, a64 - b64)));
548  }
549  };
551  template <typename T>
552  using Saturated = SaturatedArithmetic<T>;
554  // Returns the cost value between two nodes.
555  CostType Cost(int i, int j) { return cost_(i, j); }
557  // Does all the Dynamic Progamming iterations.
558  void Solve();
560  // Computes a path by looking at the information in mem_.
561  std::vector<int> ComputePath(CostType cost, NodeSet set, int end);
563  // Returns true if the path covers all nodes, and its cost is equal to cost.
564  bool PathIsValid(const std::vector<int>& path, CostType cost);
566  // Cost function used to build Hamiltonian paths.
567  MatrixOrFunction<CostType, CostFunction, true> cost_;
569  // The number of nodes in the problem.
570  int num_nodes_;
572  // The cost of the computed TSP path.
573  CostType tsp_cost_;
575  // The cost of the computed Hamiltonian path.
576  std::vector<CostType> hamiltonian_costs_;
578  bool robust_;
579  bool triangle_inequality_ok_;
580  bool robustness_checked_;
581  bool triangle_inequality_checked_;
582  bool solved_;
583  std::vector<int> tsp_path_;
585  // The vector of smallest Hamiltonian paths starting at 0, indexed by their
586  // end nodes.
587  std::vector<std::vector<int>> hamiltonian_paths_;
589  // The end node that gives the smallest Hamiltonian path. The smallest
590  // Hamiltonian path starting at 0 of all
591  // is hamiltonian_paths_[best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_].
592  int best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_;
594  LatticeMemoryManager<NodeSet, CostType> mem_;
595 };
597 // Utility function to simplify building a HamiltonianPathSolver from a functor.
598 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
600  int num_nodes, CostFunction cost) {
602  std::move(cost));
603 }
605 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
607  CostFunction cost)
608  : HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>(cost.size(), cost) {}
610 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
612  int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
613  : cost_(std::move(cost)),
614  num_nodes_(num_nodes),
615  tsp_cost_(0),
616  hamiltonian_costs_(0),
617  robust_(true),
618  triangle_inequality_ok_(true),
619  robustness_checked_(false),
620  triangle_inequality_checked_(false),
621  solved_(false) {
622  CHECK_GE(NodeSet::MaxCardinality, num_nodes_);
623  CHECK(cost_.Check());
624 }
626 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
628  CostFunction cost) {
629  ChangeCostMatrix(cost.size(), cost);
630 }
632 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
634  int num_nodes, CostFunction cost) {
635  robustness_checked_ = false;
636  triangle_inequality_checked_ = false;
637  solved_ = false;
638  cost_.Reset(cost);
639  num_nodes_ = num_nodes;
640  CHECK_GE(NodeSet::MaxCardinality, num_nodes_);
641  CHECK(cost_.Check());
642 }
644 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
646  if (solved_) return;
647  if (num_nodes_ == 0) {
648  tsp_cost_ = 0;
649  tsp_path_ = {0};
650  hamiltonian_paths_.resize(1);
651  hamiltonian_costs_.resize(1);
652  best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_ = 0;
653  hamiltonian_costs_[0] = 0;
654  hamiltonian_paths_[0] = {0};
655  return;
656  }
657  mem_.Init(num_nodes_);
658  // Initialize the first layer of the search lattice, taking into account
659  // that base_offset_[1] == 0. (This is what the DCHECK_EQ is for).
660  for (int dest = 0; dest < num_nodes_; ++dest) {
661  DCHECK_EQ(dest, mem_.BaseOffset(1, NodeSet::Singleton(dest)));
662  mem_.SetValueAtOffset(dest, Cost(0, dest));
663  }
665  // Populate the dynamic programming lattice layer by layer, by iterating
666  // on cardinality.
667  for (int card = 2; card <= num_nodes_; ++card) {
668  // Iterate on sets of same cardinality.
669  for (NodeSet set : SetRangeWithCardinality<Set<uint32>>(card, num_nodes_)) {
670  // Using BaseOffset and maintaining the node ranks, to reduce the
671  // computational effort for accessing the data.
672  const uint64 set_offset = mem_.BaseOffset(card, set);
673  // The first subset on which we'll iterate is set.RemoveSmallestElement().
674  // Compute its offset. It will be updated incrementaly. This saves about
675  // 30-35% of computation time.
676  uint64 subset_offset =
677  mem_.BaseOffset(card - 1, set.RemoveSmallestElement());
678  int prev_dest = set.SmallestElement();
679  int dest_rank = 0;
680  for (int dest : set) {
681  CostType min_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
682  const NodeSet subset = set.RemoveElement(dest);
683  // We compute the offset for subset from the preceding iteration
684  // by taking into account that prev_dest is now in subset, and
685  // that dest is now removed from subset.
686  subset_offset += mem_.OffsetDelta(card - 1, prev_dest, dest, dest_rank);
687  int src_rank = 0;
688  for (int src : subset) {
689  min_cost = std::min(
690  min_cost, Saturated<CostType>::Add(
691  Cost(src, dest),
692  mem_.ValueAtOffset(subset_offset + src_rank)));
693  ++src_rank;
694  }
695  prev_dest = dest;
696  mem_.SetValueAtOffset(set_offset + dest_rank, min_cost);
697  ++dest_rank;
698  }
699  }
700  }
702  const NodeSet full_set = NodeSet::FullSet(num_nodes_);
704  // Get the cost of the tsp from node 0. It is the path that leaves 0 and goes
705  // through all other nodes, and returns at 0, with minimal cost.
706  tsp_cost_ = mem_.Value(full_set, 0);
707  tsp_path_ = ComputePath(tsp_cost_, full_set, 0);
709  hamiltonian_paths_.resize(num_nodes_);
710  hamiltonian_costs_.resize(num_nodes_);
711  // Compute the cost of the Hamiltonian paths starting from node 0, going
712  // through all the other nodes, and ending at end_node. Compute the minimum
713  // one along the way.
714  CostType min_hamiltonian_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
715  const NodeSet hamiltonian_set = full_set.RemoveElement(0);
716  for (int end_node : hamiltonian_set) {
717  const CostType cost = mem_.Value(hamiltonian_set, end_node);
718  hamiltonian_costs_[end_node] = cost;
719  if (cost <= min_hamiltonian_cost) {
720  min_hamiltonian_cost = cost;
721  best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_ = end_node;
722  }
723  DCHECK_LE(tsp_cost_, Saturated<CostType>::Add(cost, Cost(end_node, 0)));
724  // Get the Hamiltonian paths.
725  hamiltonian_paths_[end_node] =
726  ComputePath(hamiltonian_costs_[end_node], hamiltonian_set, end_node);
727  }
729  solved_ = true;
730 }
732 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
733 std::vector<int> HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::ComputePath(
734  CostType cost, NodeSet set, int end_node) {
735  DCHECK(set.Contains(end_node));
736  const int path_size = set.Cardinality() + 1;
737  std::vector<int> path(path_size, 0);
738  NodeSet subset = set.RemoveElement(end_node);
739  path[path_size - 1] = end_node;
740  int dest = end_node;
741  CostType current_cost = cost;
742  for (int rank = path_size - 2; rank >= 0; --rank) {
743  for (int src : subset) {
744  const CostType partial_cost = mem_.Value(subset, src);
745  const CostType incumbent_cost =
746  Saturated<CostType>::Add(partial_cost, Cost(src, dest));
747  // Take precision into account when CosttType is float or double.
748  // There is no visible penalty in the case CostType is an integer type.
749  if (std::abs(Saturated<CostType>::Sub(current_cost, incumbent_cost)) <=
750  std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon() * current_cost) {
751  subset = subset.RemoveElement(src);
752  current_cost = partial_cost;
753  path[rank] = src;
754  dest = src;
755  break;
756  }
757  }
758  }
759  DCHECK_EQ(0, subset.value());
760  DCHECK(PathIsValid(path, cost));
761  return path;
762 }
764 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
765 bool HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::PathIsValid(
766  const std::vector<int>& path, CostType cost) {
767  NodeSet coverage(0);
768  for (int node : path) {
769  coverage = coverage.AddElement(node);
770  }
771  DCHECK_EQ(NodeSet::FullSet(num_nodes_).value(), coverage.value());
772  CostType check_cost = 0;
773  for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; ++i) {
774  check_cost =
775  Saturated<CostType>::Add(check_cost, Cost(path[i], path[i + 1]));
776  }
777  DCHECK_LE(std::abs(Saturated<CostType>::Sub(cost, check_cost)),
778  std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon() * cost)
779  << "cost = " << cost << " check_cost = " << check_cost;
780  return true;
781 }
783 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
785  if (std::numeric_limits<CostType>::is_integer) return true;
786  if (robustness_checked_) return robust_;
787  CostType min_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
788  CostType max_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::min();
790  // We compute the min and max for the cost matrix.
791  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_; ++i) {
792  for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes_; ++j) {
793  if (i == j) continue;
794  min_cost = std::min(min_cost, Cost(i, j));
795  max_cost = std::max(max_cost, Cost(i, j));
796  }
797  }
798  // We determine if the range of the cost matrix is going to
799  // make the algorithm not robust because of precision issues.
800  robust_ =
801  min_cost >= 0 && min_cost > num_nodes_ * max_cost *
802  std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon();
803  robustness_checked_ = true;
804  return robust_;
805 }
807 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
808 bool HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType,
809  CostFunction>::VerifiesTriangleInequality() {
810  if (triangle_inequality_checked_) return triangle_inequality_ok_;
811  triangle_inequality_ok_ = true;
812  triangle_inequality_checked_ = true;
813  for (int k = 0; k < num_nodes_; ++k) {
814  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_; ++i) {
815  for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes_; ++j) {
816  const CostType detour_cost =
817  Saturated<CostType>::Add(Cost(i, k), Cost(k, j));
818  if (detour_cost < Cost(i, j)) {
819  triangle_inequality_ok_ = false;
820  return triangle_inequality_ok_;
821  }
822  }
823  }
824  }
825  return triangle_inequality_ok_;
826 }
828 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
829 int HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType,
830  CostFunction>::BestHamiltonianPathEndNode() {
831  Solve();
832  return best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_;
833 }
835 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
837  int end_node) {
838  Solve();
839  return hamiltonian_costs_[end_node];
840 }
842 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
844  int end_node) {
845  Solve();
846  return hamiltonian_paths_[end_node];
847 }
849 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
851  std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path) {
852  *path = HamiltonianPath(best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_);
853 }
855 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
856 CostType
858  Solve();
859  return tsp_cost_;
860 }
862 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
863 std::vector<int>
865  Solve();
866  return tsp_path_;
867 }
869 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
871  std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path) {
872  *path = TravelingSalesmanPath();
873 }
875 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
877  // PruningHamiltonianSolver computes a minimum Hamiltonian path from node 0
878  // over a graph defined by a cost matrix, with pruning. For each search state,
879  // PruningHamiltonianSolver computes the lower bound for the future overall
880  // TSP cost, and stops further search if it exceeds the current best solution.
882  // For the heuristics to determine future lower bound over visited nodeset S
883  // and last visited node k, the cost of minimum spanning tree of (V \ S) ∪ {k}
884  // is calculated and added to the current cost(S). The cost of MST is
885  // guaranteed to be smaller than or equal to the cost of Hamiltonian path,
886  // because Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree itself.
888  // TODO(user): Use generic map-based cache instead of lattice-based one.
889  // TODO(user): Use SaturatedArithmetic for better precision.
891  public:
892  typedef uint32 Integer;
895  explicit PruningHamiltonianSolver(CostFunction cost);
896  PruningHamiltonianSolver(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
898  // Returns the cost of the Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
899  CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node);
901  // TODO(user): Add function to return an actual path.
902  // TODO(user): Add functions for Hamiltonian cycle.
904  private:
905  // Returns the cost value between two nodes.
906  CostType Cost(int i, int j) { return cost_(i, j); }
908  // Solve and get TSP cost.
909  void Solve(int end_node);
911  // Compute lower bound for remaining subgraph.
912  CostType ComputeFutureLowerBound(NodeSet current_set, int last_visited);
914  // Cost function used to build Hamiltonian paths.
915  MatrixOrFunction<CostType, CostFunction, true> cost_;
917  // The number of nodes in the problem.
918  int num_nodes_;
920  // The cost of the computed TSP path.
921  CostType tsp_cost_;
923  // If already solved.
924  bool solved_;
926  // Memoize for dynamic programming.
928 };
930 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
932  CostFunction cost)
933  : PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>(cost.size(), cost) {}
935 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
937  int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
938  : cost_(std::move(cost)),
939  num_nodes_(num_nodes),
940  tsp_cost_(0),
941  solved_(false) {}
943 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
945  if (solved_ || num_nodes_ == 0) return;
946  // TODO(user): Use an approximate solution as a base target before solving.
948  // TODO(user): Instead of pure DFS, find out the order of sets to compute
949  // to utilize cache as possible.
951  mem_.Init(num_nodes_);
952  NodeSet start_set = NodeSet::Singleton(0);
953  std::stack<std::pair<NodeSet, int>> state_stack;
954  state_stack.push(std::make_pair(start_set, 0));
956  while (!state_stack.empty()) {
957  const std::pair<NodeSet, int> current = state_stack.top();
958  state_stack.pop();
960  const NodeSet current_set = current.first;
961  const int last_visited = current.second;
962  const CostType current_cost = mem_.Value(current_set, last_visited);
964  // TODO(user): Optimize iterating unvisited nodes.
965  for (int next_to_visit = 0; next_to_visit < num_nodes_; next_to_visit++) {
966  // Let's to as much check possible before adding to stack.
968  // Skip if this node is already visited.
969  if (current_set.Contains(next_to_visit)) continue;
971  // Skip if the end node is prematurely visited.
972  const int next_cardinality = current_set.Cardinality() + 1;
973  if (next_to_visit == end_node && next_cardinality != num_nodes_) continue;
975  const NodeSet next_set = current_set.AddElement(next_to_visit);
976  const CostType next_cost =
977  current_cost + Cost(last_visited, next_to_visit);
979  // Compare with the best cost found so far, and skip if that is better.
980  const CostType previous_best = mem_.Value(next_set, next_to_visit);
981  if (previous_best != 0 && next_cost >= previous_best) continue;
983  // Compute lower bound of Hamiltonian cost, and skip if this is greater
984  // than the best Hamiltonian cost found so far.
985  const CostType lower_bound =
986  ComputeFutureLowerBound(next_set, next_to_visit);
987  if (tsp_cost_ != 0 && next_cost + lower_bound >= tsp_cost_) continue;
989  // If next is the last node to visit, update tsp_cost_ and skip.
990  if (next_cardinality == num_nodes_) {
991  tsp_cost_ = next_cost;
992  continue;
993  }
995  // Add to the stack, finally.
996  mem_.SetValue(next_set, next_to_visit, next_cost);
997  state_stack.push(std::make_pair(next_set, next_to_visit));
998  }
999  }
1001  solved_ = true;
1002 }
1004 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
1006  int end_node) {
1007  Solve(end_node);
1008  return tsp_cost_;
1009 }
1011 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
1012 CostType
1014  NodeSet current_set, int last_visited) {
1015  // TODO(user): Compute MST.
1016  return 0; // For now, return 0 as future lower bound.
1017 }
1018 } // namespace operations_research
Set< Integer > NodeSet
Set< Integer > NodeSet
bool operator!=(const Set &other) const
CostType Value(Set s, int node) const
int operator*() const
static const int MaxCardinality
Integer IntegerType
int BestHamiltonianPathEndNode()
CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node)
ElementIterator(Set set)
Set RemoveSmallestElement() const
uint64 OffsetDelta(int card, int added_node, int removed_node, int rank) const
HamiltonianPathSolver(CostFunction cost)
Definition: christofides.h:33
Set AddElement(int n) const
static Set FullSet(Integer card)
Integer value() const
ElementIterator< Set > begin() const
static constexpr Integer One
int ElementRank(int n) const
const ElementIterator & operator++()
bool operator!=(const ElementIterator &other) const
bool IsRobust()
Set SetType
Set(Integer n)
void SetValue(Set s, int node, CostType value)
void SetValueAtOffset(uint64 offset, CostType value)
uint64 Offset(Set s, int node) const
int SingletonRank(Set singleton) const
PruningHamiltonianSolver(CostFunction cost)
bool operator!=(const SetRangeIterator &other) const
static constexpr Integer Zero
static Set Singleton(Integer n)
int PathNodeIndex
CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node)
void Init(int max_card)
Set SmallestSingleton() const
CostType ValueAtOffset(uint64 offset) const
SetRange::SetType SetType
bool Contains(int n) const
uint32 Integer
SetRangeWithCardinality(int card, int max_card)
CostType TravelingSalesmanCost()
ElementIterator< Set > end() const
SetRangeIterator< SetRangeWithCardinality > begin() const
uint32 Integer
int SmallestElement() const
std::vector< int > HamiltonianPath(int end_node)
int Cardinality() const
bool Includes(Set other) const
SetType::IntegerType IntegerType
uint64 BaseOffset(int card, Set s) const
SetRangeIterator(const SetType set)
void ChangeCostMatrix(CostFunction cost)
bool VerifiesTriangleInequality()
Set RemoveElement(int n) const
std::vector< int > TravelingSalesmanPath()
HamiltonianPathSolver< CostType, CostFunction > MakeHamiltonianPathSolver(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
const SetRangeIterator & operator++()
SetType operator*() const
SetRangeIterator< SetRangeWithCardinality > end() const