OR-Tools  8.1
gscip_ext.h File Reference

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struct  GScipLinearExpr
struct  GScipIndicatorRangeConstraint


 The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from the Traveling Salesman Problem to more complex problems such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.


absl::Status GScipCreateAbs (GScip *gscip, SCIP_Var *x, SCIP_Var *abs_x, const std::string &name)
GScipLinearExpr GScipDifference (GScipLinearExpr left, const GScipLinearExpr &right)
GScipLinearExpr GScipNegate (GScipLinearExpr expr)
GScipLinearRange GScipLe (const GScipLinearExpr left, const GScipLinearExpr &right)
absl::Status GScipCreateMaximum (GScip *gscip, const GScipLinearExpr &resultant, const std::vector< GScipLinearExpr > &terms, const std::string &name)
absl::Status GScipCreateMinimum (GScip *gscip, const GScipLinearExpr &resultant, const std::vector< GScipLinearExpr > &terms, const std::string &name)
absl::Status GScipCreateIndicatorRange (GScip *gscip, const GScipIndicatorRangeConstraint &indicator_range, const std::string &name, const GScipConstraintOptions &options)
absl::Status GScipAddQuadraticObjectiveTerm (GScip *gscip, std::vector< SCIP_Var * > quadratic_variables1, std::vector< SCIP_Var * > quadratic_variables2, std::vector< double > quadratic_coefficients, const std::string &name)