OR-Tools  8.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
16 #include <algorithm>
18 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
19 #include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
20 #include "ortools/base/murmur.h"
22 namespace operations_research {
24 namespace {
25 uint64 FprintOfInt32(int i) {
26  return util_hash::MurmurHash64(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i),
27  sizeof(int));
28 }
29 } // namespace
32  DCHECK_GE(num_elements, 0);
33  element_.assign(num_elements, -1);
34  index_of_.assign(num_elements, -1);
35  for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
36  element_[i] = i;
37  index_of_[i] = i;
38  }
39  part_of_.assign(num_elements, 0);
40  uint64 fprint = 0;
41  for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) fprint ^= FprintOfInt32(i);
42  part_.push_back(Part(/*start_index=*/0, /*end_index=*/num_elements,
43  /*parent_part=*/0,
44  /*fprint=*/fprint));
45 }
48  const std::vector<int>& initial_part_of_element) {
49  if (initial_part_of_element.empty()) return;
50  part_of_ = initial_part_of_element;
51  const int n = part_of_.size();
52  const int num_parts = 1 + *std::max_element(part_of_.begin(), part_of_.end());
53  DCHECK_EQ(0, *std::min_element(part_of_.begin(), part_of_.end()));
54  part_.resize(num_parts);
56  // Compute the part fingerprints.
57  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) part_[part_of_[i]].fprint ^= FprintOfInt32(i);
59  // Compute the actual start indices of each part, knowing that we'll sort
60  // them as they were given implicitly in "initial_part_of_element".
61  // The code looks a bit weird to do it in-place, with no additional memory.
62  for (int p = 0; p < num_parts; ++p) {
63  part_[p].end_index = 0; // Temporarily utilized as size_of_part.
64  part_[p].parent_part = p;
65  }
66  for (const int p : part_of_) ++part_[p].end_index; // size_of_part
67  int sum_part_sizes = 0;
68  for (int p = 0; p < num_parts; ++p) {
69  part_[p].start_index = sum_part_sizes;
70  sum_part_sizes += part_[p].end_index; // size of part.
71  }
73  // Now that we have the correct start indices, we set the end indices to the
74  // start indices, and incrementally add all elements to their part, adjusting
75  // the end indices as we go.
76  for (Part& part : part_) part.end_index = part.start_index;
77  element_.assign(n, -1);
78  index_of_.assign(n, -1);
79  for (int element = 0; element < n; ++element) {
80  Part* const part = &part_[part_of_[element]];
81  element_[part->end_index] = element;
82  index_of_[element] = part->end_index;
83  ++part->end_index;
84  }
86  // Verify that we did it right.
87  // TODO(user): either remove this or factor it out if it can be used
88  // elsewhere.
89  DCHECK_EQ(0, part_[0].start_index);
90  DCHECK_EQ(NumElements(), part_[NumParts() - 1].end_index);
91  for (int p = 1; p < NumParts(); ++p) {
92  DCHECK_EQ(part_[p - 1].end_index, part_[p].start_index);
93  }
94 }
96 void DynamicPartition::Refine(const std::vector<int>& distinguished_subset) {
97  // tmp_counter_of_part_[i] will contain the number of
98  // elements in distinguished_subset that were part of part #i.
99  tmp_counter_of_part_.resize(NumParts(), 0);
100  // We remember the Parts that were actually affected.
101  tmp_affected_parts_.clear();
102  for (const int element : distinguished_subset) {
103  DCHECK_GE(element, 0);
104  DCHECK_LT(element, NumElements());
105  const int part = part_of_[element];
106  const int num_distinguished_elements_in_part = ++tmp_counter_of_part_[part];
107  // Is this the first time that we touch this element's part?
108  if (num_distinguished_elements_in_part == 1) {
109  // TODO(user): optimize the common singleton case.
110  tmp_affected_parts_.push_back(part);
111  }
112  // Move the element to the end of its current Part.
113  const int old_index = index_of_[element];
114  const int new_index =
115  part_[part].end_index - num_distinguished_elements_in_part;
116  DCHECK_GE(new_index, old_index)
117  << "Duplicate element given to Refine(): " << element;
118  // Perform the swap, keeping index_of_ up to date.
119  index_of_[element] = new_index;
120  index_of_[element_[new_index]] = old_index;
121  std::swap(element_[old_index], element_[new_index]);
122  }
124  // Sort affected parts. This is important to behave as advertised in the .h.
125  // TODO(user,user): automatically switch to an O(N) sort when it's faster
126  // than this one, which is O(K log K) with K = tmp_affected_parts_.size().
127  std::sort(tmp_affected_parts_.begin(), tmp_affected_parts_.end());
129  // Iterate on each affected part and split it, or keep it intact if all
130  // of its elements were distinguished.
131  for (const int part : tmp_affected_parts_) {
132  const int start_index = part_[part].start_index;
133  const int end_index = part_[part].end_index;
134  const int split_index = end_index - tmp_counter_of_part_[part];
135  tmp_counter_of_part_[part] = 0; // Clean up after us.
136  DCHECK_GE(split_index, start_index);
137  DCHECK_LT(split_index, end_index);
139  // Do nothing if all elements were distinguished.
140  if (split_index == start_index) continue;
142  // Compute the fingerprint of the new part.
143  uint64 new_fprint = 0;
144  for (int i = split_index; i < end_index; ++i) {
145  new_fprint ^= FprintOfInt32(element_[i]);
146  }
148  const int new_part = NumParts();
150  // Perform the split.
151  part_[part].end_index = split_index;
152  part_[part].fprint ^= new_fprint;
153  part_.push_back(Part(/*start_index*/ split_index, /*end_index*/ end_index,
154  /*parent_part*/ part, new_fprint));
155  for (const int element : ElementsInPart(new_part)) {
156  part_of_[element] = new_part;
157  }
158  }
159 }
162  DCHECK_GE(NumParts(), original_num_parts);
163  DCHECK_GE(original_num_parts, 1);
164  while (NumParts() > original_num_parts) {
165  const int part_index = NumParts() - 1;
166  const Part& part = part_[part_index];
167  const int parent_part_index = part.parent_part;
168  DCHECK_LT(parent_part_index, part_index) << "UndoRefineUntilNumPartsEqual()"
169  " called with "
170  "'original_num_parts' too low";
172  // Update the part contents: actually merge "part" onto its parent.
173  for (const int element : ElementsInPart(part_index)) {
174  part_of_[element] = parent_part_index;
175  }
176  Part* const parent_part = &part_[parent_part_index];
177  DCHECK_EQ(part.start_index, parent_part->end_index);
178  parent_part->end_index = part.end_index;
179  parent_part->fprint ^= part.fprint;
180  part_.pop_back();
181  }
182 }
185  if (sorting != SORT_LEXICOGRAPHICALLY && sorting != SORT_BY_PART) {
186  return absl::StrFormat("Unsupported sorting: %d", sorting);
187  }
188  std::vector<std::vector<int>> parts;
189  for (int i = 0; i < NumParts(); ++i) {
190  IterablePart iterable_part = ElementsInPart(i);
191  parts.emplace_back(iterable_part.begin(), iterable_part.end());
192  std::sort(parts.back().begin(), parts.back().end());
193  }
194  if (sorting == SORT_LEXICOGRAPHICALLY) {
195  std::sort(parts.begin(), parts.end());
196  }
197  std::string out;
198  for (const std::vector<int>& part : parts) {
199  if (!out.empty()) out += " | ";
200  out += absl::StrJoin(part, " ");
201  }
202  return out;
203 }
205 void MergingPartition::Reset(int num_nodes) {
206  DCHECK_GE(num_nodes, 0);
207  part_size_.assign(num_nodes, 1);
208  parent_.assign(num_nodes, -1);
209  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) parent_[i] = i;
210  tmp_part_bit_.assign(num_nodes, false);
211 }
213 int MergingPartition::MergePartsOf(int node1, int node2) {
214  DCHECK_GE(node1, 0);
215  DCHECK_GE(node2, 0);
216  DCHECK_LT(node1, NumNodes());
217  DCHECK_LT(node2, NumNodes());
218  int root1 = GetRoot(node1);
219  int root2 = GetRoot(node2);
220  if (root1 == root2) return -1;
221  int s1 = part_size_[root1];
222  int s2 = part_size_[root2];
223  // Attach the smaller part to the larger one. Break ties by root index.
224  if (s1 < s2 || (s1 == s2 && root1 > root2)) {
225  std::swap(root1, root2);
226  std::swap(s1, s2);
227  }
229  // Update the part size. Don't change part_size_[root2]: it won't be used
230  // again by further merges.
231  part_size_[root1] += part_size_[root2];
232  SetParentAlongPathToRoot(node1, root1);
233  SetParentAlongPathToRoot(node2, root1);
234  return root2;
235 }
238  DCHECK_GE(node, 0);
239  DCHECK_LT(node, NumNodes());
240  const int root = GetRoot(node);
241  SetParentAlongPathToRoot(node, root);
242  return root;
243 }
245 void MergingPartition::KeepOnlyOneNodePerPart(std::vector<int>* nodes) {
246  int num_nodes_kept = 0;
247  for (const int node : *nodes) {
248  const int representative = GetRootAndCompressPath(node);
249  if (!tmp_part_bit_[representative]) {
250  tmp_part_bit_[representative] = true;
251  (*nodes)[num_nodes_kept++] = node;
252  }
253  }
254  nodes->resize(num_nodes_kept);
256  // Clean up the tmp_part_bit_ vector. Since we've already compressed the
257  // paths (if backtracking was enabled), no need to do it again.
258  for (const int node : *nodes) tmp_part_bit_[GetRoot(node)] = false;
259 }
262  std::vector<int>* node_equivalence_classes) {
263  node_equivalence_classes->assign(NumNodes(), -1);
264  int num_roots = 0;
265  for (int node = 0; node < NumNodes(); ++node) {
266  const int root = GetRootAndCompressPath(node);
267  if ((*node_equivalence_classes)[root] < 0) {
268  (*node_equivalence_classes)[root] = num_roots;
269  ++num_roots;
270  }
271  (*node_equivalence_classes)[node] = (*node_equivalence_classes)[root];
272  }
273  return num_roots;
274 }
277  std::vector<std::vector<int>> sorted_parts(NumNodes());
278  for (int i = 0; i < NumNodes(); ++i) {
279  sorted_parts[GetRootAndCompressPath(i)].push_back(i);
280  }
281  for (std::vector<int>& part : sorted_parts)
282  std::sort(part.begin(), part.end());
283  std::sort(sorted_parts.begin(), sorted_parts.end());
284  // Note: typically, a lot of elements of "sorted_parts" will be empty,
285  // but these won't be visible in the string that we construct below.
286  std::string out;
287  for (const std::vector<int>& part : sorted_parts) {
288  if (!out.empty()) out += " | ";
289  out += absl::StrJoin(part, " ");
290  }
291  return out;
292 }
294 } // namespace operations_research
int NumNodes() const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:210
int GetRootAndCompressPath(int node)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:237
#define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:888
int GetRoot(int node) const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:314
void UndoRefineUntilNumPartsEqual(int original_num_parts)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:161
int MergePartsOf(int node1, int node2)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:213
void KeepOnlyOneNodePerPart(std::vector< int > *nodes)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:245
The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from th...
Definition: dense_doubly_linked_list.h:21
IterablePart ElementsInPart(int i) const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:276
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:117
DynamicPartition(int num_elements)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:31
std::vector< int >::const_iterator begin() const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:184
std::string DebugString(DebugStringSorting sorting) const
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:184
uint64 MurmurHash64(const char *buf, const size_t len)
Definition: murmur.h:23
ColIndex representative
Definition: preprocessor.cc:424
void Reset(int num_nodes)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:205
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:120
uint64_t uint64
Definition: integral_types.h:39
void Refine(const std::vector< int > &distinguished_subset)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:96
#define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:889
std::string DebugString()
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:276
const int NumParts() const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:61
int NumElements() const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:60
#define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:885
std::vector< int >::const_iterator end() const
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:185
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:122
int FillEquivalenceClasses(std::vector< int > *node_equivalence_classes)
Definition: dynamic_partition.cc:261
Definition: dynamic_partition.h:183