OR-Tools  8.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <memory>
20 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
21 #include "ortools/base/int_type.h"
22 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
23 #include "ortools/base/map_util.h"
25 #include "ortools/sat/sat_solver.h"
26 #include "ortools/util/sort.h"
28 namespace operations_research {
29 namespace sat {
31 std::function<void(Model*)> AllDifferentBinary(
32  const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& vars) {
33  return [=](Model* model) {
34  // Fully encode all the given variables and construct a mapping value ->
35  // List of literal each indicating that a given variable takes this value.
36  //
37  // Note that we use a map to always add the constraints in the same order.
38  std::map<IntegerValue, std::vector<Literal>> value_to_literals;
39  IntegerEncoder* encoder = model->GetOrCreate<IntegerEncoder>();
40  for (const IntegerVariable var : vars) {
42  for (const auto& entry : encoder->FullDomainEncoding(var)) {
43  value_to_literals[entry.value].push_back(entry.literal);
44  }
45  }
47  // Add an at most one constraint for each value.
48  for (const auto& entry : value_to_literals) {
49  if (entry.second.size() > 1) {
50  model->Add(AtMostOneConstraint(entry.second));
51  }
52  }
54  // If the number of values is equal to the number of variables, we have
55  // a permutation. We can add a bool_or for each literals attached to a
56  // value.
57  if (value_to_literals.size() == vars.size()) {
58  for (const auto& entry : value_to_literals) {
59  model->Add(ClauseConstraint(entry.second));
60  }
61  }
62  };
63 }
65 std::function<void(Model*)> AllDifferentOnBounds(
66  const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& vars) {
67  return [=](Model* model) {
68  if (vars.empty()) return;
69  auto* constraint = new AllDifferentBoundsPropagator(
70  vars, model->GetOrCreate<IntegerTrail>());
71  constraint->RegisterWith(model->GetOrCreate<GenericLiteralWatcher>());
72  model->TakeOwnership(constraint);
73  };
74 }
76 std::function<void(Model*)> AllDifferentAC(
77  const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& variables) {
78  return [=](Model* model) {
79  if (variables.size() < 3) return;
82  variables, model->GetOrCreate<IntegerEncoder>(),
83  model->GetOrCreate<Trail>(), model->GetOrCreate<IntegerTrail>());
84  constraint->RegisterWith(model->GetOrCreate<GenericLiteralWatcher>());
85  model->TakeOwnership(constraint);
86  };
87 }
90  std::vector<IntegerVariable> variables, IntegerEncoder* encoder,
91  Trail* trail, IntegerTrail* integer_trail)
92  : num_variables_(variables.size()),
93  variables_(std::move(variables)),
94  trail_(trail),
95  integer_trail_(integer_trail) {
96  // Initialize literals cache.
97  int64 min_value = kint64max;
98  int64 max_value = kint64min;
99  variable_min_value_.resize(num_variables_);
100  variable_max_value_.resize(num_variables_);
101  variable_literal_index_.resize(num_variables_);
102  int num_fixed_variables = 0;
103  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
104  variable_min_value_[x] = integer_trail_->LowerBound(variables_[x]).value();
105  variable_max_value_[x] = integer_trail_->UpperBound(variables_[x]).value();
107  // Compute value range of all variables.
108  min_value = std::min(min_value, variable_min_value_[x]);
109  max_value = std::max(max_value, variable_max_value_[x]);
111  // FullyEncode does not like 1-value domains, handle this case first.
112  // TODO(user): Prune now, ignore these variables during solving.
113  if (variable_min_value_[x] == variable_max_value_[x]) {
114  num_fixed_variables++;
115  variable_literal_index_[x].push_back(kTrueLiteralIndex);
116  continue;
117  }
119  // Force full encoding if not already done.
120  if (!encoder->VariableIsFullyEncoded(variables_[x])) {
121  encoder->FullyEncodeVariable(variables_[x]);
122  }
124  // Fill cache with literals, default value is kFalseLiteralIndex.
125  int64 size = variable_max_value_[x] - variable_min_value_[x] + 1;
126  variable_literal_index_[x].resize(size, kFalseLiteralIndex);
127  for (const auto& entry : encoder->FullDomainEncoding(variables_[x])) {
128  int64 value = entry.value.value();
129  // Can happen because of initial propagation!
130  if (value < variable_min_value_[x] || variable_max_value_[x] < value) {
131  continue;
132  }
133  variable_literal_index_[x][value - variable_min_value_[x]] =
134  entry.literal.Index();
135  }
136  }
137  min_all_values_ = min_value;
138  num_all_values_ = max_value - min_value + 1;
140  successor_.resize(num_variables_);
141  variable_to_value_.assign(num_variables_, -1);
142  visiting_.resize(num_variables_);
143  variable_visited_from_.resize(num_variables_);
144  residual_graph_successors_.resize(num_variables_ + num_all_values_ + 1);
145  component_number_.resize(num_variables_ + num_all_values_ + 1);
146 }
149  const int id = watcher->Register(this);
150  watcher->SetPropagatorPriority(id, 2);
151  for (const auto& literal_indices : variable_literal_index_) {
152  for (const LiteralIndex li : literal_indices) {
153  // Watch only unbound literals.
154  if (li >= 0 &&
155  !trail_->Assignment().VariableIsAssigned(Literal(li).Variable())) {
156  watcher->WatchLiteral(Literal(li), id);
157  watcher->WatchLiteral(Literal(li).Negated(), id);
158  }
159  }
160  }
161 }
163 LiteralIndex AllDifferentConstraint::VariableLiteralIndexOf(int x,
164  int64 value) {
165  return (value < variable_min_value_[x] || variable_max_value_[x] < value)
167  : variable_literal_index_[x][value - variable_min_value_[x]];
168 }
170 inline bool AllDifferentConstraint::VariableHasPossibleValue(int x,
171  int64 value) {
172  LiteralIndex li = VariableLiteralIndexOf(x, value);
173  if (li == kFalseLiteralIndex) return false;
174  if (li == kTrueLiteralIndex) return true;
175  DCHECK_GE(li, 0);
176  return !trail_->Assignment().LiteralIsFalse(Literal(li));
177 }
179 bool AllDifferentConstraint::MakeAugmentingPath(int start) {
180  // Do a BFS and use visiting_ as a queue, with num_visited pointing
181  // at its begin() and num_to_visit its end().
182  // To switch to the augmenting path once a nonmatched value was found,
183  // we remember the BFS tree in variable_visited_from_.
184  int num_to_visit = 0;
185  int num_visited = 0;
186  // Enqueue start.
187  visiting_[num_to_visit++] = start;
188  variable_visited_[start] = true;
189  variable_visited_from_[start] = -1;
191  while (num_visited < num_to_visit) {
192  // Dequeue node to visit.
193  const int node = visiting_[num_visited++];
195  for (const int value : successor_[node]) {
196  if (value_visited_[value]) continue;
197  value_visited_[value] = true;
198  if (value_to_variable_[value] == -1) {
199  // value is not matched: change path from node to start, and return.
200  int path_node = node;
201  int path_value = value;
202  while (path_node != -1) {
203  int old_value = variable_to_value_[path_node];
204  variable_to_value_[path_node] = path_value;
205  value_to_variable_[path_value] = path_node;
206  path_node = variable_visited_from_[path_node];
207  path_value = old_value;
208  }
209  return true;
210  } else {
211  // Enqueue node matched to value.
212  const int next_node = value_to_variable_[value];
213  variable_visited_[next_node] = true;
214  visiting_[num_to_visit++] = next_node;
215  variable_visited_from_[next_node] = node;
216  }
217  }
218  }
219  return false;
220 }
222 // The algorithm copies the solver state to successor_, which is used to compute
223 // a matching. If all variables can be matched, it generates the residual graph
224 // in separate vectors, computes its SCCs, and filters variable -> value if
225 // variable is not in the same SCC as value.
226 // Explanations for failure and filtering are fine-grained:
227 // failure is explained by a Hall set, i.e. dom(variables) \subseteq {values},
228 // with |variables| < |values|; filtering is explained by the Hall set that
229 // would happen if the variable was assigned to the value.
230 //
231 // TODO(user): If needed, there are several ways performance could be
232 // improved.
233 // If copying the variable state is too costly, it could be maintained instead.
234 // If the propagator has too many fruitless calls (without failing/pruning),
235 // we can remember the O(n) arcs used in the matching and the SCC decomposition,
236 // and guard calls to Propagate() if these arcs are still valid.
238  // Copy variable state to graph state.
239  prev_matching_ = variable_to_value_;
240  value_to_variable_.assign(num_all_values_, -1);
241  variable_to_value_.assign(num_variables_, -1);
242  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
243  successor_[x].clear();
244  const int64 min_value = integer_trail_->LowerBound(variables_[x]).value();
245  const int64 max_value = integer_trail_->UpperBound(variables_[x]).value();
246  for (int64 value = min_value; value <= max_value; value++) {
247  if (VariableHasPossibleValue(x, value)) {
248  const int offset_value = value - min_all_values_;
249  // Forward-checking should propagate x != value.
250  successor_[x].push_back(offset_value);
251  }
252  }
253  if (successor_[x].size() == 1) {
254  const int offset_value = successor_[x][0];
255  if (value_to_variable_[offset_value] == -1) {
256  value_to_variable_[offset_value] = x;
257  variable_to_value_[x] = offset_value;
258  }
259  }
260  }
262  // Because we currently propagates all clauses before entering this
263  // propagator, we known that this can't happen.
264  if (DEBUG_MODE) {
265  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
266  for (const int offset_value : successor_[x]) {
267  if (value_to_variable_[offset_value] != -1 &&
268  value_to_variable_[offset_value] != x) {
269  LOG(FATAL) << "Should have been propagated by AllDifferentBinary()!";
270  }
271  }
272  }
273  }
275  // Seed with previous matching.
276  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
277  if (variable_to_value_[x] != -1) continue;
278  const int prev_value = prev_matching_[x];
279  if (prev_value == -1 || value_to_variable_[prev_value] != -1) continue;
281  if (VariableHasPossibleValue(x, prev_matching_[x] + min_all_values_)) {
282  variable_to_value_[x] = prev_matching_[x];
283  value_to_variable_[prev_matching_[x]] = x;
284  }
285  }
287  // Compute max matching.
288  int x = 0;
289  for (; x < num_variables_; x++) {
290  if (variable_to_value_[x] == -1) {
291  value_visited_.assign(num_all_values_, false);
292  variable_visited_.assign(num_variables_, false);
293  MakeAugmentingPath(x);
294  }
295  if (variable_to_value_[x] == -1) break; // No augmenting path exists.
296  }
298  // Fail if covering variables impossible.
299  // Explain with the forbidden parts of the graph that prevent
300  // MakeAugmentingPath from increasing the matching size.
301  if (x < num_variables_) {
302  // For now explain all forbidden arcs.
303  std::vector<Literal>* conflict = trail_->MutableConflict();
304  conflict->clear();
305  for (int y = 0; y < num_variables_; y++) {
306  if (!variable_visited_[y]) continue;
307  for (int value = variable_min_value_[y]; value <= variable_max_value_[y];
308  value++) {
309  const LiteralIndex li = VariableLiteralIndexOf(y, value);
310  if (li >= 0 && !value_visited_[value - min_all_values_]) {
311  DCHECK(trail_->Assignment().LiteralIsFalse(Literal(li)));
312  conflict->push_back(Literal(li));
313  }
314  }
315  }
316  return false;
317  }
319  // The current matching is a valid solution, now try to filter values.
320  // Build residual graph, compute its SCCs.
321  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
322  residual_graph_successors_[x].clear();
323  for (const int succ : successor_[x]) {
324  if (succ != variable_to_value_[x]) {
325  residual_graph_successors_[x].push_back(num_variables_ + succ);
326  }
327  }
328  }
329  for (int offset_value = 0; offset_value < num_all_values_; offset_value++) {
330  residual_graph_successors_[num_variables_ + offset_value].clear();
331  if (value_to_variable_[offset_value] != -1) {
332  residual_graph_successors_[num_variables_ + offset_value].push_back(
333  value_to_variable_[offset_value]);
334  }
335  }
336  const int dummy_node = num_variables_ + num_all_values_;
337  residual_graph_successors_[dummy_node].clear();
338  if (num_variables_ < num_all_values_) {
339  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
340  residual_graph_successors_[dummy_node].push_back(x);
341  }
342  for (int offset_value = 0; offset_value < num_all_values_; offset_value++) {
343  if (value_to_variable_[offset_value] == -1) {
344  residual_graph_successors_[num_variables_ + offset_value].push_back(
345  dummy_node);
346  }
347  }
348  }
350  // Compute SCCs, make node -> component map.
351  struct SccOutput {
352  explicit SccOutput(std::vector<int>* c) : components(c) {}
353  void emplace_back(int const* b, int const* e) {
354  for (int const* it = b; it < e; ++it) {
355  (*components)[*it] = num_components;
356  }
357  ++num_components;
358  }
359  int num_components = 0;
360  std::vector<int>* components;
361  };
362  SccOutput scc_output(&component_number_);
364  static_cast<int>(residual_graph_successors_.size()),
365  residual_graph_successors_, &scc_output);
367  // Remove arcs var -> val where SCC(var) -/->* SCC(val).
368  for (int x = 0; x < num_variables_; x++) {
369  if (successor_[x].size() == 1) continue;
370  for (const int offset_value : successor_[x]) {
371  const int value_node = offset_value + num_variables_;
372  if (variable_to_value_[x] != offset_value &&
373  component_number_[x] != component_number_[value_node] &&
374  VariableHasPossibleValue(x, offset_value + min_all_values_)) {
375  // We can deduce that x != value. To explain, force x == offset_value,
376  // then find another assignment for the variable matched to
377  // offset_value. It will fail: explaining why is the same as
378  // explaining failure as above, and it is an explanation of x != value.
379  value_visited_.assign(num_all_values_, false);
380  variable_visited_.assign(num_variables_, false);
381  // Undo x -> old_value and old_variable -> offset_value.
382  const int old_variable = value_to_variable_[offset_value];
383  variable_to_value_[old_variable] = -1;
384  const int old_value = variable_to_value_[x];
385  value_to_variable_[old_value] = -1;
386  variable_to_value_[x] = offset_value;
387  value_to_variable_[offset_value] = x;
389  value_visited_[offset_value] = true;
390  MakeAugmentingPath(old_variable);
391  DCHECK_EQ(variable_to_value_[old_variable], -1); // No reassignment.
393  std::vector<Literal>* reason = trail_->GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason();
394  for (int y = 0; y < num_variables_; y++) {
395  if (!variable_visited_[y]) continue;
396  for (int value = variable_min_value_[y];
397  value <= variable_max_value_[y]; value++) {
398  const LiteralIndex li = VariableLiteralIndexOf(y, value);
399  if (li >= 0 && !value_visited_[value - min_all_values_]) {
400  DCHECK(!VariableHasPossibleValue(y, value));
401  reason->push_back(Literal(li));
402  }
403  }
404  }
406  const LiteralIndex li =
407  VariableLiteralIndexOf(x, offset_value + min_all_values_);
410  return trail_->EnqueueWithStoredReason(Literal(li).Negated());
411  }
412  }
413  }
415  return true;
416 }
419  const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& vars, IntegerTrail* integer_trail)
420  : integer_trail_(integer_trail) {
421  CHECK(!vars.empty());
423  // We need +2 for sentinels.
424  const int capacity = vars.size() + 2;
425  index_to_start_index_.resize(capacity);
426  index_to_end_index_.resize(capacity);
427  index_to_var_.resize(capacity, kNoIntegerVariable);
429  for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
430  vars_.push_back({vars[i]});
431  negated_vars_.push_back({NegationOf(vars[i])});
432  }
433 }
436  if (!PropagateLowerBounds()) return false;
438  // Note that it is not required to swap back vars_ and negated_vars_.
439  // TODO(user): investigate the impact.
440  std::swap(vars_, negated_vars_);
441  const bool result = PropagateLowerBounds();
442  std::swap(vars_, negated_vars_);
443  return result;
444 }
446 void AllDifferentBoundsPropagator::FillHallReason(IntegerValue hall_lb,
447  IntegerValue hall_ub) {
448  integer_reason_.clear();
449  const int limit = GetIndex(hall_ub);
450  for (int i = GetIndex(hall_lb); i <= limit; ++i) {
451  const IntegerVariable var = index_to_var_[i];
452  integer_reason_.push_back(IntegerLiteral::GreaterOrEqual(var, hall_lb));
453  integer_reason_.push_back(IntegerLiteral::LowerOrEqual(var, hall_ub));
454  }
455 }
457 int AllDifferentBoundsPropagator::FindStartIndexAndCompressPath(int index) {
458  // First, walk the pointer until we find one pointing to itself.
459  int start_index = index;
460  while (true) {
461  const int next = index_to_start_index_[start_index];
462  if (start_index == next) break;
463  start_index = next;
464  }
466  // Second, redo the same thing and make everyone point to the representative.
467  while (true) {
468  const int next = index_to_start_index_[index];
469  if (start_index == next) break;
470  index_to_start_index_[index] = start_index;
471  index = next;
472  }
473  return start_index;
474 }
476 bool AllDifferentBoundsPropagator::PropagateLowerBounds() {
477  // Start by filling the cached bounds and sorting by increasing lb.
478  for (VarValue& entry : vars_) {
479  entry.lb = integer_trail_->LowerBound(entry.var);
480  entry.ub = integer_trail_->UpperBound(entry.var);
481  }
482  IncrementalSort(vars_.begin(), vars_.end(),
483  [](VarValue a, VarValue b) { return a.lb < b.lb; });
485  // We will split the variable in vars sorted by lb in contiguous subset with
486  // index of the form [start, start + num_in_window).
487  int start = 0;
488  int num_in_window = 1;
490  // Minimum lower bound in the current window.
491  IntegerValue min_lb = vars_.front().lb;
493  const int size = vars_.size();
494  for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
495  const IntegerValue lb = vars_[i].lb;
497  // If the lower bounds of all the other variables is greater, then it can
498  // never fall into a potential hall interval formed by the variable in the
499  // current window, so we can split the problem into independent parts.
500  if (lb <= min_lb + IntegerValue(num_in_window - 1)) {
501  ++num_in_window;
502  continue;
503  }
505  // Process the current window.
506  if (num_in_window > 1) {
507  absl::Span<VarValue> window(&vars_[start], num_in_window);
508  if (!PropagateLowerBoundsInternal(min_lb, window)) {
509  return false;
510  }
511  }
513  // Start of the next window.
514  start = i;
515  num_in_window = 1;
516  min_lb = lb;
517  }
519  // Take care of the last window.
520  if (num_in_window > 1) {
521  absl::Span<VarValue> window(&vars_[start], num_in_window);
522  return PropagateLowerBoundsInternal(min_lb, window);
523  }
525  return true;
526 }
528 bool AllDifferentBoundsPropagator::PropagateLowerBoundsInternal(
529  IntegerValue min_lb, absl::Span<VarValue> vars) {
530  hall_starts_.clear();
531  hall_ends_.clear();
533  // All cached lb in vars will be in [min_lb, min_lb + vars_.size()).
534  // Make sure we change our base_ so that GetIndex() fit in our buffers.
535  base_ = min_lb - IntegerValue(1);
537  // Sparse cleaning of value_to_nodes_.
538  for (const int i : indices_to_clear_) {
539  index_to_var_[i] = kNoIntegerVariable;
540  }
541  indices_to_clear_.clear();
543  // Sort vars by increasing ub.
544  std::sort(vars.begin(), vars.end(),
545  [](VarValue a, VarValue b) { return a.ub < b.ub; });
546  for (const VarValue entry : vars) {
547  const IntegerVariable var = entry.var;
549  // Note that it is important to use the cache to make sure GetIndex() is
550  // not out of bound in case integer_trail_->LowerBound() changed when we
551  // pushed something.
552  const IntegerValue lb = entry.lb;
553  const int lb_index = GetIndex(lb);
554  const bool value_is_covered = PointIsPresent(lb_index);
556  // Check if lb is in an Hall interval, and push it if this is the case.
557  if (value_is_covered) {
558  const int hall_index =
559  std::lower_bound(hall_ends_.begin(), hall_ends_.end(), lb) -
560  hall_ends_.begin();
561  if (hall_index < hall_ends_.size() && hall_starts_[hall_index] <= lb) {
562  const IntegerValue hs = hall_starts_[hall_index];
563  const IntegerValue he = hall_ends_[hall_index];
564  FillHallReason(hs, he);
565  integer_reason_.push_back(IntegerLiteral::GreaterOrEqual(var, hs));
566  if (!integer_trail_->Enqueue(
568  /*literal_reason=*/{}, integer_reason_)) {
569  return false;
570  }
571  }
572  }
574  // Update our internal representation of the non-consecutive intervals.
575  //
576  // If lb is not used, we add a node there, otherwise we add it to the
577  // right of the interval that contains lb. In both cases, if there is an
578  // interval to the left (resp. right) we merge them.
579  int new_index = lb_index;
580  int start_index = lb_index;
581  int end_index = lb_index;
582  if (value_is_covered) {
583  start_index = FindStartIndexAndCompressPath(new_index);
584  new_index = index_to_end_index_[start_index] + 1;
585  end_index = new_index;
586  } else {
587  if (PointIsPresent(new_index - 1)) {
588  start_index = FindStartIndexAndCompressPath(new_index - 1);
589  }
590  }
591  if (PointIsPresent(new_index + 1)) {
592  end_index = index_to_end_index_[new_index + 1];
593  index_to_start_index_[new_index + 1] = start_index;
594  }
596  // Update the end of the representative.
597  index_to_end_index_[start_index] = end_index;
599  // This is the only place where we "add" a new node.
600  {
601  index_to_start_index_[new_index] = start_index;
602  index_to_var_[new_index] = var;
603  indices_to_clear_.push_back(new_index);
604  }
606  // We cannot have a conflict, because it should have beend detected before
607  // by pushing an interval lower bound past its upper bound.
608  //
609  // TODO(user): Not 100% clear since pushing can have side-effect, maybe we
610  // should just report the conflict if it happens!
611  const IntegerValue end = GetValue(end_index);
612  DCHECK_LE(end, integer_trail_->UpperBound(var));
614  // If we have a new Hall interval, add it to the set. Note that it will
615  // always be last, and if it overlaps some previous Hall intervals, it
616  // always overlaps them fully.
617  //
618  // Note: It is okay to not use entry.ub here if we want to fetch the last
619  // value, but in practice it shouldn't really change when we push a
620  // lower_bound and it is faster to use the cached entry.
621  if (end == entry.ub) {
622  const IntegerValue start = GetValue(start_index);
623  while (!hall_starts_.empty() && start <= hall_starts_.back()) {
624  hall_starts_.pop_back();
625  hall_ends_.pop_back();
626  }
627  DCHECK(hall_ends_.empty() || hall_ends_.back() < start);
628  hall_starts_.push_back(start);
629  hall_ends_.push_back(end);
630  }
631  }
632  return true;
633 }
636  GenericLiteralWatcher* watcher) {
637  const int id = watcher->Register(this);
638  for (const VarValue entry : vars_) {
639  watcher->WatchIntegerVariable(entry.var, id);
640  }
642 }
644 } // namespace sat
645 } // namespace operations_research
bool Propagate() final
Definition: all_different.cc:237
IntVar * var
Definition: expr_array.cc:1858
void RegisterWith(GenericLiteralWatcher *watcher)
Definition: all_different.cc:635
int Register(PropagatorInterface *propagator)
Definition: integer.cc:1910
int64 min
Definition: alldiff_cst.cc:138
Definition: integer.h:533
const IntegerVariable kNoIntegerVariable(-1)
int64 max
Definition: alldiff_cst.cc:139
#define LOG(severity)
Definition: base/logging.h:420
void RegisterWith(GenericLiteralWatcher *watcher)
Definition: all_different.cc:148
const int FATAL
Definition: log_severity.h:32
std::function< void(Model *)> AllDifferentAC(const std::vector< IntegerVariable > &variables)
Definition: all_different.cc:76
int64 value
Definition: demon_profiler.cc:43
bool Propagate() final
Definition: all_different.cc:435
The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from th...
Definition: dense_doubly_linked_list.h:21
std::vector< IntegerVariable > NegationOf(const std::vector< IntegerVariable > &vars)
Definition: integer.cc:27
static const int64 kint64min
Definition: integral_types.h:60
static IntegerLiteral GreaterOrEqual(IntegerVariable i, IntegerValue bound)
Definition: integer.h:1247
const LiteralIndex kTrueLiteralIndex(-2)
int64_t int64
Definition: integral_types.h:34
int index
Definition: pack.cc:508
Definition: integer.h:1091
#define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:886
const bool DEBUG_MODE
Definition: macros.h:24
int64 a
Definition: constraint_solver/table.cc:42
std::vector< ValueLiteralPair > FullDomainEncoding(IntegerVariable var) const
Definition: integer.cc:106
void SetPropagatorPriority(int id, int priority)
Definition: integer.cc:1933
IntegerValue UpperBound(IntegerVariable i) const
Definition: integer.h:1287
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool Enqueue(IntegerLiteral i_lit, absl::Span< const Literal > literal_reason, absl::Span< const IntegerLiteral > integer_reason)
Definition: integer.cc:989
void NotifyThatPropagatorMayNotReachFixedPointInOnePass(int id)
Definition: integer.cc:1940
void IncrementalSort(int max_comparisons, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Compare comp=Compare{}, bool is_stable=false)
Definition: sort.h:46
const VariablesAssignment & Assignment() const
Definition: sat_base.h:380
const LiteralIndex kFalseLiteralIndex(-3)
Class that owns everything related to a particular optimization model.
Definition: sat/model.h:38
AllDifferentBoundsPropagator(const std::vector< IntegerVariable > &vars, IntegerTrail *integer_trail)
Definition: all_different.cc:418
void WatchIntegerVariable(IntegerVariable i, int id, int watch_index=-1)
Definition: integer.h:1380
#define DCHECK(condition)
Definition: base/logging.h:884
std::function< void(Model *)> AllDifferentOnBounds(const std::vector< IntegerVariable > &vars)
Definition: all_different.cc:65
static IntegerLiteral LowerOrEqual(IntegerVariable i, IntegerValue bound)
Definition: integer.h:1253
std::vector< Literal > * MutableConflict()
Definition: sat_base.h:361
std::function< void(Model *)> ClauseConstraint(absl::Span< const Literal > literals)
Definition: sat_solver.h:905
#define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:889
GRBmodel * model
Definition: gurobi_interface.cc:269
Definition: sat_base.h:64
void WatchLiteral(Literal l, int id, int watch_index=-1)
Definition: integer.h:1348
std::function< void(Model *)> AtMostOneConstraint(const std::vector< Literal > &literals)
Definition: sat_solver.h:891
std::function< void(Model *)> AllDifferentBinary(const std::vector< IntegerVariable > &vars)
Definition: all_different.cc:31
Definition: all_different.h:147
const std::vector< IntVar * > vars_
Definition: alldiff_cst.cc:43
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool EnqueueWithStoredReason(Literal true_literal)
Definition: sat_base.h:284
AllDifferentConstraint(std::vector< IntegerVariable > variables, IntegerEncoder *encoder, Trail *trail, IntegerTrail *integer_trail)
Definition: all_different.cc:89
#define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:885
int64 b
Definition: constraint_solver/table.cc:43
int64 capacity
Definition: routing_flow.cc:129
bool VariableIsAssigned(BooleanVariable var) const
Definition: sat_base.h:158
Block * next
Definition: constraint_solver.cc:674
IntegerValue LowerBound(IntegerVariable i) const
Definition: integer.h:1283
void FindStronglyConnectedComponents(const NodeIndex num_nodes, const Graph &graph, SccOutput *components)
Definition: strongly_connected_components.h:211
#define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2)
Definition: base/logging.h:887
#define CHECK(condition)
Definition: base/logging.h:495
std::function< std::vector< IntegerEncoder::ValueLiteralPair >Model *)> FullyEncodeVariable(IntegerVariable var)
Definition: integer.h:1570
Definition: integer.h:276
bool LiteralIsFalse(Literal literal) const
Definition: sat_base.h:147
Definition: sat_base.h:233
void FullyEncodeVariable(IntegerVariable var)
Definition: integer.cc:36
bool VariableIsFullyEncoded(IntegerVariable var) const
Definition: integer.cc:68
Definition: all_different.h:62
static const int64 kint64max
Definition: integral_types.h:62
std::vector< Literal > * GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason(int trail_index) const
Definition: sat_base.h:320