Commit c77d8df1 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Make sure user knows an email is needed for log uploading.

parent 82446241
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ Rectangle {
visible: false
icon: StandardIcon.Warning
standardButtons: StandardButton.Close
title: qsTr("Uploading Log Files")
text: qsTr("Please enter an email address before uploading log files.")
title: qsTr("MAVLink Logging")
text: qsTr("Please enter an email address before uploading MAVLink log files.")
QGCFlickable {
......@@ -235,6 +235,11 @@ Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onEditingFinished: {
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.emailAddress = emailField.text
if(emailField.text === "") {
autoUploadCheck.checked = false
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.enableAutoUpload = false
console.log("forcing enableAutoUpload to false")
......@@ -283,9 +288,14 @@ Rectangle {
id: autoUploadCheck
text: qsTr("Enable automatic log uploads")
checked: QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.enableAutoUpload
enabled: emailField.text !== "" && urlField !== ""
onClicked: {
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.enableAutoUpload = checked
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.emailAddress = emailField.text
if(checked && QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.emailAddress === "") {
checked = false
} else {
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.enableAutoUpload = checked
......@@ -293,7 +303,7 @@ Rectangle {
QGCCheckBox {
text: qsTr("Delete log file after uploading")
checked: QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.deleteAfterUpload
enabled: emailField.text !== "" && urlField !== "" && autoUploadCheck.checked
enabled: autoUploadCheck.checked
onClicked: {
QGroundControl.mavlinkLogManager.deleteAfterUpload = checked
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