Survey.SettingsGroup.json 4.41 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
    "name":             "ManualGrid",
    "shortDescription": "Specify all parameters for grid generation.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     1
    "name":             "GridAltitude",
    "shortDescription": "Altitude for all waypoints within the grid.",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "m",
    "decimalPlaces":    1,
    "defaultValue":     50
    "name":             "GridAltitudeRelative",
    "shortDescription": "Altitude for all waypoints within the grid is relative to home.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     1
    "name":             "GridAngle",
    "shortDescription": "Angle for parallel lines of grid.",
    "type":             "double",
    "units":            "deg",
    "decimalPlaces":    1,
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "GridSpacing",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of spacing in between parallel grid lines.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0.1,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     30
    "name":             "TurnaroundDist",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the grid area for vehicle turnaround.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     30
    "name":             "GroundResolution",
    "shortDescription": "Resolution of image in relationship to ground distance.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "cm/px",
    "defaultValue":     3
    "name":             "FrontalOverlap",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the forward facing direction.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    0,
    "max":              85,
    "units":            "%",
    "defaultValue":     10
    "name":             "SideOverlap",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    0,
    "max":              85,
    "units":            "%",
    "defaultValue":     10
    "name":             "CameraSensorWidth",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              1,
    "units":            "mm",
    "defaultValue":     6.17
    "name":             "CameraSensorHeight",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              1,
    "units":            "mm",
    "defaultValue":     4.55
    "name":             "CameraResolutionWidth",
    "shortDescription": "Camera resolution width.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "min":              1,
    "units":            "px",
    "defaultValue":     4000
    "name":             "CameraResolutionHeight",
    "shortDescription": "Camera resolution height.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "min":              1,
    "units":            "px",
    "defaultValue":     3000
    "name":             "CameraFocalLength",
    "shortDescription": "Focal length of camera lens.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    1,
    "min":              1,
    "units":            "mm",
    "defaultValue":     4.5
    "name":             "CameraTrigger",
    "shortDescription": "Trigger the camera based on distance.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "CameraTriggerDistance",
    "shortDescription": "Distance between each triggering of the camera.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0.1,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     25
    "name":             "CameraOrientationLandscape",
    "shortDescription": "Camera on vehicle is in landscape orientation.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     1
    "name":             "FixedValueIsAltitude",
    "shortDescription": "The altitude is kep constant while ground resolution changes.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "Camera",
    "shortDescription": "Camera selected for Survey.",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""