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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QCameraInfo>

#include <VideoItem.h>

#include "ScreenToolsController.h"
#include "VideoManager.h"

static const char* kVideoSourceKey  = "VideoSource";
static const char* kGStreamerSource = "UDP Video Stream";

QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(VideoManagerLog, "VideoManagerLog")

VideoManager::VideoManager(QGCApplication* app)
    : QGCTool(app)
    , _videoRunning(false)
     * This is the receiving end of an UDP RTP stream. The sender can be setup with this command:
     * gst-launch-1.0 uvch264src initial-bitrate=1000000 average-bitrate=1000000 iframe-period=1000 name=src auto-start=true src.vidsrc ! \
     * video/x-h264,width=1280,height=720,framerate=24/1 ! h264parse ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5600
     * Where the main parameters are:
     *  uvch264src:         Your h264 video source (the example above uses a Logitech C920 on an Raspberry PI 2+ or Odroid C1
     *  host=    This is the IP address of QGC. You can use Avahi/Zeroconf to find QGC using the "_qgroundcontrol._udp" service.
     * Advanced settings (you should probably read the gstreamer documentation before changing these):
     * initial-bitrate=1000000 average-bitrate=1000000
     * The bit rate to use. The greater, the better quality at the cost of higher bandwidth.
     * width=1280,height=720,framerate=24/1
     * The video resolution and frame rate. This depends on the camera used.
     * iframe-period=1000
     * Interval between iFrames. The greater the interval the lesser bandwidth at the cost of a longer time to recover from lost packets.
     * Do not change anything else unless you know what you are doing. Any other change will require a matching change on the receiving end.
    _videoSurface  = new VideoSurface;
    _videoReceiver = new VideoReceiver(this);
    _videoReceiver->setUri(QLatin1Literal("udp://"));   // Port 5600=Solo UDP port, if you change it, you will break Solo video support
#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
    connect(&_frameTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &VideoManager::_updateTimer);
    //-- Get saved video source
    QSettings settings;
    setVideoSource(settings.value(kVideoSourceKey, kGStreamerSource).toString());



VideoManager::setToolbox(QGCToolbox *toolbox)
   QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
   qmlRegisterUncreatableType<VideoManager>("QGroundControl.VideoManager", 1, 0, "VideoManager", "Reference only");

#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
    return true;
    return !_videoSource.isEmpty();

#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
    return _videoSource == kGStreamerSource;
    return false;

VideoManager::setVideoSource(QString vSource)
    _videoSource = vSource;
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue(kVideoSourceKey, vSource);
    emit videoSourceChanged();
    QList<QCameraInfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();
    foreach (const QCameraInfo &cameraInfo, cameras) {
        if(cameraInfo.description() == vSource) {
            _videoSourceID = cameraInfo.deviceName();
            emit videoSourceIDChanged();
    emit isGStreamerChanged();
    qCDebug(VideoManagerLog) << "New Video Source:" << vSource;

#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
    QList<QCameraInfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();
    foreach (const QCameraInfo &cameraInfo, cameras) {
        qCDebug(VideoManagerLog) << "UVC Video source ID:" << cameraInfo.deviceName() << " Name:" << cameraInfo.description();
    return _videoSourceList;

#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
void VideoManager::_updateTimer(void)
        time_t elapsed = 0;
            elapsed = time(0) - _videoSurface->lastFrame();
        if(elapsed > 2)
            _videoRunning = false;
            emit videoRunningChanged();
        if(_videoSurface && _videoSurface->lastFrame()) {
                _videoRunning = true;
                emit videoRunningChanged();