QGCMapWidget.cc 8.96 KB
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#include "QGCMapWidget.h"
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#include "UASInterface.h"
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#include "UASManager.h"
#include "MAV2DIcon.h"
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QGCMapWidget::QGCMapWidget(QWidget *parent) :
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    connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(addUAS(UASInterface*)));
    connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(int)), this, SLOT(updateSelectedSystem(int)));
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11 12 13 14
    foreach (UASInterface* uas, UASManager::instance()->getUASList())
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    internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(0, 0);

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    //        // **************
    //        // default home position
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    //        home_position.coord = pos_lat_lon;
    //        home_position.altitude = altitude;
    //        home_position.locked = false;
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28 29
    //        // **************
    //        // default magic waypoint params
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    //        magic_waypoint.map_wp_item = NULL;
    //        magic_waypoint.coord = home_position.coord;
    //        magic_waypoint.altitude = altitude;
    //        magic_waypoint.description = "Magic waypoint";
    //        magic_waypoint.locked = false;
    //        magic_waypoint.time_seconds = 0;
    //        magic_waypoint.hold_time_seconds = 0;
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    const int safe_area_radius_list[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000};   // meters
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    const int uav_trail_time_list[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};                      // seconds
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    const int uav_trail_distance_list[] = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500};             // meters
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    SetMouseWheelZoomType(internals::MouseWheelZoomType::MousePositionWithoutCenter);	    // set how the mouse wheel zoom functions
    SetFollowMouse(true);				    // we want a contiuous mouse position reading
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    SetShowHome(true);					    // display the HOME position on the map
    SetShowUAV(true);					    // display the UAV position on the map
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    Home->SetSafeArea(safe_area_radius_list[0]);                         // set radius (meters)
    Home->SetShowSafeArea(true);                                         // show the safe area
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    UAV->SetTrailTime(uav_trail_time_list[0]);                           // seconds
    UAV->SetTrailDistance(uav_trail_distance_list[1]);                   // meters
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    // UAV->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed);
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    //  UAV->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByDistance);

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    GPS->SetTrailTime(uav_trail_time_list[0]);                           // seconds
    GPS->SetTrailDistance(uav_trail_distance_list[1]);                   // meters
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    // GPS->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed);
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65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
    SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon);         // set the map position
    Home->SetCoord(pos_lat_lon);             // set the HOME position
    UAV->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, 0.0);        // set the UAV position
    GPS->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, 0.0);        // set the UAV position

    setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame);      // no border frame
    setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); // tile background


    SetShowHome(false);	// doing this appears to stop the map lib crashing on exit
    SetShowUAV(false);	//   "          "
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 * @param uas the UAS/MAV to monitor/display with the HUD
void QGCMapWidget::addUAS(UASInterface* uas)
    qDebug() << "ADDING UAS";
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    connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
    //connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
    connect(uas, SIGNAL(systemSpecsChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSystemSpecs(int)));
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 * Updates the global position of one MAV and append the last movement to the trail
 * @param uas The unmanned air system
 * @param lat Latitude in WGS84 ellipsoid
 * @param lon Longitutde in WGS84 ellipsoid
 * @param alt Altitude over mean sea level
 * @param usec Timestamp of the position message in milliseconds FIXME will move to microseconds
void QGCMapWidget::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface* uas, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 usec)

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    // Get reference to graphic UAV item
    mapcontrol::UAVItem* uav = GetUAV(uas->getUASID());
    // Check if reference is valid, else create a new one
    if (uav == NULL)
112 113 114
        MAV2DIcon* newUAV = new MAV2DIcon(map, this, uas);
        UAVS.insert(uas->getUASID(), newUAV);
        uav = GetUAV(uas->getUASID());
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118 119 120
    // Set new lat/lon position of UAV icon
    internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(lat, lon);
    uav->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, alt);
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

//    static int uasid = 220;
//    if (uas->getUASID() == uasid)
//    {
//        internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(lat, lon);
//        UAV->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, alt);
//        if (!UAV->isVisible()) UAV->show();
//        qDebug() << "Updating 2D map position" << uas->getUASID() << "LAT:" << lat << "LON:" << lon;
//    }

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//        QPointF coordinate;
//        coordinate.setX(lon);
//        coordinate.setY(lat);

//        if (!uasIcons.contains(uas->getUASID())) {
//            // Get the UAS color
//            QColor uasColor = uas->getColor();

//            // Icon
//            //QPen* pointpen = new QPen(uasColor);
//            qDebug() << "2D MAP: ADDING" << uas->getUASName() << __FILE__ << __LINE__;
//            p = new MAV2DIcon(uas, 68, uas->getSystemType(), uas->getColor(), QString("%1").arg(uas->getUASID()), qmapcontrol::Point::Middle);
//            uasIcons.insert(uas->getUASID(), p);
//            mc->layer("Waypoints")->addGeometry(p);

//            // Line
//            // A QPen also can use transparency

//            //        QList<qmapcontrol::Point*> points;
//            //        points.append(new qmapcontrol::Point(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y()));
//            //        QPen* linepen = new QPen(uasColor.darker());
//            //        linepen->setWidth(2);

//            //        // Create tracking line string
//            //        qmapcontrol::LineString* ls = new qmapcontrol::LineString(points, QString("%1").arg(uas->getUASID()), linepen);
//            //        uasTrails.insert(uas->getUASID(), ls);

//            //        // Add the LineString to the layer
//            //        mc->layer("Waypoints")->addGeometry(ls);
//        } else {
//            //        p = dynamic_cast<MAV2DIcon*>(uasIcons.value(uas->getUASID()));
//            //        if (p)
//            //        {
//            p = uasIcons.value(uas->getUASID());
//            p->setCoordinate(QPointF(lon, lat));
//            //p->setYaw(uas->getYaw());
//            //        }
//            // Extend trail
//            //        uasTrails.value(uas->getUASID())->addPoint(new qmapcontrol::Point(coordinate.x(), coordinate.y()));
//        }

//        if (isVisible()) mc->updateRequest(p->boundingBox().toRect());

//        //if (isVisible()) mc->updateRequestNew();//(uasTrails.value(uas->getUASID())->boundingBox().toRect());

//        if (this->mav && uas->getUASID() == this->mav->getUASID()) {
//            // Limit the position update rate
//            quint64 currTime = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
//            if (currTime - lastUpdate > 120) {
//                lastUpdate = currTime;
//                // Sets the view to the interesting area
//                if (followgps->isChecked()) {
//                    updatePosition(0, lon, lat);
//                } else {
//                    // Refresh the screen
//                    //if (isVisible()) mc->updateRequestNew();
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    //                }
    //            }
    //        }

void QGCMapWidget::updateSystemSpecs(int uas)
    foreach (mapcontrol::UAVItem* p, UAVS.values())
        MAV2DIcon* icon = dynamic_cast<MAV2DIcon*>(p);
        if (icon && icon->getUASId() == uas)
            // Set new airframe

 * Does not update the system type or configuration, only the current state.
void QGCMapWidget::updateSelectedSystem(int uas)
    foreach (mapcontrol::UAVItem* p, UAVS.values())
        MAV2DIcon* icon = dynamic_cast<MAV2DIcon*>(p);
        if (icon)
            // Set as selected if ids match
            icon->setSelectedUAS((icon->getUASId() == uas));

// * Updates all UAVs at once
// */
//void QGCMapWidget::updateUAVs()


 * Updates the attitude
void QGCMapWidget::updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 usec)
//    Q_UNUSED(roll);
//    Q_UNUSED(pitch);
//    Q_UNUSED(usec);
//    if (mc) {

//        if (uas) {
//            MAV2DIcon* icon = dynamic_cast<MAV2DIcon*>(uasIcons.value(uas->getUASID(), NULL));
//            if (icon) {
//                icon->setYaw(yaw);
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//            }
//        }
//    }
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