QGCControlDebug.qml 1.84 KB
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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick 2.12

12 13
Rectangle {
    id:             _root
    border.width:   1
15 16
    border.color:   borderColor
    color:          "transparent"

    property string name
    property color  borderColor: "red"
20 21

    function logEverything() {
22 23
        console.log(qsTr("%1 x:%2 y:%3 width:%4 height:%5 visible:%6 enabled:%7 z:%8 parent:%9 implicitWidth/Height:%10:%11", "Do not translate")
24 25 26

    Component.onCompleted: logEverything()

28 29
    Connections {
        target:             parent
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
        onXChanged:         { console.log(name, "xChanged",       parent.x);        logEverything() }
        onYChanged:         { console.log(name, "yChanged",       parent.y);        logEverything() }
        onWidthChanged:     { console.log(name, "widthChanged",   parent.width);    logEverything() }
        onHeightChanged:    { console.log(name, "heightChanged",  parent.height);   logEverything() }
        onVisibleChanged:   { console.log(name, "visibleChanged", parent.visible);  logEverything() }
        onZChanged:         { console.log(name, "zChanged",       parent.z);        logEverything() }
        onParentChanged:    { console.log(name, "parentChanged",  parent.parent);   logEverything() }
        onEnabledChanged:   { console.log(name, "enabledChanged", parent.enabled);  logEverything() }
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