VehicleWarnings.qml 2.48 KB
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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick 2.3

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0

Rectangle {
    anchors.margins:    -ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
    height:             warningsCol.height
    width:              warningsCol.width
    color:              Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5)
    radius:             ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
    visible:            _noGPSLockVisible || _prearmErrorVisible

    property var  _activeVehicle:       QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
    property bool _noGPSLockVisible:    _activeVehicle && !_activeVehicle.coordinate.isValid
    property bool _prearmErrorVisible:  _activeVehicle && !_activeVehicle.armed && _activeVehicle.prearmError

    Column {
        id:         warningsCol
        spacing:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight

        QGCLabel {
            anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
            visible:                    _noGPSLockVisible
            color:                      "black"
            font.pointSize:             ScreenTools.largeFontPointSize
            text:                       qsTr("No GPS Lock for Vehicle")

        QGCLabel {
            anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
            visible:                    _prearmErrorVisible
            color:                      "black"
            font.pointSize:             ScreenTools.largeFontPointSize
            text:                       _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.prearmError : ""

        QGCLabel {
            anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
            visible:                    _prearmErrorVisible
            width:                      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 50
            horizontalAlignment:        Text.AlignHCenter
            wrapMode:                   Text.WordWrap
            color:                      "black"
            font.pointSize:             ScreenTools.largeFontPointSize
            text:                       qsTr("The vehicle has failed a pre-arm check. In order to arm the vehicle, resolve the failure.")