Commit 4356914d authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Merge pull request #960 from DonLakeFlyer/FGHIL

FlightGear HIL protocol fixes
parents 9840c2b8 f7dbec71
......@@ -176,6 +176,15 @@
<factor>33.86389</factor> <!-- inhg to hpa -->
<!-- Altitude AGL -->
<name>Altitude AGL (m)</name>
<factor>0.3048</factor> <!-- feet to meter -->
......@@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::readBytes()
qDebug() << "RETURN LENGTH MISMATCHING EXPECTED" << nValues << "BUT GOT" << values.size();
qDebug() << state;
emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear HIL"),
tr("Flight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit QGroundControl. Delete the file and restart QGroundControl to fix.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified));
......@@ -857,8 +860,8 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
// around this by specifying something on the FlightGear command line. FG code does direct append
// of protocol xml file to $FG_ROOT and $FG_ROOT only allows a single directory to be specified.
QString fgProtocolXmlFile = fgProtocol + ".xml";
QString fgProtocolFileFullyQualified = fgProtocolDir.absoluteFilePath(fgProtocolXmlFile);
if (!QFileInfo(fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) {
_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified = fgProtocolDir.absoluteFilePath(fgProtocolXmlFile);
if (!QFileInfo(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) {
QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical,
tr("FlightGear Failed to Start"),
tr("FlightGear Failed to Start. QGroundControl protocol (%1) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%2)").arg(fgProtocolXmlFile).arg(fgProtocolDir.path()),
......@@ -878,21 +881,21 @@ bool QGCFlightGearLink::connectSimulation()
// Now that we made it this far, we should be able to try to copy the protocol file to FlightGear.
bool succeeded = QFile::copy(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified, fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
bool succeeded = QFile::copy(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified, _fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
if (!succeeded) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
QString copyCmd = QString("copy \"%1\" \"%2\"").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
QString copyCmd = QString("copy \"%1\" \"%2\"").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
copyCmd.replace("/", "\\");
QString copyCmd = QString("sudo cp %1 %2").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
QString copyCmd = QString("sudo cp %1 %2").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified);
QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical,
tr("Copy failed"),
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a Command Prompt which was started with Run as Administrator:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd,
tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a Command Prompt which was started with Run as Administrator:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd,
tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a shell:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd,
tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a shell:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd,
......@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ private:
QUdpSocket* _udpCommSocket; ///< UDP communication sockect between FG and QGC
QProcess* _fgProcess; ///< FlightGear process
QString _fgProtocolFileFullyQualified; ///< Fully qualified file name for protocol file
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