Commit 1b8cec27 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Merge pull request #74 from Susurrus/issue_62

Canceling out of file selection in the logfile plotter no longer triggers a warning.
parents cba25557 15cbbe2c
......@@ -246,21 +246,27 @@ void QGCDataPlot2D::exportSVG(QString fileName)
void QGCDataPlot2D::selectFile()
// Let user select the log file name
//QDate date(QDate::currentDate());
// QString("./pixhawk-log-" + date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + QString::number(logindex) + ".log")
// Open a file dialog prompting the user for the file to load.
// Note the special case for the Pixhawk.
if (ui->inputFileType->currentText().contains("pxIMU") || ui->inputFileType->currentText().contains("RAW")) {
fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Specify log file name"), QString(), "Logfile (*.imu *.raw)");
} else {
fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Specify log file name"), QString(), "Logfile (*.csv *.txt *.log)");
// Store reference to file
// Check if the user hit cancel, which results in a Null string.
// If this is the case, we just stop.
if (fileName.isNull())
// Now attempt to open the file
QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) {
if (!fileInfo.isReadable())
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setText("Could not open file");
......@@ -269,7 +275,9 @@ void QGCDataPlot2D::selectFile()
ui->filenameLabel->setText(tr("Could not open %1").arg(fileInfo.baseName()+"."+fileInfo.completeSuffix()));
} else {
ui->filenameLabel->setText(tr("Opened %1").arg(fileInfo.completeBaseName()+"."+fileInfo.completeSuffix()));
// Open and import the file
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