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QGCUASFileManager.h 6.28 KiB
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  • /*=====================================================================
     QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
     (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
     This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
     QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.
     QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QDir>
    #include "UASInterface.h"
    class QGCUASFileManager : public QObject
        QGCUASFileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas);
        /// These methods are only used for testing purposes.
        bool _sendCmdTestAck(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdNone, kCOAck); };
        bool _sendCmdTestNoAck(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdTestNoAck, kCOAck); };
        bool _sendCmdReset(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdReset, kCOAck); };
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        void statusMessage(const QString& msg);
        void errorMessage(const QString& ms);
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        void receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message);
        void nothingMessage();
        void listDirectory(const QString& dirPath);
        void downloadPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir);
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        struct RequestHeader
                uint8_t		magic;      ///> Magic byte 'f' to idenitfy FTP protocol
                uint8_t		session;    ///> Session id for read and write commands
                uint8_t		opcode;     ///> Command opcode
                uint8_t		size;       ///> Size of data
                uint32_t	crc32;      ///> CRC for entire Request structure, with crc32 set to 0
                uint32_t	offset;     ///> Offsets for List and Read commands
                uint8_t     errCode;    ///> Error code from Ack and Naks (ignored for commands)
        struct Request
            struct RequestHeader hdr;
            // The entire Request must fit into the data member of the mavlink_encapsulated_data_t structure. We use as many leftover bytes
            // after we use up space for the RequestHeader for the data portion of the Request.
            uint8_t data[sizeof(((mavlink_encapsulated_data_t*)0)->data) - sizeof(RequestHeader)];
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        enum Opcode
                // Commands
                kCmdNone,       ///> ignored, always acked
                kCmdTerminate,	///> releases sessionID, closes file
                kCmdReset,      ///> terminates all sessions
                kCmdList,       ///> list files in <path> from <offset>
                kCmdOpen,       ///> opens <path> for reading, returns <session>
                kCmdRead,       ///> reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
                kCmdCreate,     ///> creates <path> for writing, returns <session>
                kCmdWrite,      ///> appends <size> bytes at <offset> in <session>
                kCmdRemove,     ///> remove file (only if created by server?)
                // Responses
                kRspAck,        ///> positive acknowledgement of previous command
                kRspNak,        ///> negative acknowledgement of previous command
                // Used for testing only, not part of protocol
                kCmdTestNoAck,  // ignored, ack not sent back, should timeout waiting for ack
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        enum ErrorCode
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        enum OperationState
                kCOIdle,    // not doing anything
                kCOAck,     // waiting for an Ack
                kCOList,    // waiting for List response
                kCOOpen,    // waiting for Open response
                kCORead,    // waiting for Read response
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    protected slots:
        void _ackTimeout(void);
        bool _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(uint8_t opcode, OperationState newOpState);
        void _setupAckTimeout(void);
        void _clearAckTimeout(void);
        void _emitErrorMessage(const QString& msg);
        void _emitStatusMessage(const QString& msg);
        void _sendRequest(Request* request);
        void _fillRequestWithString(Request* request, const QString& str);
        void _openAckResponse(Request* openAck);
        void _readAckResponse(Request* readAck);
        void _listAckResponse(Request* listAck);
        void _sendListCommand(void);
        void _sendTerminateCommand(void);
        static quint32 crc32(Request* request, unsigned state = 0);
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        static QString errorString(uint8_t errorCode);
        OperationState      _currentOperation;              ///> Current operation of state machine
        QTimer              _ackTimer;                      ///> Used to signal a timeout waiting for an ack
        static const int    _ackTimerTimeoutMsecs = 1000;   ///> Timeout in msecs for ack timer
        UASInterface* _mav;
        quint16 _encdata_seq;
        unsigned    _listOffset;    ///> offset for the current List operation
        QString     _listPath;      ///> path for the current List operation
        uint8_t     _activeSession;             ///> currently active session, 0 for none
        uint32_t    _readOffset;                ///> current read offset
        QByteArray  _readFileAccumulator;       ///> Holds file being downloaded
        QDir        _readFileDownloadDir;       ///> Directory to download file to
        QString     _readFileDownloadFilename;  ///> Filename (no path) for download file
        // We give MockMavlinkFileServer friend access so that it can use the data structures and opcodes
        // to build a mock mavlink file server for testing.
        friend class MockMavlinkFileServer;