Commit b943c494 authored by none's avatar none
Browse files

decode errors in list mode

parent 4d85f0b5
......@@ -83,26 +83,25 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t me
emit statusMessage("msg");
qDebug() << "FTP GOT MESSAGE";
mavlink_encapsulated_data_t data;
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_decode(&message, &data);
const RequestHeader *hdr = (const RequestHeader *)&[0];
unsigned seqnr = data.seqnr;
switch (_current_operation) {
case kCOIdle:
// we should not be seeing anything here.. shut the other guy up
emit statusMessage("resetting file transfer session");
qDebug() << "FTP resetting file transfer session";
case kCOList:
if (hdr->opcode == kRspAck) {
listDecode(&hdr->data[0], hdr->size);
} else {
emit statusMessage("unexpected opcode in List mode");
} else if (hdr->opcode == kRspNak) {
emit statusMessage(QString("error: ").append(errorString(hdr->data[0])));
......@@ -139,12 +138,17 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::listDecode(const uint8_t *data, unsigned len)
// get the length of the name
unsigned nlen = strnlen((const char *)data + offset, len - offset);
if (nlen == 0) {
if (nlen < 2) {
QString s((const char *)data + offset + 1);
if (data[0] == 'D') {
// put it in the view
emit statusMessage(QString((const char *)data + offset));
emit statusMessage(s);
// account for the name + NUL
offset += nlen + 1;
......@@ -200,8 +204,6 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::sendList()
mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_pack(250, 0, &message, _encdata_seq, (uint8_t*)&hdr); // XXX 250 is a magic length
emit statusMessage("sending List request...");
......@@ -225,3 +227,33 @@ void QGCUASFileManager::downloadPath(const QString &from, const QString &to)
emit statusMessage(QString("Downloaded: %1 to directory %2").arg(filename).arg(to));
QString QGCUASFileManager::errorString(uint8_t errorCode)
switch(errorCode) {
case kErrNone:
return QString("no error");
case kErrNoRequest:
return QString("bad request");
case kErrNoSession:
return QString("bad session");
case kErrSequence:
return QString("bad sequence number");
case kErrNotDir:
return QString("not a directory");
case kErrNotFile:
return QString("not a file");
case kErrEOF:
return QString("read beyond end of file");
case kErrNotAppend:
return QString("write not at end of file");
case kErrTooBig:
return QString("file too big");
case kErrIO:
return QString("device I/O error");
case kErrPerm:
return QString("permission denied");
return QString("bad error code");
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ protected:
void listDecode(const uint8_t *data, unsigned len);
static quint32 crc32(const uint8_t *src, unsigned len, unsigned state);
static QString errorString(uint8_t errorCode);
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