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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
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This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
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    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

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    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
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 * @file
 *   @brief Implementation of the waypoint protocol handler
 *   @author Petri Tanskanen <>

#include "UASWaypointManager.h"
#include "UAS.h"
#include "mavlink_types.h"
#define PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT_MS 2000    ///< maximum time to wait for pending messages until timeout
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#define PROTOCOL_DELAY_MS 20        ///< minimum delay between sent messages
#define PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES 5      ///< maximum number of send retries (after timeout)
const float UASWaypointManager::defaultAltitudeHomeOffset   = 30.0f;
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UASWaypointManager::UASWaypointManager(UAS* _uas)
    : uas(_uas),
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        uasid = uas->getUASID();
        connect(&protocol_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()));
        connect(uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(handleLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
        connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(handleGlobalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
        uasid = 0;
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void UASWaypointManager::timeout()
    if (current_retries > 0) {
        emit updateStatusString(tr("Timeout, retrying (retries left: %1)").arg(current_retries));
        if (current_state == WP_GETLIST) {
        } else if (current_state == WP_GETLIST_GETWPS) {
        } else if (current_state == WP_SENDLIST) {
        } else if (current_state == WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS) {
        } else if (current_state == WP_CLEARLIST) {
        } else if (current_state == WP_SETCURRENT) {
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        emit updateStatusString("Operation timed out.");
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        current_state = WP_IDLE;
        current_count = 0;
        current_wp_id = 0;
        current_partner_systemid = 0;
        current_partner_compid = 0;
void UASWaypointManager::handleLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* mav, double x, double y, double z, quint64 time)
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    if (waypointsEditable.count() > 0 && currentWaypointEditable && (currentWaypointEditable->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED || currentWaypointEditable->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU))
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        double xdiff = x-currentWaypointEditable->getX();
        double ydiff = y-currentWaypointEditable->getY();
        double zdiff = z-currentWaypointEditable->getZ();
        double dist = sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff + zdiff*zdiff);
        emit waypointDistanceChanged(dist);

void UASWaypointManager::handleGlobalPositionChanged(UASInterface* mav, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 time)
    if (waypointsEditable.count() > 0 && currentWaypointEditable && (currentWaypointEditable->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || currentWaypointEditable->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT))
        // TODO FIXME Calculate distance
        double dist = 0;
        emit waypointDistanceChanged(dist);
void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointCount(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, quint16 count)
    if (current_state == WP_GETLIST && systemId == current_partner_systemid) {
        current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;

        //Clear the old edit-list before receiving the new one
        if (read_to_edit == true){
            while(waypointsEditable.count()>0) {
                Waypoint *t = waypointsEditable[0];
                delete t;
            emit waypointEditableListChanged();

        if (count > 0) {
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            current_count = count;
            current_wp_id = 0;
            current_state = WP_GETLIST_GETWPS;
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            emit updateStatusString("done.");
            current_state = WP_IDLE;
            current_count = 0;
            current_wp_id = 0;
            current_partner_systemid = 0;
            current_partner_compid = 0;
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    } else {
        qDebug("Rejecting message, check mismatch: current_state: %d == %d, system id %d == %d, comp id %d == %d", current_state, WP_GETLIST, current_partner_systemid, systemId, current_partner_compid, compId);
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void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypoint(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_item_t *wp)
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    if (systemId == current_partner_systemid && current_state == WP_GETLIST_GETWPS && wp->seq == current_wp_id) {
        current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;

        if(wp->seq == current_wp_id) {
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            Waypoint *lwp_vo = new Waypoint(wp->seq, wp->x, wp->y, wp->z, wp->param1, wp->param2, wp->param3, wp->param4, wp->autocontinue, wp->current, (MAV_FRAME) wp->frame, (MAV_CMD) wp->command);

            if (read_to_edit == true) {
                Waypoint *lwp_ed = new Waypoint(wp->seq, wp->x, wp->y, wp->z, wp->param1, wp->param2, wp->param3, wp->param4, wp->autocontinue, wp->current, (MAV_FRAME) wp->frame, (MAV_CMD) wp->command);
                addWaypointEditable(lwp_ed, false);
                if (wp->current == 1) currentWaypointEditable = lwp_ed;

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            //get next waypoint

            if(current_wp_id < current_count) {
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                // all waypoints retrieved, change state to idle
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                current_state = WP_IDLE;
                current_count = 0;
                current_wp_id = 0;
                current_partner_systemid = 0;
                current_partner_compid = 0;
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                emit readGlobalWPFromUAS(false);
                QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
                QString timeString = time.toString();
                emit updateStatusString(tr("done. (updated at %1)").arg(timeString));
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            emit updateStatusString(tr("Waypoint ID mismatch, rejecting waypoint"));
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    } else {
        qDebug("Rejecting message, check mismatch: current_state: %d == %d, system id %d == %d, comp id %d == %d", current_state, WP_GETLIST, current_partner_systemid, systemId, current_partner_compid, compId);
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void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointAck(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_ack_t *wpa)
    if (systemId == current_partner_systemid && (compId == current_partner_compid || compId == MAV_COMP_ID_ALL)) {
        if((current_state == WP_SENDLIST || current_state == WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS) && (current_wp_id == waypoint_buffer.count()-1 && wpa->type == 0)) {
            //all waypoints sent and ack received
            current_state = WP_IDLE;
            readWaypoints(false); //Update "Onboard Waypoints"-tab immidiately after the waypoint list has been sent.
            emit updateStatusString("done.");
        } else if((current_state == WP_SENDLIST || current_state == WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS) && wpa->type != 0) {
            //give up transmitting if a WP is rejected
            if (wpa->type == 1) {
                emit updateStatusString("upload failed: general error");
            } else if (wpa->type == 2) {
                emit updateStatusString("upload failed: coordinate frame unsupported.");
            } else {
                emit updateStatusString("upload failed: other error.");
            current_state = WP_IDLE;
        } else if(current_state == WP_CLEARLIST) {
            current_state = WP_IDLE;
            emit updateStatusString("done.");
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void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointRequest(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_request_t *wpr)
    if (systemId == current_partner_systemid && ((current_state == WP_SENDLIST && wpr->seq == 0) || (current_state == WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS && (wpr->seq == current_wp_id || wpr->seq == current_wp_id + 1)))) {
        current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;
        if (wpr->seq < waypoint_buffer.count()) {
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            current_state = WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS;
            current_wp_id = wpr->seq;
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            //TODO: Error message or something
    } else {
        qDebug("Rejecting message, check mismatch: current_state: %d == %d, system id %d == %d, comp id %d == %d", current_state, WP_GETLIST, current_partner_systemid, systemId, current_partner_compid, compId);
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void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointReached(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_item_reached_t *wpr)
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    if (!uas) return;
    if (systemId == uasid) {
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        emit updateStatusString(QString("Reached waypoint %1").arg(wpr->seq));
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void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointCurrent(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_current_t *wpc)
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    if (!uas) return;
    if (systemId == uasid) {
        if (current_state == WP_SETCURRENT) {
            current_state = WP_IDLE;

            // update the local main storage
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            if (wpc->seq < waypointsViewOnly.size()) {
                for(int i = 0; i < waypointsViewOnly.size(); i++) {
                    if (waypointsViewOnly[i]->getId() == wpc->seq) {
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        emit updateStatusString(QString("New current waypoint %1").arg(wpc->seq));
        //emit update to UI widgets
        emit currentWaypointChanged(wpc->seq);
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void UASWaypointManager::notifyOfChangeEditable(Waypoint* wp)
    // If only one waypoint was changed, emit only WP signal
    if (wp != NULL) {
        emit waypointEditableChanged(uasid, wp);
        emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);
void UASWaypointManager::notifyOfChangeViewOnly(Waypoint* wp)
    if (wp != NULL) {
        emit waypointViewOnlyChanged(uasid, wp);
    } else {
        emit waypointViewOnlyListChanged();
        emit waypointViewOnlyListChanged(uasid);
int UASWaypointManager::setCurrentWaypoint(quint16 seq)
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    if (seq < waypointsViewOnly.size()) {
        if(current_state == WP_IDLE) {
            //send change to UAS - important to note: if the transmission fails, we have inconsistencies
            current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;

            current_state = WP_SETCURRENT;
            current_wp_id = seq;
            current_partner_systemid = uasid;
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            current_partner_compid = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;


            return 0;
    return -1;

int UASWaypointManager::setCurrentEditable(quint16 seq)
    if (seq < waypointsEditable.count()) {
        if(current_state == WP_IDLE) {
            //update local main storage
            for(int i = 0; i < waypointsEditable.count(); i++) {
                if (waypointsEditable[i]->getId() == seq) {
                } else {

            return 0;
    return -1;
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void UASWaypointManager::addWaypointViewOnly(Waypoint *wp)
    if (wp)
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        waypointsViewOnly.insert(waypointsViewOnly.size(), wp);
        connect(wp, SIGNAL(changed(Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(notifyOfChangeViewOnly(Waypoint*)));

        emit waypointViewOnlyListChanged();
        emit waypointViewOnlyListChanged(uasid);
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 * @warning Make sure the waypoint stays valid for the whole application lifecycle!
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 * @param enforceFirstActive Enforces that the first waypoint is set as active
 * @see createWaypoint() is more suitable for most use cases
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void UASWaypointManager::addWaypointEditable(Waypoint *wp, bool enforceFirstActive)
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    if (wp)
        // Check if this is the first waypoint in an offline list
        if (waypointsEditable.count() == 0 && uas == NULL)
            MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("OFFLINE Waypoint Editing Mode"), tr("You are in offline editing mode. Make sure to safe your mission to a file before connecting to a system - you will need to load the file into the system, the offline list will be cleared on connect."));

        if (enforceFirstActive && waypointsEditable.count() == 0)
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            currentWaypointEditable = wp;
        waypointsEditable.insert(waypointsEditable.count(), wp);
        connect(wp, SIGNAL(changed(Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(notifyOfChangeEditable(Waypoint*)));
        emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);
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 * @param enforceFirstActive Enforces that the first waypoint is set as active
Waypoint* UASWaypointManager::createWaypoint(bool enforceFirstActive)
    // Check if this is the first waypoint in an offline list
    if (waypointsEditable.count() == 0 && uas == NULL)
        MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("OFFLINE Waypoint Editing Mode"), tr("You are in offline editing mode. Make sure to safe your mission to a file before connecting to a system - you will need to load the file into the system, the offline list will be cleared on connect."));

    Waypoint* wp = new Waypoint();
    if (enforceFirstActive && waypointsEditable.count() == 0)
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        currentWaypointEditable = wp;
    connect(wp, SIGNAL(changed(Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(notifyOfChangeEditable(Waypoint*)));
    emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);
int UASWaypointManager::removeWaypoint(quint16 seq)
    if (seq < waypointsEditable.count())
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        Waypoint *t = waypointsEditable[seq];

        if (t->getCurrent() == true) //trying to remove the current waypoint
            if (seq+1 < waypointsEditable.count()) // setting the next waypoint as current
            else if (seq-1 >= 0) // if deleting the last on the list, then setting the previous waypoint as current
        for(int i = seq; i < waypointsEditable.count(); i++)
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        emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);
void UASWaypointManager::moveWaypoint(quint16 cur_seq, quint16 new_seq)
    if (cur_seq != new_seq && cur_seq < waypointsEditable.count() && new_seq < waypointsEditable.count())
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        Waypoint *t = waypointsEditable[cur_seq];
        if (cur_seq < new_seq) {
            for (int i = cur_seq; i < new_seq; i++)
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                waypointsEditable[i] = waypointsEditable[i+1];
            for (int i = cur_seq; i > new_seq; i--)
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                waypointsEditable[i] = waypointsEditable[i-1];
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        waypointsEditable[new_seq] = t;
        emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);
void UASWaypointManager::saveWaypoints(const QString &saveFile)
    QFile file(saveFile);
    if (! | QIODevice::Text))

    QTextStream out(&file);

    //write the waypoint list version to the first line for compatibility check
    for (int i = 0; i < waypointsEditable.count(); i++)
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void UASWaypointManager::loadWaypoints(const QString &loadFile)
    QFile file(loadFile);
    if (! | QIODevice::Text))

    while(waypointsEditable.count()>0) {
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        Waypoint *t = waypointsEditable[0];

    const QStringList &version = in.readLine().split(" ");

    if (!(version.size() == 3 && version[0] == "QGC" && version[1] == "WPL" && version[2] == "120"))
        emit updateStatusString(tr("The waypoint file is not compatible with the current version of QGroundControl."));
                waypointsEditable.insert(waypointsEditable.count(), t);
                emit updateStatusString(tr("The waypoint file is corrupted. Load operation only partly succesful."));
    emit loadWPFile();
    emit waypointEditableListChanged(uasid);

void UASWaypointManager::clearWaypointList()
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        current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;
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        current_state = WP_CLEARLIST;
        current_wp_id = 0;
        current_partner_systemid = uasid;
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        current_partner_compid = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
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const QList<Waypoint *> UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameWaypointList()
    // TODO Keep this global frame list up to date
    // with complete waypoint list
    // instead of filtering on each request
    QList<Waypoint*> wps;
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    foreach (Waypoint* wp, waypointsEditable)
        if (wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)
const QList<Waypoint *> UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList()
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    // TODO Keep this global frame list up to date
    // with complete waypoint list
    // instead of filtering on each request
    QList<Waypoint*> wps;
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    foreach (Waypoint* wp, waypointsEditable)
        if ((wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT) && wp->isNavigationType())
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    return wps;

const QList<Waypoint *> UASWaypointManager::getNavTypeWaypointList()
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    // TODO Keep this global frame list up to date
    // with complete waypoint list
    // instead of filtering on each request
    QList<Waypoint*> wps;
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    foreach (Waypoint* wp, waypointsEditable)
        if (wp->isNavigationType())
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    return wps;

int UASWaypointManager::getIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    return waypointsEditable.indexOf(wp);
int UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable) {
        if (p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)
            if (p == wp)
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int UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
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    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable) {
        if ((p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT) && p->isNavigationType())
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                return i;

    return -1;

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int UASWaypointManager::getNavTypeIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
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    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable)
        if (p->isNavigationType())
            if (p == wp)
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                return i;

    return -1;

int UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameCount()
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable)
        if (p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)
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int UASWaypointManager::getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeCount()
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
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    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable) {
        if ((p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL || p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT) && p->isNavigationType())
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    return i;

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int UASWaypointManager::getNavTypeCount()
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
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    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable) {
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        if (p->isNavigationType()) {

    return i;

int UASWaypointManager::getLocalFrameCount()
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
    // counting only those in global frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable)
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        if (p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED || p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU)
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    return i;

int UASWaypointManager::getLocalFrameIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
    // counting only those in local frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable)
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        if (p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED || p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU)
                return i;

    return -1;

int UASWaypointManager::getMissionFrameIndexOf(Waypoint* wp)
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    // Search through all waypointsEditable,
    // counting only those in mission frame
    int i = 0;
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    foreach (Waypoint* p, waypointsEditable)
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        if (p->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_MISSION)
            if (p == wp)
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 * @param readToEdit If true, incoming waypoints will be copied both to "edit"-tab and "view"-tab. Otherwise, only to "view"-tab.
void UASWaypointManager::readWaypoints(bool readToEdit)
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    read_to_edit = readToEdit;
    emit readGlobalWPFromUAS(true);
    if(current_state == WP_IDLE) {
        //Clear the old view-list before receiving the new one
        while(waypointsViewOnly.size()>0) {
            Waypoint *t = waypointsViewOnly[0];
        emit waypointViewOnlyListChanged();
        //Clear the old edit-list before receiving the new one
        if (read_to_edit == true){
            while(waypointsEditable.count()>0) {
                Waypoint *t = waypointsEditable[0];
                delete t;
            emit waypointEditableListChanged();
        current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;
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        current_state = WP_GETLIST;
        current_wp_id = 0;
        current_partner_systemid = uasid;
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        current_partner_compid = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
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bool UASWaypointManager::guidedModeSupported()
    return (uas->getAutopilotType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA);

void UASWaypointManager::goToWaypoint(Waypoint *wp)
    //Don't try to send a guided mode message to an AP that does not support it.
    if (uas->getAutopilotType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA)
        mavlink_mission_item_t mission;
        memset(&mission, 0, sizeof(mavlink_mission_item_t));   //initialize with zeros
        //const Waypoint *cur_s =;

        mission.autocontinue = 0;
        mission.current = 2; //2 for guided mode
        mission.param1 = wp->getParam1();
        mission.param2 = wp->getParam2();
        mission.param3 = wp->getParam3();
        mission.param4 = wp->getParam4();
        mission.frame = wp->getFrame();
        mission.command = wp->getAction();
        mission.seq = 0;     // don't read out the sequence number of the waypoint class
        mission.x = wp->getX();
        mission.y = wp->getY();
        mission.z = wp->getZ();
        mavlink_message_t message;
        mission.target_system = uasid;
        mission.target_component = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
        mavlink_msg_mission_item_encode(uas->mavlink->getSystemId(), uas->mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, &mission);
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void UASWaypointManager::writeWaypoints()
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    if (current_state == WP_IDLE) {
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        // Send clear all if count == 0
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        if (waypointsEditable.count() > 0) {
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            current_retries = PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES;
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            current_count = waypointsEditable.count();
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            current_state = WP_SENDLIST;
            current_wp_id = 0;
            current_partner_systemid = uasid;
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            current_partner_compid = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
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            //clear local buffer
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            // Why not replace with waypoint_buffer.clear() ?
            // because this will lead to memory leaks, the waypoint-structs
            // have to be deleted, clear() would only delete the pointers.
            while(!waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
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                delete waypoint_buffer.back();
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            //copy waypoint data to local buffer
            for (int i=0; i < current_count; i++) {
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                waypoint_buffer.push_back(new mavlink_mission_item_t);
                mavlink_mission_item_t *cur_d = waypoint_buffer.back();
                memset(cur_d, 0, sizeof(mavlink_mission_item_t));   //initialize with zeros
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pixhawk committed
                const Waypoint *cur_s =;
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                cur_d->autocontinue = cur_s->getAutoContinue();
                cur_d->current = cur_s->getCurrent() & noCurrent;   //make sure only one current waypoint is selected, the first selected will be chosen
                cur_d->param1 = cur_s->getParam1();
                cur_d->param2 = cur_s->getParam2();
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                cur_d->param3 = cur_s->getParam3();
                cur_d->param4 = cur_s->getParam4();
                cur_d->frame = cur_s->getFrame();
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                cur_d->command = cur_s->getAction();
                cur_d->seq = i;     // don't read out the sequence number of the waypoint class
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pixhawk committed
                cur_d->x = cur_s->getX();
                cur_d->y = cur_s->getY();
                cur_d->z = cur_s->getZ();

                if (cur_s->getCurrent() && noCurrent)
                    noCurrent = false;
                if (i == (current_count - 1) && noCurrent == true) //not a single waypoint was set as "current"
                    cur_d->current = true; // set the last waypoint as current. Or should it better be the first waypoint ?
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            //send the waypoint count to UAS (this starts the send transaction)
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        } else if (waypointsEditable.count() == 0)
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        //we're in another transaction, ignore command
        qDebug() << "UASWaypointManager::sendWaypoints() doing something else ignoring command";
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void UASWaypointManager::sendWaypointClearAll()
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    if (!uas) return;
    mavlink_message_t message;
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    mavlink_mission_clear_all_t wpca;
    wpca.target_system = uasid;
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    wpca.target_component = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
    emit updateStatusString(QString("Clearing waypoint list..."));
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    mavlink_msg_mission_clear_all_encode(uas->mavlink->getSystemId(), uas->mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, &wpca);
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void UASWaypointManager::sendWaypointSetCurrent(quint16 seq)
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    if (!uas) return;
    mavlink_message_t message;
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    mavlink_mission_set_current_t wpsc;
    wpsc.target_system = uasid;
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    wpsc.target_component = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
    emit updateStatusString(QString("Updating target waypoint..."));
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    mavlink_msg_mission_set_current_encode(uas->mavlink->getSystemId(), uas->mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, &wpsc);
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void UASWaypointManager::sendWaypointCount()
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    if (!uas) return;
    mavlink_message_t message;
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    mavlink_mission_count_t wpc;
    wpc.target_system = uasid;
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    wpc.target_component = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
    emit updateStatusString(QString("Starting to transmit waypoints..."));
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    mavlink_msg_mission_count_encode(uas->mavlink->getSystemId(), uas->mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, &wpc);
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void UASWaypointManager::sendWaypointRequestList()
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    if (!uas) return;
    mavlink_message_t message;
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    mavlink_mission_request_list_t wprl;
    wprl.target_system = uasid;
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    wprl.target_component = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
    QString statusMsg(tr("Requesting waypoint list..."));
    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << statusMsg;
    emit updateStatusString(statusMsg);
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    mavlink_msg_mission_request_list_encode(uas->mavlink->getSystemId(), uas->mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, &wprl);
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void UASWaypointManager::sendWaypointRequest(quint16 seq)
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    if (!uas) return;