@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class UASInterface;
* @brief Implementation of the MAVLINK waypoint protocol
* This class handles the communication with a waypoint manager on the MAV.
* All waypoints are stored in the QVector waypoints, modifications can be done with the WaypointList widget.
* All waypoints are stored in the QList waypoints, modifications can be done with the WaypointList widget.
* Notice that currently the access to the internal waypoint storage is not guarded nor thread-safe. This works as long as no other widget alters the data.
* See http://qgroundcontrol.org/waypoint_protocol for more information about the protocol and the states.
returnwaypointsViewOnly;///< Returns a const reference to the waypoint list.
constQVector<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list
constQVector<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out.
constQVector<Waypoint*>getNavTypeWaypointList();///< Returns a waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out.
constQList<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list
constQList<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out.
constQList<Waypoint*>getNavTypeWaypointList();///< Returns a waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out.
intgetIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list
intgetGlobalFrameIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global waypoints
intgetGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global AND navigation mode waypoints
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ private:
quint8current_partner_compid;///< The current protocol communication target component
boolread_to_edit;///< If true, after readWaypoints() incoming waypoints will be copied both to "edit"-tab and "view"-tab. Otherwise, only to "view"-tab.
QVector<Waypoint*>waypointsViewOnly;///< local copy of current waypoint list on MAV
QVector<Waypoint*>waypointsEditable;///< local editable waypoint list
QList<Waypoint*>waypointsViewOnly;///< local copy of current waypoint list on MAV
QList<Waypoint*>waypointsEditable;///< local editable waypoint list
Waypoint*currentWaypointEditable;///< The currently used waypoint
QVector<mavlink_mission_item_t*>waypoint_buffer;///< buffer for waypoints during communication
QList<mavlink_mission_item_t*>waypoint_buffer;///< buffer for waypoints during communication
QTimerprotocol_timer;///< Timer to catch timeouts
boolstandalone;///< If standalone is set, do not write to UAS