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     *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
     * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
     * in the root of the source code directory.
    #ifndef FILEMANAGER_H
    #define FILEMANAGER_H
    #include <QDir>
    #include <QTimer>
    #include "UASInterface.h"
    #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
    #ifdef __GNUC__
      #define PACKED_STRUCT( __Declaration__ ) __Declaration__ __attribute__((packed))
      #define PACKED_STRUCT( __Declaration__ ) __pragma( pack(push, 1) ) __Declaration__ __pragma( pack(pop) )
    class FileManager : public QObject
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        FileManager(QObject* parent, Vehicle* vehicle);
        /// These methods are only used for testing purposes.
        bool _sendCmdTestAck(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdNone, kCOAck); };
        bool _sendCmdTestNoAck(void) { return _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(kCmdTestNoAck, kCOAck); };
        /// Timeout in msecs to wait for an Ack time come back. This is public so we can write unit tests which wait long enough
        /// for the FileManager to timeout.
        static const int ackTimerTimeoutMsecs = 10000;
    	/// Downloads the specified file.
    	///     @param from File to download from UAS, fully qualified path
    	///     @param downloadDir Local directory to download file to
    	void downloadPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir);
    	/// Stream downloads the specified file.
    	///     @param from File to download from UAS, fully qualified path
    	///     @param downloadDir Local directory to download file to
    	void streamPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir);
    	/// Lists the specified directory. Emits listEntry signal for each entry, followed by listComplete signal.
    	///		@param dirPath Fully qualified path to list
    	void listDirectory(const QString& dirPath);
        /// Upload the specified file to the specified location
        void uploadPath(const QString& toPath, const QFileInfo& uploadFile);
        // Signals associated with the listDirectory method
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        /// Signalled to indicate a new directory entry was received.
        void listEntry(const QString& entry);
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        // Signals associated with all commands
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        /// Signalled after a command has completed
        void commandComplete(void);
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        /// Signalled when an error occurs during a command. In this case a commandComplete signal will
        /// not be sent.
        void commandError(const QString& msg);
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        /// Signalled during a lengthy command to show progress
        ///     @param value Amount of progress: 0.0 = none, 1.0 = complete
        void commandProgress(int value);
        void receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message);
    private slots:
    	void _ackTimeout(void);
        /// @brief This is the fixed length portion of the protocol data.
        /// This needs to be packed, because it's typecasted from mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t.payload, which starts
        /// at a 3 byte offset, causing an unaligned access to seq_number and offset
        typedef struct _RequestHeader
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                uint16_t    seqNumber;      ///< sequence number for message
                uint8_t     session;        ///< Session id for read and write commands
                uint8_t     opcode;         ///< Command opcode
                uint8_t     size;           ///< Size of data
                uint8_t     req_opcode;     ///< Request opcode returned in kRspAck, kRspNak message
                uint8_t     burstComplete;  ///< Only used if req_opcode=kCmdBurstReadFile - 1: set of burst packets complete, 0: More burst packets coming.
                uint8_t     padding;        ///< 32 bit aligment padding
                uint32_t    offset;         ///< Offsets for List and Read commands
            // We use a union here instead of just casting (uint32_t)&payload[0] to not break strict aliasing rules
                // The entire Request must fit into the payload member of the mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t structure. We use as many leftover bytes
                // after we use up space for the RequestHeader for the data portion of the Request.
                uint8_t data[sizeof(((mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t*)0)->payload) - sizeof(RequestHeader)];
                // File length returned by Open command
                uint32_t openFileLength;
                // Length of file chunk written by write command
                uint32_t writeFileLength;
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        enum Opcode
    		kCmdNone,				///< ignored, always acked
    		kCmdTerminateSession,	///< Terminates open Read session
    		kCmdResetSessions,		///< Terminates all open Read sessions
    		kCmdListDirectory,		///< List files in <path> from <offset>
    		kCmdOpenFileRO,			///< Opens file at <path> for reading, returns <session>
    		kCmdReadFile,			///< Reads <size> bytes from <offset> in <session>
    		kCmdCreateFile,			///< Creates file at <path> for writing, returns <session>
    		kCmdWriteFile,			///< Writes <size> bytes to <offset> in <session>
    		kCmdRemoveFile,			///< Remove file at <path>
    		kCmdCreateDirectory,	///< Creates directory at <path>
    		kCmdRemoveDirectory,	///< Removes Directory at <path>, must be empty
    		kCmdOpenFileWO,			///< Opens file at <path> for writing, returns <session>
    		kCmdTruncateFile,		///< Truncate file at <path> to <offset> length
    		kCmdRename,				///< Rename <path1> to <path2>
    		kCmdCalcFileCRC32,		///< Calculate CRC32 for file at <path>
    		kCmdBurstReadFile,      ///< Burst download session file
    		kRspAck = 128,          ///< Ack response
    		kRspNak,                ///< Nak response
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            // Used for testing only, not part of protocol
            kCmdTestNoAck,          ///< ignored, ack not sent back, should timeout waiting for ack
    	/// @brief Error codes returned in Nak response[0].
    	enum ErrorCode
    		kErrFail,                   ///< Unknown failure
    		kErrFailErrno,              ///< errno sent back in[1]
    		kErrInvalidDataSize,		///< PayloadHeader.size is invalid
    		kErrInvalidSession,         ///< Session is not currently open
    		kErrNoSessionsAvailable,	///< All available Sessions in use
    		kErrEOF,                    ///< Offset past end of file for List and Read commands
            kErrUnknownCommand,          ///< Unknown command opcode
            kErrFailFileExists,         ///< File exists already
            kErrFailFileProtected       ///< File is write protected
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        enum OperationState
                kCOIdle,		// not doing anything
                kCOAck,			// waiting for an Ack
                kCOList,		// waiting for List response
                kCOOpenRead,    // waiting for Open response followed by Read download
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    			kCOOpenBurst,   // waiting for Open response, followed by Burst download
                kCORead,		// waiting for Read response
    			kCOBurst,		// waiting for Burst response
                kCOWrite,       // waiting for Write response
                kCOCreate,      // waiting for Create response
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        bool _sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(uint8_t opcode, OperationState newOpState);
        void _setupAckTimeout(void);
        void _clearAckTimeout(void);
        void _emitErrorMessage(const QString& msg);
        void _emitListEntry(const QString& entry);
        void _sendRequest(Request* request);
        void _fillRequestWithString(Request* request, const QString& str);
        void _openAckResponse(Request* openAck);
        void _downloadAckResponse(Request* readAck, bool readFile);
        void _listAckResponse(Request* listAck);
        void _createAckResponse(Request* createAck);
        void _writeAckResponse(Request* writeAck);
        void _writeFileDatablock(void);
        void _sendListCommand(void);
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        void _sendResetCommand(void);
        void _closeDownloadSession(bool success);
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        void _closeUploadSession(bool success);
    	void _downloadWorker(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir, bool readFile);
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        static QString errorString(uint8_t errorCode);
        OperationState  _currentOperation;              ///< Current operation of state machine
        QTimer          _ackTimer;                      ///< Used to signal a timeout waiting for an ack
        Vehicle*        _vehicle;
        LinkInterface*  _dedicatedLink; ///< Link to use for communication
        uint16_t _lastOutgoingSeqNumber; ///< Sequence number sent in last outgoing packet
        unsigned    _listOffset;    ///< offset for the current List operation
        QString     _listPath;      ///< path for the current List operation
        uint8_t     _activeSession;             ///< currently active session, 0 for none
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        uint32_t    _readOffset;                ///< current read offset
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        uint32_t    _writeOffset;               ///< current write offset
        uint32_t    _writeSize;                 ///< current write data size
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        uint32_t    _writeFileSize;             ///< Size of file being uploaded
        QByteArray  _writeFileAccumulator;      ///< Holds file being uploaded
        uint32_t    _downloadOffset;            ///< current download offset
        QByteArray  _readFileAccumulator;       ///< Holds file being downloaded
        QDir        _readFileDownloadDir;       ///< Directory to download file to
        QString     _readFileDownloadFilename;  ///< Filename (no path) for download file
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        uint32_t    _downloadFileSize;          ///< Size of file being downloaded
        uint8_t     _systemIdQGC;               ///< System ID for QGC
        uint8_t     _systemIdServer;            ///< System ID for server
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        // We give MockLinkFileServer friend access so that it can use the data structures and opcodes
        // to build a mock mavlink file server for testing.
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        friend class MockLinkFileServer;
    #endif // FileManager_H