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void Vehicle::_handleAttitude(mavlink_message_t& message)
    if (_receivingAttitudeQuaternion) {

    mavlink_attitude_t attitude;
    mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(&message, &attitude);

    _handleAttitudeWorker(attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw);

void Vehicle::_handleAttitudeQuaternion(mavlink_message_t& message)
    _receivingAttitudeQuaternion = true;

    mavlink_attitude_quaternion_t attitudeQuaternion;
    mavlink_msg_attitude_quaternion_decode(&message, &attitudeQuaternion);

    float roll, pitch, yaw;
    float q[] = { attitudeQuaternion.q1, attitudeQuaternion.q2, attitudeQuaternion.q3, attitudeQuaternion.q4 };
    mavlink_quaternion_to_euler(q, &roll, &pitch, &yaw);

    _handleAttitudeWorker(roll, pitch, yaw);

void Vehicle::_handleGpsRawInt(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_gps_raw_int_t gpsRawInt;
    mavlink_msg_gps_raw_int_decode(&message, &gpsRawInt);

    _gpsRawIntMessageAvailable = true;

    if (gpsRawInt.fix_type >= GPS_FIX_TYPE_3D_FIX) {
        if (!_globalPositionIntMessageAvailable) {
            QGeoCoordinate newPosition(  / (double)1E7, gpsRawInt.lon / (double)1E7, gpsRawInt.alt  / 1000.0);
            if (newPosition != _coordinate) {
                _coordinate = newPosition;
                emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate);
            _altitudeAMSLFact.setRawValue(gpsRawInt.alt / 1000.0);>setRawValue( * 1e-7);
    _gpsFactGroup.lon()->setRawValue(gpsRawInt.lon * 1e-7);
    _gpsFactGroup.count()->setRawValue(gpsRawInt.satellites_visible == 255 ? 0 : gpsRawInt.satellites_visible);
    _gpsFactGroup.hdop()->setRawValue(gpsRawInt.eph == UINT16_MAX ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : gpsRawInt.eph / 100.0);
    _gpsFactGroup.vdop()->setRawValue(gpsRawInt.epv == UINT16_MAX ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : gpsRawInt.epv / 100.0);
    _gpsFactGroup.courseOverGround()->setRawValue(gpsRawInt.cog == UINT16_MAX ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : gpsRawInt.cog / 100.0);

void Vehicle::_handleGlobalPositionInt(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_global_position_int_t globalPositionInt;
    mavlink_msg_global_position_int_decode(&message, &globalPositionInt);

    _altitudeRelativeFact.setRawValue(globalPositionInt.relative_alt / 1000.0);
    _altitudeAMSLFact.setRawValue(globalPositionInt.alt / 1000.0);

    // ArduPilot sends bogus GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages with lat/lat 0/0 even when it has no gps signal
    // Apparently, this is in order to transport relative altitude information.
    if ( == 0 && globalPositionInt.lon == 0) {
    _globalPositionIntMessageAvailable = true;
    QGeoCoordinate newPosition(  / (double)1E7, globalPositionInt.lon / (double)1E7, globalPositionInt.alt  / 1000.0);
    if (newPosition != _coordinate) {
        _coordinate = newPosition;
        emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate);
void Vehicle::_handleHighLatency2(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_high_latency2_t highLatency2;
    mavlink_msg_high_latency2_decode(&message, &highLatency2);

    QString previousFlightMode;
    if (_base_mode != 0 || _custom_mode != 0){
        // Vehicle is initialized with _base_mode=0 and _custom_mode=0. Don't pass this to flightMode() since it will complain about
        // bad modes while unit testing.
        previousFlightMode = flightMode();
    _custom_mode = _firmwarePlugin->highLatencyCustomModeTo32Bits(highLatency2.custom_mode);
    if (previousFlightMode != flightMode()) {
        emit flightModeChanged(flightMode());

    // Assume armed since we don't know
    if (_armed != true) {
        _armed = true;
        emit armedChanged(_armed);

    _coordinate.setLatitude(highLatency2.latitude  / (double)1E7);
    _coordinate.setLongitude(highLatency2.longitude / (double)1E7);
    emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate);

    _airSpeedFact.setRawValue((double)highLatency2.airspeed / 5.0);
    _groundSpeedFact.setRawValue((double)highLatency2.groundspeed / 5.0);
    _climbRateFact.setRawValue((double)highLatency2.climb_rate / 10.0);
    _headingFact.setRawValue((double)highLatency2.heading * 2.0);
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    _windFactGroup.direction()->setRawValue((double)highLatency2.wind_heading * 2.0);
    _windFactGroup.speed()->setRawValue((double)highLatency2.windspeed / 5.0);

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    _temperatureFactGroup.temperature1()->setRawValue(highLatency2.temperature_air);>setRawValue(highLatency2.latitude * 1e-7);
    _gpsFactGroup.lon()->setRawValue(highLatency2.longitude * 1e-7);
    _gpsFactGroup.hdop()->setRawValue(highLatency2.eph == UINT8_MAX ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : highLatency2.eph / 10.0);
    _gpsFactGroup.vdop()->setRawValue(highLatency2.epv == UINT8_MAX ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : highLatency2.epv / 10.0);

    struct failure2Sensor_s {
        HL_FAILURE_FLAG         failureBit;
        MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR   sensorBit;

    static const failure2Sensor_s rgFailure2Sensor[] = {
        { HL_FAILURE_FLAG_GPS,                      MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_GPS },
        { HL_FAILURE_FLAG_3D_GYRO,                  MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO },
        { HL_FAILURE_FLAG_3D_MAG,                   MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_MAG },

    // Map from MAV_FAILURE bits to standard SYS_STATUS message handling
    uint32_t newOnboardControlSensorsEnabled = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(rgFailure2Sensor)/sizeof(failure2Sensor_s); i++) {
        const failure2Sensor_s* pFailure2Sensor = &rgFailure2Sensor[i];
        if (highLatency2.failure_flags & pFailure2Sensor->failureBit) {
            // Assume if reporting as unhealthy that is it present and enabled
            newOnboardControlSensorsEnabled |= pFailure2Sensor->sensorBit;
    if (newOnboardControlSensorsEnabled != _onboardControlSensorsEnabled) {
        _onboardControlSensorsEnabled = newOnboardControlSensorsEnabled;
        _onboardControlSensorsPresent = newOnboardControlSensorsEnabled;
        _onboardControlSensorsUnhealthy = 0;
        emit unhealthySensorsChanged();
void Vehicle::_handleAltitude(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_altitude_t altitude;
    mavlink_msg_altitude_decode(&message, &altitude);

    // If data from GPS is available it takes precedence over ALTITUDE message
    if (!_globalPositionIntMessageAvailable) {
        if (!_gpsRawIntMessageAvailable) {
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void Vehicle::_setCapabilities(uint64_t capabilityBits)
    _capabilityBits = capabilityBits;
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    _vehicleCapabilitiesKnown = true;
    emit capabilitiesKnownChanged(true);
    emit capabilityBitsChanged(_capabilityBits);
    // This should potentially be turned into a user-facing warning
    // if the general experience after deployment is that users want MAVLink 2
    // but forget to upgrade their radio firmware
    if (capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MAVLINK2 && maxProtoVersion() < 200) {
        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle does support MAVLink 2 but the link does not allow for it.");

    QString supports("supports");
    QString doesNotSupport("does not support");

    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle %1 Mavlink 2.0").arg(_capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MAVLINK2 ? supports : doesNotSupport);
    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle %1 MISSION_ITEM_INT").arg(_capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_INT ? supports : doesNotSupport);
    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle %1 MISSION_COMMAND_INT").arg(_capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_COMMAND_INT ? supports : doesNotSupport);
    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle %1 GeoFence").arg(_capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_FENCE ? supports : doesNotSupport);
    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << QString("Vehicle %1 RallyPoints").arg(_capabilityBits & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_RALLY ? supports : doesNotSupport);
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void Vehicle::_handleAutopilotVersion(LinkInterface *link, mavlink_message_t& message)

    mavlink_autopilot_version_t autopilotVersion;
    mavlink_msg_autopilot_version_decode(&message, &autopilotVersion);

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    _uid = (quint64)autopilotVersion.uid;
    emit vehicleUIDChanged();

    if (autopilotVersion.flight_sw_version != 0) {
        int majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion;
        FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE versionType;

        majorVersion = (autopilotVersion.flight_sw_version >> (8*3)) & 0xFF;
        minorVersion = (autopilotVersion.flight_sw_version >> (8*2)) & 0xFF;
        patchVersion = (autopilotVersion.flight_sw_version >> (8*1)) & 0xFF;
        versionType = (FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE)((autopilotVersion.flight_sw_version >> (8*0)) & 0xFF);
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        setFirmwareVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion, versionType);
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    if (px4Firmware()) {
        // Lower 3 bytes is custom version
        int majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion;
        majorVersion = autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version[2];
        minorVersion = autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version[1];
        patchVersion = autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version[0];
        setFirmwareCustomVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion);

        // PX4 Firmware stores the first 16 characters of the git hash as binary, with the individual bytes in reverse order
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        _gitHash = "";
        QByteArray array((char*)autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version, 8);
        for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
            _gitHash.append(QString("%1").arg(autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version[i], 2, 16, QChar('0')));
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    } else {
        // APM Firmware stores the first 8 characters of the git hash as an ASCII character string
        _gitHash = QString::fromUtf8((char*)autopilotVersion.flight_custom_version, 8);
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    emit gitHashChanged(_gitHash);
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void Vehicle::_handleProtocolVersion(LinkInterface *link, mavlink_message_t& message)

    mavlink_protocol_version_t protoVersion;
    mavlink_msg_protocol_version_decode(&message, &protoVersion);


void Vehicle::_setMaxProtoVersion(unsigned version) {

    // Set only once or if we need to reduce the max version
    if (_maxProtoVersion == 0 || version < _maxProtoVersion) {
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        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "_setMaxProtoVersion before:after" << _maxProtoVersion << version;
        _maxProtoVersion = version;
        emit requestProtocolVersion(_maxProtoVersion);

        // Now that the protocol version is known, the mission load is safe
        // as it will use the right MAVLink version to enable all features
        // the vehicle supports
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QString Vehicle::vehicleUIDStr()
    QString uid;
    uint8_t* pUid = (uint8_t*)(void*)&_uid;
                pUid[0] & 0xff,
            pUid[1] & 0xff,
            pUid[2] & 0xff,
            pUid[3] & 0xff,
            pUid[4] & 0xff,
            pUid[5] & 0xff,
            pUid[6] & 0xff,
            pUid[7] & 0xff);
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    return uid;

void Vehicle::_handleHilActuatorControls(mavlink_message_t &message)
    mavlink_hil_actuator_controls_t hil;
    mavlink_msg_hil_actuator_controls_decode(&message, &hil);
    emit hilActuatorControlsChanged(hil.time_usec, hil.flags,
void Vehicle::_handleCommandLong(mavlink_message_t& message)
    // If not using serial link, bail out.
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    mavlink_command_long_t cmd;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_decode(&message, &cmd);

    switch (cmd.command) {
    // Other component on the same system
    // requests that QGC frees up the serial port of the autopilot
        if (cmd.param6 > 0) {
            // disconnect the USB link if its a direct connection to a Pixhawk
            for (int i = 0; i < _links.length(); i++) {
                SerialLink *sl = qobject_cast<SerialLink*>(;
                if (sl && sl->getSerialConfig()->usbDirect()) {
                    qDebug() << "Disconnecting:" <<>getName();
                    emit linksChanged();
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void Vehicle::_handleExtendedSysState(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_extended_sys_state_t extendedState;
    mavlink_msg_extended_sys_state_decode(&message, &extendedState);

    switch (extendedState.landed_state) {
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    if (vtol()) {
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        bool vtolInFwdFlight = extendedState.vtol_state == MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW;
        if (vtolInFwdFlight != _vtolInFwdFlight) {
            _vtolInFwdFlight = vtolInFwdFlight;
            emit vtolInFwdFlightChanged(vtolInFwdFlight);
void Vehicle::_handleVibration(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_vibration_t vibration;
    mavlink_msg_vibration_decode(&message, &vibration);


void Vehicle::_handleWindCov(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_wind_cov_t wind;
    mavlink_msg_wind_cov_decode(&message, &wind);

    float direction = qRadiansToDegrees(qAtan2(wind.wind_y, wind.wind_x));
    float speed = qSqrt(qPow(wind.wind_x, 2) + qPow(wind.wind_y, 2));

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    if (direction < 0) {
        direction += 360;


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void Vehicle::_handleWind(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_wind_t wind;
    mavlink_msg_wind_decode(&message, &wind);

    // We don't want negative wind angles
    float direction = wind.direction;
    if (direction < 0) {
        direction += 360;
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bool Vehicle::_apmArmingNotRequired(void)
    QString armingRequireParam("ARMING_REQUIRE");
    return _parameterManager->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, armingRequireParam) &&
            _parameterManager->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, armingRequireParam)->rawValue().toInt() == 0;

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void Vehicle::_handleSysStatus(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_sys_status_t sysStatus;
    mavlink_msg_sys_status_decode(&message, &sysStatus);

    if (sysStatus.current_battery == -1) {
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    } else {
        // Current is in Amps, current_battery is 10 * milliamperes (1 = 10 milliampere)
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        _battery1FactGroup.current()->setRawValue((float)sysStatus.current_battery / 100.0f);
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    if (sysStatus.voltage_battery == UINT16_MAX) {
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    } else {
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        _battery1FactGroup.voltage()->setRawValue((double)sysStatus.voltage_battery / 1000.0);
        // current_battery is 10 mA and voltage_battery is 1mV. (10/1e3 times 1/1e3 = 1/1e5)
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    if (sysStatus.battery_remaining > 0) {
        if (sysStatus.battery_remaining < _settingsManager->appSettings()->batteryPercentRemainingAnnounce()->rawValue().toInt() &&
                sysStatus.battery_remaining < _lastAnnouncedLowBatteryPercent) {
            _say(QString(tr("%1 low battery: %2 percent remaining")).arg(_vehicleIdSpeech()).arg(sysStatus.battery_remaining));
        _lastAnnouncedLowBatteryPercent = sysStatus.battery_remaining;
    if (_onboardControlSensorsPresent != sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_present) {
        _onboardControlSensorsPresent = sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_present;
        emit sensorsPresentBitsChanged(_onboardControlSensorsPresent);
    if (_onboardControlSensorsEnabled != sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_enabled) {
        _onboardControlSensorsEnabled = sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_enabled;
        emit sensorsEnabledBitsChanged(_onboardControlSensorsEnabled);
    if (_onboardControlSensorsHealth != sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_health) {
        _onboardControlSensorsHealth = sysStatus.onboard_control_sensors_health;
        emit sensorsHealthBitsChanged(_onboardControlSensorsHealth);
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    // ArduPilot firmare has a strange case when ARMING_REQUIRE=0. This means the vehicle is always armed but the motors are not
    // really powered up until the safety button is pressed. Because of this we can't depend on the heartbeat to tell us the true
    // armed (and dangerous) state. We must instead rely on SYS_STATUS telling us that the motors are enabled.
    if (apmFirmware() && _apmArmingNotRequired()) {
        _updateArmed(_onboardControlSensorsEnabled & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_MOTOR_OUTPUTS);

    uint32_t newSensorsUnhealthy = _onboardControlSensorsEnabled & ~_onboardControlSensorsHealth;
    if (newSensorsUnhealthy != _onboardControlSensorsUnhealthy) {
        _onboardControlSensorsUnhealthy = newSensorsUnhealthy;
        emit unhealthySensorsChanged();
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        emit sensorsUnhealthyBitsChanged(_onboardControlSensorsUnhealthy);
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void Vehicle::_handleBatteryStatus(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_battery_status_t bat_status;
    mavlink_msg_battery_status_decode(&message, &bat_status);

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    VehicleBatteryFactGroup& batteryFactGroup = == 0 ? _battery1FactGroup : _battery2FactGroup;

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    if (bat_status.temperature == INT16_MAX) {
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    } else {
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        batteryFactGroup.temperature()->setRawValue((double)bat_status.temperature / 100.0);
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    if (bat_status.current_consumed == -1) {
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    } else {
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    int cellCount = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        if (bat_status.voltages[i] != UINT16_MAX) {
    if (cellCount == 0) {
        cellCount = -1;

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    //-- Time remaining in seconds (0 means not supported)
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    //-- Battery charge state (0 means not supported)
    if(bat_status.charge_state <= MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_UNHEALTHY) {
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    //-- TODO: Somewhere, actions would be taken based on this chargeState:
    //   MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_CRITICAL:     Battery state is critical, return / abort immediately
    //   MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_EMERGENCY:    Battery state is too low for ordinary abortion, fastest possible emergency stop preventing damage
    //   MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_FAILED:       Battery failed, damage unavoidable
    //   MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_UNHEALTHY:    Battery is diagnosed to be broken or an error occurred, usage is discouraged / prohibited
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void Vehicle::_setHomePosition(QGeoCoordinate& homeCoord)
    if (homeCoord != _homePosition) {
        _homePosition = homeCoord;
        emit homePositionChanged(_homePosition);

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void Vehicle::_handleHomePosition(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_home_position_t homePos;
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    mavlink_msg_home_position_decode(&message, &homePos);
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    QGeoCoordinate newHomePosition (homePos.latitude / 10000000.0,
                                    homePos.longitude / 10000000.0,
                                    homePos.altitude / 1000.0);
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void Vehicle::_updateArmed(bool armed)
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    if (_armed != armed) {
        _armed = armed;
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        emit armedChanged(_armed);
        // We are transitioning to the armed state, begin tracking trajectory points for the map
        if (_armed) {
        } else {
            // Also handle Video Streaming
            if(_settingsManager->videoSettings()->disableWhenDisarmed()->rawValue().toBool()) {
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void Vehicle::_handlePing(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_ping_t      ping;
    mavlink_message_t   msg;

    mavlink_msg_ping_decode(&message, &ping);
    sendMessageOnLink(link, msg);

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void Vehicle::_handleHeartbeat(mavlink_message_t& message)
    if (message.compid != _defaultComponentId) {

    mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;

    mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat);

    bool newArmed = heartbeat.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_SAFETY;

    // ArduPilot firmare has a strange case when ARMING_REQUIRE=0. This means the vehicle is always armed but the motors are not
    // really powered up until the safety button is pressed. Because of this we can't depend on the heartbeat to tell us the true
    // armed (and dangerous) state. We must instead rely on SYS_STATUS telling us that the motors are enabled.
    if (apmFirmware()) {
        if (!_apmArmingNotRequired() || !(_onboardControlSensorsPresent & MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_MOTOR_OUTPUTS)) {
            // If ARMING_REQUIRE!=0 or we haven't seen motor output status yet we use the hearbeat info for armed
    } else {
        // Non-ArduPilot always updates from armed state in heartbeat
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    if (heartbeat.base_mode != _base_mode || heartbeat.custom_mode != _custom_mode) {
        QString previousFlightMode;
        if (_base_mode != 0 || _custom_mode != 0){
            // Vehicle is initialized with _base_mode=0 and _custom_mode=0. Don't pass this to flightMode() since it will complain about
            // bad modes while unit testing.
            previousFlightMode = flightMode();
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        _base_mode = heartbeat.base_mode;
        _custom_mode = heartbeat.custom_mode;
        if (previousFlightMode != flightMode()) {
            emit flightModeChanged(flightMode());
void Vehicle::_handleRadioStatus(mavlink_message_t& message)
    //-- Process telemetry status message
    mavlink_radio_status_t rstatus;
    mavlink_msg_radio_status_decode(&message, &rstatus);
    int rssi    = rstatus.rssi;
    int remrssi = rstatus.remrssi;
    int lnoise = (int)(int8_t)rstatus.noise;
    int rnoise = (int)(int8_t)rstatus.remnoise;
    //-- 3DR Si1k radio needs rssi fields to be converted to dBm
    if (message.sysid == '3' && message.compid == 'D') {
        /* Per the Si1K datasheet figure 23.25 and SI AN474 code
         * samples the relationship between the RSSI register
         * and received power is as follows:
         *                       10
         * inputPower = rssi * ------ 127
         *                       19
         * Additionally limit to the only realistic range [-120,0] dBm
        rssi    = qMin(qMax(qRound(static_cast<qreal>(rssi)    / 1.9 - 127.0), - 120), 0);
        remrssi = qMin(qMax(qRound(static_cast<qreal>(remrssi) / 1.9 - 127.0), - 120), 0);
    } else {
        rssi    = (int)(int8_t)rstatus.rssi;
        remrssi = (int)(int8_t)rstatus.remrssi;
    //-- Check for changes
    if(_telemetryLRSSI != rssi) {
        _telemetryLRSSI = rssi;
        emit telemetryLRSSIChanged(_telemetryLRSSI);
    if(_telemetryRRSSI != remrssi) {
        _telemetryRRSSI = remrssi;
        emit telemetryRRSSIChanged(_telemetryRRSSI);
    if(_telemetryRXErrors != rstatus.rxerrors) {
        _telemetryRXErrors = rstatus.rxerrors;
        emit telemetryRXErrorsChanged(_telemetryRXErrors);
    if(_telemetryFixed != rstatus.fixed) {
        _telemetryFixed = rstatus.fixed;
        emit telemetryFixedChanged(_telemetryFixed);
    if(_telemetryTXBuffer != rstatus.txbuf) {
        _telemetryTXBuffer = rstatus.txbuf;
        emit telemetryTXBufferChanged(_telemetryTXBuffer);
    if(_telemetryLNoise != lnoise) {
        _telemetryLNoise = lnoise;
        emit telemetryLNoiseChanged(_telemetryLNoise);
    if(_telemetryRNoise != rnoise) {
        _telemetryRNoise = rnoise;
        emit telemetryRNoiseChanged(_telemetryRNoise);

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void Vehicle::_handleRCChannels(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_rc_channels_t channels;

    mavlink_msg_rc_channels_decode(&message, &channels);

    uint16_t* _rgChannelvalues[cMaxRcChannels] = {
    int pwmValues[cMaxRcChannels];

    for (int i=0; i<cMaxRcChannels; i++) {
        uint16_t channelValue = *_rgChannelvalues[i];

        if (i < channels.chancount) {
            pwmValues[i] = channelValue == UINT16_MAX ? -1 : channelValue;
        } else {
            pwmValues[i] = -1;

    emit remoteControlRSSIChanged(channels.rssi);
    emit rcChannelsChanged(channels.chancount, pwmValues);

void Vehicle::_handleRCChannelsRaw(mavlink_message_t& message)
    // We handle both RC_CHANNLES and RC_CHANNELS_RAW since different firmware will only
    // send one or the other.

    mavlink_rc_channels_raw_t channels;

    mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_decode(&message, &channels);

    uint16_t* _rgChannelvalues[cMaxRcChannels] = {

    int pwmValues[cMaxRcChannels];
    int channelCount = 0;

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    for (int i=0; i<cMaxRcChannels; i++) {
        pwmValues[i] = -1;

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    for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
        uint16_t channelValue = *_rgChannelvalues[i];

        if (channelValue == UINT16_MAX) {
            pwmValues[i] = -1;
        } else {
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            channelCount = i + 1;
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            pwmValues[i] = channelValue;
    for (int i=9; i<18; i++) {
        pwmValues[i] = -1;

    emit remoteControlRSSIChanged(channels.rssi);
    emit rcChannelsChanged(channelCount, pwmValues);

void Vehicle::_handleScaledPressure(mavlink_message_t& message) {
    mavlink_scaled_pressure_t pressure;
    mavlink_msg_scaled_pressure_decode(&message, &pressure);
    _temperatureFactGroup.temperature1()->setRawValue(pressure.temperature / 100.0);

void Vehicle::_handleScaledPressure2(mavlink_message_t& message) {
    mavlink_scaled_pressure2_t pressure;
    mavlink_msg_scaled_pressure2_decode(&message, &pressure);
    _temperatureFactGroup.temperature2()->setRawValue(pressure.temperature / 100.0);

void Vehicle::_handleScaledPressure3(mavlink_message_t& message) {
    mavlink_scaled_pressure3_t pressure;
    mavlink_msg_scaled_pressure3_decode(&message, &pressure);
    _temperatureFactGroup.temperature3()->setRawValue(pressure.temperature / 100.0);

bool Vehicle::_containsLink(LinkInterface* link)
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    return _links.contains(link);

void Vehicle::_addLink(LinkInterface* link)
    if (!_containsLink(link)) {
        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "_addLink:" << QString("%1").arg((ulong)link, 0, 16);
        if (_links.count() <= 1) {
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            _updatePriorityLink(true /* updateActive */, false /* sendCommand */);
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            _updatePriorityLink(true /* updateActive */, true /* sendCommand */);
        connect(_toolbox->linkManager(), &LinkManager::linkInactive, this, &Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted);
        connect(_toolbox->linkManager(), &LinkManager::linkDeleted, this, &Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted);
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        connect(link, &LinkInterface::highLatencyChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateHighLatencyLink);
        connect(link, &LinkInterface::activeChanged, this, &Vehicle::_linkActiveChanged);
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void Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted(LinkInterface* link)
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    qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "_linkInactiveOrDeleted linkCount" << _links.count();
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    if ( == link) {

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    _updatePriorityLink(true /* updateActive */, true /* sendCommand */);
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    if (_links.count() == 0 && !_allLinksInactiveSent) {
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        qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "All links inactive";
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        // Make sure to not send this more than one time
        _allLinksInactiveSent = true;
        emit allLinksInactive(this);
bool Vehicle::sendMessageOnLink(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
    if (!link || !_links.contains(link) || !link->isConnected()) {
        return false;

    emit _sendMessageOnLinkOnThread(link, message);

    return true;

void Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLink(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
    // Make sure this is still a good link
    if (!link || !_links.contains(link) || !link->isConnected()) {

#if 0
    // Leaving in for ease in Mav 2.0 testing
    mavlink_status_t* mavlinkStatus = mavlink_get_channel_status(link->mavlinkChannel());
    qDebug() << "_sendMessageOnLink" << mavlinkStatus << link->mavlinkChannel() << mavlinkStatus->flags << message.magic;

    // Give the plugin a chance to adjust
    _firmwarePlugin->adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(this, link, &message);
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    // Write message into buffer, prepending start sign
    uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
    int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &message);

    link->writeBytesSafe((const char*)buffer, len);
    emit messagesSentChanged();
void Vehicle::_updatePriorityLink(bool updateActive, bool sendCommand)
    emit linksPropertiesChanged();

    // if the priority link is commanded and still active don't change anything
    if (_priorityLinkCommanded) {
        if (>link_active(_id)) {
    LinkInterface* newPriorityLink = nullptr;
    // This routine specifically does not clear _priorityLink when there are no links remaining.
    // By doing this we hold a reference on the last link as the Vehicle shuts down. Thus preventing shutdown
    // ordering nullptr pointer crashes where priorityLink() is still called during shutdown sequence.
    if (_links.count() == 0) {

    // Check for the existing priority link to still be valid
    for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) {
        if ( == _links[i]) {
            if (!>highLatency() && _priorityLink->link_active(_id)) {
                // Link is still valid. Continue to use it unless it is high latency. In that case we still look for a better
                // link to use as priority link.

    // The previous priority link is no longer valid. We must no find the best link available in this priority order:
    //      First active direct USB connection
    //      Any active non high latency link
    //      An active high latency link
    //      Any link

    // Search for an active direct usb connection
    for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) {
        LinkInterface* link = _links[i];
        SerialLink* pSerialLink = qobject_cast<SerialLink*>(link);
        if (pSerialLink) {
            LinkConfiguration* config = pSerialLink->getLinkConfiguration();
            if (config) {
                SerialConfiguration* pSerialConfig = qobject_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(config);
                if (pSerialConfig && pSerialConfig->usbDirect()) {
                    if ( != link && link->link_active(_id)) {
                        newPriorityLink = link;
    if (!newPriorityLink) {
        // Search for an active non-high latency link
        for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) {
            LinkInterface* link = _links[i];
            if (!link->highLatency() && link->link_active(_id)) {
                newPriorityLink = link;

    if (!newPriorityLink) {
        // Search for an active high latency link
        for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) {
            LinkInterface* link = _links[i];
            if (link->highLatency() && link->link_active(_id)) {
                newPriorityLink = link;
    if (!newPriorityLink) {
        // Use any link
        newPriorityLink = _links[0];
    if ( != newPriorityLink) {
        if (_priorityLink) {
            qgcApp()->showMessage((tr("switch to %2 as priority link")).arg(newPriorityLink->getName()));
        _priorityLink = _toolbox->linkManager()->sharedLinkInterfacePointerForLink(newPriorityLink);
        emit priorityLinkNameChanged(_priorityLink->getName());
        if (updateActive) {
            _linkActiveChanged(, _priorityLink->link_active(_id), _id);
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int Vehicle::motorCount(void)
    switch (_vehicleType) {
        return 1;
        return 2;
        return 3;
        return 4;
        return 6;
        return 8;
        return -1;

bool Vehicle::coaxialMotors(void)
    return _firmwarePlugin->multiRotorCoaxialMotors(this);

bool Vehicle::xConfigMotors(void)
    return _firmwarePlugin->multiRotorXConfig(this);