dtw.py 8.43 KB
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import geopandas as gpd
from typing import List, Union
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from tqdm import tqdm

def raw_rp_dtw(rp, y, dist_func=None, return_path_cost_matrix=False, return_moves_matrices=False, verbose=False, band_width=np.inf, export_path_cost_matrix=None, tqdm_text="Warping..."):
    The raw reference path dtw implementation from Vaclav

    if dist_func is None:
        dist_func = lambda a,b: np.sqrt( np.sum((a-b)**2) )  # Euclidean distance

    if rp.ndim == 1:
        rp = rp.reshape(-1,1)
        y = y.reshape(-1,1)

    N = rp.shape[0]
    M = y.shape[0]

    path_cost_matrix = np.full((N,M), np.inf)
    best_moves_x = np.full((N,M), np.nan, np.int8)
    best_moves_y = np.full((N,M), np.nan, np.int8)

    path_cost_matrix[0,0] = dist_func(rp[0,:],y[0,:])

    # Calculate the distance
    #if verbose: print('Warping...')
    for ii in tqdm(range(N), desc=tqdm_text, disable=(not verbose)):
        #if verbose & (np.mod(ii,1000)==0): print('{}/{}'.format(ii,N-1))
        #for jj in range(M):
        #for jj in np.arange(start=np.min([np.max([0,ii-band_width]),M-band_width]), stop=np.min([ii+1,M]), step=1):
        jj_min = np.max([0, ii*(M-1)/(N-1)-np.floor(band_width/2)])
        jj_max = np.min([M, ii*(M-1)/(N-1)+np.ceil(band_width/2)])
        for jj in np.arange(start=jj_min, stop=jj_max, step=1, dtype=int):
            if (ii == 0) and (jj == 0): continue
            if jj > ii: continue

            # Calculate cost of each allowed action
            cost_move_right = np.inf
            cost_move_up    = np.inf
            cost_move_diag  = np.inf
            if (ii > 0):
                cost_move_right = path_cost_matrix[ii-1, jj  ]  # Take next sample from the first signal, keep the second fixed

            # This move is never allowed (we always take next sample from the first signal => the first signal stays unchanged)
            #if (jj > 0):
            #    cost_move_up    = path_cost_matrix[ii  , jj-1]  # Take next sample from the second signal, keep the first fixed

            if (ii > 0) and (jj > 0):
                cost_move_diag  = path_cost_matrix[ii-1, jj-1]  # Take next sample from both signals

            cost_moves = np.array([cost_move_right, cost_move_up, cost_move_diag])

            # Select the best cost (i.e. the best previous position)
            action_idx = cost_moves.argmin()
            best_move_cost = cost_moves[action_idx]
            if action_idx == 0:
                    best_moves_x[ii,jj] = -1  # We came here from left
                    best_moves_y[ii,jj] = 0
            elif action_idx == 1:             # Never happens.
                    best_moves_x[ii,jj] = 0   # We came here from below
                    best_moves_y[ii,jj] = -1
            elif action_idx == 2:
                    best_moves_x[ii,jj] = -1  # We came here diagonally
                    best_moves_y[ii,jj] = -1

            path_cost_matrix[ii,jj] = dist_func(rp[ii,:], y[jj,:]) + best_move_cost

    # Calculate the indexes: Go back through the distance matrix, following the best (cheapest) moves
    #x_idx = np.full(M+N, np.nan)  # Preallocation
    y_idx = np.full(M+N, np.nan)

    xidx_temp = N-1
    yidx_temp = M-1
    ii = 0

    while (xidx_temp > 0) or (yidx_temp > 0):
        if ii > 0:
            # Get the previous indexes on the path by a lookup from the "moves" matrixes
            xidx_prev = xidx_temp + best_moves_x[xidx_temp, yidx_temp]
            yidx_prev = yidx_temp + best_moves_y[xidx_temp, yidx_temp]
            xidx_temp = xidx_prev
            yidx_temp = yidx_prev

        # Store the current x and y indexes
        #x_idx[ii] = xidx_temp
        y_idx[ii] = yidx_temp

        ii += 1

    #ix = np.flipud( x_idx[~np.isnan(x_idx)] )
    iy = np.flipud( y_idx[~np.isnan(y_idx)] ).astype(np.int)

    if export_path_cost_matrix is not None:
        from scipy.io import savemat
        savemat(export_path_cost_matrix, {'M':path_cost_matrix, 'idx':iy})

    if return_path_cost_matrix and return_moves_matrices:
        return iy, path_cost_matrix, best_moves_x, best_moves_y
    if return_path_cost_matrix and (not return_moves_matrices):
        return iy, path_cost_matrix
    if (not return_path_cost_matrix) and return_moves_matrices:
        return iy, best_moves_x, best_moves_y
    if (not return_path_cost_matrix) and (not return_moves_matrices):
        return iy

def warp_geodataframe(
        reference_path : gpd.GeoSeries,
        measurement_series : List[gpd.GeoDataFrame],
Gerfried Krainz's avatar
Gerfried Krainz committed
        resampling_distance=None, used_crs="EPSG:31287",
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
        band_width=np.inf, verbose=True
    ) -> List[gpd.GeoDataFrame]:
    Reindex a list of measurements to a reference path by applying dynamic timewarping

    :param reference_path: geopandas series with EPSG:4326 crs either consisting of multiple points or a single linestring
    :param measurement_series: geopandas dataframe with geometry specified by a sequence of points in EPSG:4326
    :param resampling_distance: distance in meters used for resampling of the reference_path. If None then no resampling will be conducted
    :param used_crs: the coordinate system used for the distance calculation
    :param band_width: band_width parameter for the the dynamic time_warping algorithm
    :param verbose: print a progress animation during warping

        A list of geodadaframes reindexed at the reference path positions
        the previous measurement sample index is stored under original_index

    #Implement the inclusion of a single linestring resampling needs to be set
    if any(series.crs != "EPSG:4326" for series in [reference_path] + measurement_series):
        raise ValueError("Pass GeoSeries in EPSG:4326!")

    #Check if reference path is linestring
    linestring_input = False
    if any(type(el) == LineString for el in reference_path):
        linestring_input = True
        if not len(reference_path) == 1:
            raise ValueError("Only a single LineString can be used for the reference path")
        elif resampling_distance is None:
            raise ValueError("Resampling distance cannot be None for LineString Reference Path")

    #Convert to correct CRS
    reference_path = reference_path.to_crs(used_crs)
    measurement_series = [series.to_crs(used_crs) for series in measurement_series]

    #Resample the reference path if a resampling distance is passed
    if resampling_distance is not None:
        if linestring_input:
            reference_path_ls = reference_path.iloc[0]
            reference_path_ls = LineString(reference_path)

        reference_path = gpd.GeoSeries(
            reference_path_ls.interpolate(dist) for dist in np.arange(0, reference_path_ls.length, resampling_distance)

    #Basically we should simply summarize the indices here. then append them again.
        index_array = [
                np.column_stack((reference_path.x, reference_path.y)),
                np.column_stack((series.geometry.x, series.geometry.y)),
                tqdm_text=f"Warping {i+1}/{len(measurement_series)}",
            ) for i, series in enumerate(measurement_series)
    except IndexError:
        raise IndexError("Encountered Index Error - Choose smaller resampling distance or remove low speed measurement sequences")

    warped_measurement_series = []
    for i, indices in enumerate(index_array):
        #Reindex the warped series

        #Save the previous index under original index
        old_index_name = measurement_series[i].index.name
        warped_series = measurement_series[i].loc[indices].reset_index()
        warped_series = warped_series.rename(columns={old_index_name: 'original_index'})

        #Assign the reference path to the warped series
        warped_series.geometry = reference_path
        warped_series = warped_series.to_crs("EPSG:4326")


    return warped_measurement_series

    # --> What will we return?
    # --> we should remove values where we have low velocity.
    # --> what does the bandwidth parameter actually mean?
    # --> Out of bounds error might mean that the distance was not correct? resampling should be reset basically
    # --> Should be run on each of the subexamples --> !!maybe get vaclavs simple example from somewhere!!
    # --> Would it make sense to pass the reference path as a linestring directly?