import geopandas as gpd from typing import List, Union import pandas as pd import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point from tqdm import tqdm def raw_rp_dtw(rp, y, dist_func=None, return_path_cost_matrix=False, return_moves_matrices=False, verbose=False, band_width=np.inf, export_path_cost_matrix=None, tqdm_text="Warping..."): ''' The raw reference path dtw implementation from Vaclav ''' if dist_func is None: dist_func = lambda a,b: np.sqrt( np.sum((a-b)**2) ) # Euclidean distance if rp.ndim == 1: rp = rp.reshape(-1,1) y = y.reshape(-1,1) N = rp.shape[0] M = y.shape[0] path_cost_matrix = np.full((N,M), np.inf) best_moves_x = np.full((N,M), np.nan, np.int8) best_moves_y = np.full((N,M), np.nan, np.int8) path_cost_matrix[0,0] = dist_func(rp[0,:],y[0,:]) # Calculate the distance #if verbose: print('Warping...') for ii in tqdm(range(N), desc=tqdm_text, disable=(not verbose)): #if verbose & (np.mod(ii,1000)==0): print('{}/{}'.format(ii,N-1)) #for jj in range(M): #for jj in np.arange(start=np.min([np.max([0,ii-band_width]),M-band_width]), stop=np.min([ii+1,M]), step=1): jj_min = np.max([0, ii*(M-1)/(N-1)-np.floor(band_width/2)]) jj_max = np.min([M, ii*(M-1)/(N-1)+np.ceil(band_width/2)]) for jj in np.arange(start=jj_min, stop=jj_max, step=1, dtype=int): if (ii == 0) and (jj == 0): continue if jj > ii: continue # Calculate cost of each allowed action cost_move_right = np.inf cost_move_up = np.inf cost_move_diag = np.inf if (ii > 0): cost_move_right = path_cost_matrix[ii-1, jj ] # Take next sample from the first signal, keep the second fixed # This move is never allowed (we always take next sample from the first signal => the first signal stays unchanged) #if (jj > 0): # cost_move_up = path_cost_matrix[ii , jj-1] # Take next sample from the second signal, keep the first fixed if (ii > 0) and (jj > 0): cost_move_diag = path_cost_matrix[ii-1, jj-1] # Take next sample from both signals cost_moves = np.array([cost_move_right, cost_move_up, cost_move_diag]) # Select the best cost (i.e. the best previous position) action_idx = cost_moves.argmin() best_move_cost = cost_moves[action_idx] if action_idx == 0: best_moves_x[ii,jj] = -1 # We came here from left best_moves_y[ii,jj] = 0 elif action_idx == 1: # Never happens. best_moves_x[ii,jj] = 0 # We came here from below best_moves_y[ii,jj] = -1 elif action_idx == 2: best_moves_x[ii,jj] = -1 # We came here diagonally best_moves_y[ii,jj] = -1 path_cost_matrix[ii,jj] = dist_func(rp[ii,:], y[jj,:]) + best_move_cost # Calculate the indexes: Go back through the distance matrix, following the best (cheapest) moves #x_idx = np.full(M+N, np.nan) # Preallocation y_idx = np.full(M+N, np.nan) xidx_temp = N-1 yidx_temp = M-1 ii = 0 while (xidx_temp > 0) or (yidx_temp > 0): if ii > 0: # Get the previous indexes on the path by a lookup from the "moves" matrixes xidx_prev = xidx_temp + best_moves_x[xidx_temp, yidx_temp] yidx_prev = yidx_temp + best_moves_y[xidx_temp, yidx_temp] xidx_temp = xidx_prev yidx_temp = yidx_prev # Store the current x and y indexes #x_idx[ii] = xidx_temp y_idx[ii] = yidx_temp ii += 1 #ix = np.flipud( x_idx[~np.isnan(x_idx)] ) iy = np.flipud( y_idx[~np.isnan(y_idx)] ).astype( if export_path_cost_matrix is not None: from import savemat savemat(export_path_cost_matrix, {'M':path_cost_matrix, 'idx':iy}) if return_path_cost_matrix and return_moves_matrices: return iy, path_cost_matrix, best_moves_x, best_moves_y if return_path_cost_matrix and (not return_moves_matrices): return iy, path_cost_matrix if (not return_path_cost_matrix) and return_moves_matrices: return iy, best_moves_x, best_moves_y if (not return_path_cost_matrix) and (not return_moves_matrices): return iy def warp_geodataframe( reference_path : gpd.GeoSeries, measurement_series : List[gpd.GeoDataFrame], resampling_distance=None, used_crs="EPSG:31287", band_width=np.inf, verbose=True ) -> List[gpd.GeoDataFrame]: ''' Reindex a list of measurements to a reference path by applying dynamic timewarping :param reference_path: geopandas series with EPSG:4326 crs either consisting of multiple points or a single linestring :param measurement_series: geopandas dataframe with geometry specified by a sequence of points in EPSG:4326 :param resampling_distance: distance in meters used for resampling of the reference_path. If None then no resampling will be conducted :param used_crs: the coordinate system used for the distance calculation :param band_width: band_width parameter for the the dynamic time_warping algorithm :param verbose: print a progress animation during warping :return: A list of geodadaframes reindexed at the reference path positions the previous measurement sample index is stored under original_index ''' #Implement the inclusion of a single linestring resampling needs to be set if any( != "EPSG:4326" for series in [reference_path] + measurement_series): raise ValueError("Pass GeoSeries in EPSG:4326!") #Check if reference path is linestring linestring_input = False if any(type(el) == LineString for el in reference_path): linestring_input = True if not len(reference_path) == 1: raise ValueError("Only a single LineString can be used for the reference path") elif resampling_distance is None: raise ValueError("Resampling distance cannot be None for LineString Reference Path") #Convert to correct CRS reference_path = reference_path.to_crs(used_crs) measurement_series = [series.to_crs(used_crs) for series in measurement_series] #Resample the reference path if a resampling distance is passed if resampling_distance is not None: if linestring_input: reference_path_ls = reference_path.iloc[0] else: reference_path_ls = LineString(reference_path) reference_path = gpd.GeoSeries( reference_path_ls.interpolate(dist) for dist in np.arange(0, reference_path_ls.length, resampling_distance) ) #Basically we should simply summarize the indices here. then append them again. try: index_array = [ raw_rp_dtw( np.column_stack((reference_path.x, reference_path.y)), np.column_stack((series.geometry.x, series.geometry.y)), verbose=verbose, tqdm_text=f"Warping {i+1}/{len(measurement_series)}", band_width=band_width ) for i, series in enumerate(measurement_series) ] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Encountered Index Error - Choose smaller resampling distance or remove low speed measurement sequences") warped_measurement_series = [] for i, indices in enumerate(index_array): #Reindex the warped series #Save the previous index under original index old_index_name = measurement_series[i] warped_series = measurement_series[i].loc[indices].reset_index() warped_series = warped_series.rename(columns={old_index_name: 'original_index'}) #Assign the reference path to the warped series warped_series.geometry = reference_path warped_series = warped_series.to_crs("EPSG:4326") warped_measurement_series.append(warped_series) return warped_measurement_series ''' # --> What will we return? # --> we should remove values where we have low velocity. # --> what does the bandwidth parameter actually mean? # --> Out of bounds error might mean that the distance was not correct? resampling should be reset basically # --> Should be run on each of the subexamples --> !!maybe get vaclavs simple example from somewhere!! # --> Would it make sense to pass the reference path as a linestring directly? '''