Last commit
Last update
ardupilotmega.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.
common.xml Enabled support for ARM / disarm action on component level
minimal.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.
pixhawk.proto Added remote OpenGL drawing in 3D view. Any external application can draw to the 3D view via the protobuf implementation of GLOverlay messages.
pixhawk.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.
sensesoar.xml Added remote OpenGL drawing in 3D view. Any external application can draw to the 3D view via the protobuf implementation of GLOverlay messages.
slugs.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.
test.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.
ualberta.xml Removed outdated MAVLINK v0.9 version as QGC does not work with this version. Added feature to import COLLADA terrain model and visualize model in 3D view.