Java Reference

Java Reference
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1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
3  * Version 4.0.1
4  *
5  * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
6  * the SWIG interface file instead.
7  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9 package;
14 public class SequenceVar extends PropagationBaseObject {
15  private transient long swigCPtr;
17  protected SequenceVar(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) {
18  super(mainJNI.SequenceVar_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn);
19  swigCPtr = cPtr;
20  }
22  protected static long getCPtr(SequenceVar obj) {
23  return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr;
24  }
26  @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
27  protected void finalize() {
28  delete();
29  }
31  public synchronized void delete() {
32  if (swigCPtr != 0) {
33  if (swigCMemOwn) {
34  swigCMemOwn = false;
35  mainJNI.delete_SequenceVar(swigCPtr);
36  }
37  swigCPtr = 0;
38  }
39  super.delete();
40  }
42  public SequenceVar(Solver s, IntervalVar[] intervals, IntVar[] nexts, String name) {
43  this(mainJNI.new_SequenceVar(Solver.getCPtr(s), s, intervals, nexts, name), true);
44  }
46  public String toString() {
47  return mainJNI.SequenceVar_toString(swigCPtr, this);
48  }
53  public void rankFirst(int index) {
54  mainJNI.SequenceVar_rankFirst(swigCPtr, this, index);
55  }
60  public void rankNotFirst(int index) {
61  mainJNI.SequenceVar_rankNotFirst(swigCPtr, this, index);
62  }
67  public void rankLast(int index) {
68  mainJNI.SequenceVar_rankLast(swigCPtr, this, index);
69  }
74  public void rankNotLast(int index) {
75  mainJNI.SequenceVar_rankNotLast(swigCPtr, this, index);
76  }
81  public void rankSequence(int[] rank_first, int[] rank_last, int[] unperformed) {
82  mainJNI.SequenceVar_rankSequence(swigCPtr, this, rank_first, rank_last, unperformed);
83  }
88  public IntervalVar interval(int index) {
89  long cPtr = mainJNI.SequenceVar_interval(swigCPtr, this, index);
90  return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new IntervalVar(cPtr, false);
91  }
96  public IntVar next(int index) {
97  long cPtr = mainJNI.SequenceVar_next(swigCPtr, this, index);
98  return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new IntVar(cPtr, false);
99  }
104  public long size() {
105  return mainJNI.SequenceVar_size(swigCPtr, this);
106  }
111  public void accept(ModelVisitor visitor) {
112  mainJNI.SequenceVar_accept(swigCPtr, this, ModelVisitor.getCPtr(visitor), visitor);
113  }
115 }
SequenceVar(Solver s, IntervalVar[] intervals, IntVar[] nexts, String name)
IntervalVar interval(int index)
Returns the index_th interval of the sequence.
IntVar next(int index)
Returns the next of the index_th interval of the sequence.
void rankFirst(int index)
Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.
String toString()
Model visitor.
void rankLast(int index)
Ranks the index_th interval var first of all unranked interval vars.
The class IntVar is a subset of IntExpr.
A sequence variable is a variable whose domain is a set of possible orderings of the interval variabl...
SequenceVar(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)
void rankNotFirst(int index)
Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval ...
void accept(ModelVisitor visitor)
Accepts the given visitor.
NOLINT The PropagationBaseObject is a subclass of BaseObject that is also friend to the Solver class.
void rankNotLast(int index)
Indicates that the index_th interval var will not be ranked first of all currently unranked interval ...
String name()
Object naming.
void rankSequence(int[] rank_first, int[] rank_last, int[] unperformed)
Applies the following sequence of ranks, ranks first, then rank last.
long size()
Returns the number of interval vars in the sequence.
Interval variables are often used in scheduling.
Solver Class A solver represents the main computation engine.