C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Routing

routing_neighborhoods.h File Reference

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class  MakeRelocateNeighborsOperator
 Relocate neighborhood which moves chains of neighbors. More...
class  MakePairActiveOperator
 Pair-based neighborhood operators, designed to move nodes by pairs (pairs are static and given). More...
class  MakePairInactiveOperator
 Operator which makes pairs of active nodes inactive. More...
class  PairRelocateOperator
 Operator which moves a pair of nodes to another position where the first node of the pair must be before the second node on the same path. More...
class  LightPairRelocateOperator
class  PairExchangeOperator
 Operator which exchanges the position of two pairs; for both pairs the first node of the pair must be before the second node on the same path. More...
class  PairExchangeRelocateOperator
 Operator which exchanges the paths of two pairs (path have to be different). More...
class  SwapIndexPairOperator
 Operator which iterates through each alternative of a set of pairs. More...
class  IndexPairSwapActiveOperator
 Operator which inserts inactive nodes into a path and makes a pair of active nodes inactive. More...
class  FilteredHeuristicPathLNSOperator
 LNS-like operator based on a filtered first solution heuristic to rebuild the solution, after the destruction phase consisting of removing one route. More...
class  FilteredHeuristicExpensiveChainLNSOperator
 Similar to the move above, but instead of removing one route entirely, the destruction phase consists of removing all nodes on an "expensive" chain from a route. More...
class  RelocateExpensiveChain
 RelocateExpensiveChain. More...
class  PairNodeSwapActiveOperator< swap_first >
 Operator which inserts pairs of inactive nodes into a path and makes an active node inactive. More...
class  RelocateSubtrip
 Tries to move subtrips after an insertion node. More...
class  ExchangeSubtrip


 The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from the Traveling Salesman Problem to more complex problems such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.