C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Routing


Detailed Description

Pair-based neighborhood operators, designed to move nodes by pairs (pairs are static and given).

These neighborhoods are very useful for Pickup and Delivery problems where pickup and delivery nodes must remain on the same route. Operator which inserts pairs of inactive nodes into a path. Possible neighbors for the path 1 -> 2 -> 3 with pair (A, B) inactive (where 1 and 3 are first and last nodes of the path) are: 1 -> [A] -> [B] -> 2 -> 3 1 -> [B] -> 2 -> [A] -> 3 1 -> [A] -> 2 -> [B] -> 3 1 -> 2 -> [A] -> [B] -> 3 Note that this operator does not expicitely insert the nodes of a pair one after the other which forbids the following solutions: 1 -> [B] -> [A] -> 2 -> 3 1 -> 2 -> [B] -> [A] -> 3 which can only be obtained by inserting A after B.

Definition at line 102 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

Public Member Functions

 MakePairActiveOperator (const std::vector< IntVar * > &vars, const std::vector< IntVar * > &secondary_vars, std::function< int(int64)> start_empty_path_class, const RoutingIndexPairs &pairs)
 ~MakePairActiveOperator () override
bool MakeNeighbor () override
std::string DebugString () const override
void Reset () override
bool SkipUnchanged (int index) const override
int64 Next (int64 node) const
 Returns the node after node in the current delta. More...
int64 Prev (int64 node) const
 Returns the node before node in the current delta. More...
int64 Path (int64 node) const
 Returns the index of the path to which node belongs in the current delta. More...
int number_of_nexts () const
 Number of next variables. More...
bool MakeNextNeighbor (Assignment *delta, Assignment *deltadelta) override
 Redefines MakeNextNeighbor to export a simpler interface. More...
bool HoldsDelta () const override
virtual bool HoldsDelta () const
void Start (const Assignment *assignment) override
 This method should not be overridden. More...
virtual bool IsIncremental () const
int Size () const
const int64 & Value (int64 index) const
 Returns the value in the current assignment of the variable of given index. More...
IntVar * Var (int64 index) const
 Returns the variable of given index. More...
const int64 & OldValue (int64 index) const
void SetValue (int64 index, const int64 &value)
bool Activated (int64 index) const
void Activate (int64 index)
void Deactivate (int64 index)
bool ApplyChanges (Assignment *delta, Assignment *deltadelta) const
void RevertChanges (bool incremental)
void AddVars (const std::vector< IntVar * > &vars)
virtual const LocalSearchOperatorSelf () const
virtual bool HasFragments () const

Protected Member Functions

bool MakeOneNeighbor () override
 This method should not be overridden. Override MakeNeighbor() instead. More...
bool OnSamePathAsPreviousBase (int64 base_index) override
 Returns true if a base node has to be on the same path as the "previous" base node (base node of index base_index - 1). More...
int64 GetBaseNodeRestartPosition (int base_index) override
 Returns the index of the node to which the base node of index base_index must be set to when it reaches the end of a path. More...
bool RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize () override
 Required to ensure that after synchronization the operator is in a state compatible with GetBaseNodeRestartPosition. More...
int64 BaseNode (int i) const
 Returns the ith base node of the operator. More...
int BaseAlternative (int i) const
 Returns the alternative for the ith base node. More...
int64 BaseAlternativeNode (int i) const
 Returns the alternative node for the ith base node. More...
int BaseSiblingAlternative (int i) const
 Returns the alternative for the sibling of the ith base node. More...
int64 BaseSiblingAlternativeNode (int i) const
 Returns the alternative node for the sibling of the ith base node. More...
int64 StartNode (int i) const
 Returns the start node of the ith base node. More...
const std::vector< int64 > & path_starts () const
 Returns the vector of path start nodes. More...
int PathClass (int i) const
 Returns the class of the path of the ith base node. More...
virtual void SetNextBaseToIncrement (int64 base_index)
 Set the next base to increment on next iteration. More...
virtual bool ConsiderAlternatives (int64 base_index) const
 Indicates if alternatives should be considered when iterating over base nodes. More...
int64 OldNext (int64 node) const
int64 OldPrev (int64 node) const
int64 OldPath (int64 node) const
bool MoveChain (int64 before_chain, int64 chain_end, int64 destination)
 Moves the chain starting after the node before_chain and ending at the node chain_end after the node destination. More...
bool ReverseChain (int64 before_chain, int64 after_chain, int64 *chain_last)
 Reverses the chain starting after before_chain and ending before after_chain. More...
bool MakeActive (int64 node, int64 destination)
 Insert the inactive node after destination. More...
bool MakeChainInactive (int64 before_chain, int64 chain_end)
 Makes the nodes on the chain starting after before_chain and ending at chain_end inactive. More...
bool SwapActiveAndInactive (int64 active, int64 inactive)
 Replaces active by inactive in the current path, making active inactive. More...
void SetNext (int64 from, int64 to, int64 path)
 Sets 'to' to be the node after 'from' on the given path. More...
bool IsPathEnd (int64 node) const
 Returns true if node is the last node on the path; defined by the fact that node is outside the range of the variable array. More...
bool IsPathStart (int64 node) const
 Returns true if node is the first node on the path. More...
bool IsInactive (int64 node) const
 Returns true if node is inactive. More...
virtual bool InitPosition () const
 Returns true if the operator needs to restart its initial position at each call to Start() More...
void ResetPosition ()
 Reset the position of the operator to its position when Start() was last called; this can be used to let an operator iterate more than once over the paths. More...
int AddAlternativeSet (const std::vector< int64 > &alternative_set)
 Handling node alternatives. More...
void AddPairAlternativeSets (const std::vector< std::pair< std::vector< int64 >, std::vector< int64 >>> &pair_alternative_sets)
 Adds all sets of node alternatives of a vector of alternative pairs. More...
int64 GetActiveInAlternativeSet (int alternative_index) const
 Returns the active node in the given alternative set. More...
int64 GetActiveAlternativeNode (int node) const
 Returns the active node in the alternative set of the given node. More...
int GetSiblingAlternativeIndex (int node) const
 Returns the index of the alternative set of the sibling of node. More...
int64 GetActiveAlternativeSibling (int node) const
 Returns the active node in the alternative set of the sibling of the given node. More...
bool CheckChainValidity (int64 before_chain, int64 chain_end, int64 exclude) const
 Returns true if the chain is a valid path without cycles from before_chain to chain_end and does not contain exclude. More...
bool IsInverseValue (int64 index) const
int64 InverseValue (int64 index) const
int64 OldInverseValue (int64 index) const
void SetInverseValue (int64 index, int64 value)
void SetOldInverseValue (int64 index, int64 value)
void MarkChange (int64 index)
 OnStart() should really be protected, but then SWIG doesn't see it. More...

Protected Attributes

const int number_of_nexts_
const bool ignore_path_vars_
int next_base_to_increment_
int num_paths_ = 0
std::vector< int64 > start_to_path_
std::vector< IntVar * > vars_
std::vector< int64 > values_
std::vector< int64 > old_values_
std::vector< int64 > prev_values_
std::vector< int > assignment_indices_
Bitset64 activated_
Bitset64 was_activated_
SparseBitset changes_
SparseBitset delta_changes_
bool cleared_
IntVarLocalSearchHandler var_handler_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MakePairActiveOperator()

MakePairActiveOperator ( const std::vector< IntVar * > &  vars,
const std::vector< IntVar * > &  secondary_vars,
std::function< int(int64)>  start_empty_path_class,
const RoutingIndexPairs pairs 

◆ ~MakePairActiveOperator()

~MakePairActiveOperator ( )

Definition at line 108 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Activate()

void Activate ( int64  index)

Definition at line 863 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Activated()

bool Activated ( int64  index) const

Definition at line 862 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ AddAlternativeSet()

int AddAlternativeSet ( const std::vector< int64 > &  alternative_set)

Handling node alternatives.

Adds a set of node alternatives to the neighborhood. No node can be in two altrnatives.

Definition at line 1512 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ AddPairAlternativeSets()

void AddPairAlternativeSets ( const std::vector< std::pair< std::vector< int64 >, std::vector< int64 >>> &  pair_alternative_sets)

Adds all sets of node alternatives of a vector of alternative pairs.

No node can be in two altrnatives.

Definition at line 1525 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ AddVars()

void AddVars ( const std::vector< V * > &  vars)

Definition at line 908 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ ApplyChanges()

bool ApplyChanges ( Assignment *  delta,
Assignment *  deltadelta 
) const

Definition at line 871 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ BaseAlternative()

int BaseAlternative ( int  i) const

Returns the alternative for the ith base node.

Definition at line 1383 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ BaseAlternativeNode()

int64 BaseAlternativeNode ( int  i) const

Returns the alternative node for the ith base node.

Definition at line 1385 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ BaseNode()

int64 BaseNode ( int  i) const

Returns the ith base node of the operator.

Definition at line 1381 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ BaseSiblingAlternative()

int BaseSiblingAlternative ( int  i) const

Returns the alternative for the sibling of the ith base node.

Definition at line 1393 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ BaseSiblingAlternativeNode()

int64 BaseSiblingAlternativeNode ( int  i) const

Returns the alternative node for the sibling of the ith base node.

Definition at line 1397 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ CheckChainValidity()

bool CheckChainValidity ( int64  before_chain,
int64  chain_end,
int64  exclude 
) const

Returns true if the chain is a valid path without cycles from before_chain to chain_end and does not contain exclude.

◆ ConsiderAlternatives()

virtual bool ConsiderAlternatives ( int64  base_index) const

Indicates if alternatives should be considered when iterating over base nodes.

Reimplemented in PairRelocateOperator.

Definition at line 1446 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Deactivate()

void Deactivate ( int64  index)

Definition at line 867 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ DebugString()

std::string DebugString ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

◆ GetActiveAlternativeNode()

int64 GetActiveAlternativeNode ( int  node) const

Returns the active node in the alternative set of the given node.

Definition at line 1542 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ GetActiveAlternativeSibling()

int64 GetActiveAlternativeSibling ( int  node) const

Returns the active node in the alternative set of the sibling of the given node.

Definition at line 1553 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ GetActiveInAlternativeSet()

int64 GetActiveInAlternativeSet ( int  alternative_index) const

Returns the active node in the given alternative set.

Definition at line 1536 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ GetBaseNodeRestartPosition()

int64 GetBaseNodeRestartPosition ( int  base_index)

Returns the index of the node to which the base node of index base_index must be set to when it reaches the end of a path.

By default, it is set to the start of the current path. When this method is called, one can only assume that base nodes with indices < base_index have their final position.

Reimplemented from PathOperator.

◆ GetSiblingAlternativeIndex()

int GetSiblingAlternativeIndex ( int  node) const

Returns the index of the alternative set of the sibling of node.

Definition at line 1546 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ HasFragments()

virtual bool HasFragments ( ) const

Reimplemented in BaseLns.

Definition at line 815 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ HoldsDelta() [1/2]

virtual bool HoldsDelta ( ) const

Reimplemented in VarLocalSearchOperator< V, Val, Handler >.

Definition at line 816 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ HoldsDelta() [2/2]

bool HoldsDelta ( ) const

Definition at line 830 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ InitPosition()

virtual bool InitPosition ( ) const

Returns true if the operator needs to restart its initial position at each call to Start()

Definition at line 1503 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ InverseValue()

int64 InverseValue ( int64  index) const

Definition at line 1077 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ IsInactive()

bool IsInactive ( int64  node) const

Returns true if node is inactive.

Definition at line 1497 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ IsIncremental()

virtual bool IsIncremental ( ) const

Definition at line 846 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ IsInverseValue()

bool IsInverseValue ( int64  index) const

Definition at line 1072 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ IsPathEnd()

bool IsPathEnd ( int64  node) const

Returns true if node is the last node on the path; defined by the fact that node is outside the range of the variable array.

Definition at line 1491 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ IsPathStart()

bool IsPathStart ( int64  node) const

Returns true if node is the first node on the path.

Definition at line 1494 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ MakeActive()

bool MakeActive ( int64  node,
int64  destination 

Insert the inactive node after destination.

◆ MakeChainInactive()

bool MakeChainInactive ( int64  before_chain,
int64  chain_end 

Makes the nodes on the chain starting after before_chain and ending at chain_end inactive.

◆ MakeNeighbor()

bool MakeNeighbor ( )

Implements PathOperator.

◆ MakeNextNeighbor()

bool MakeNextNeighbor ( Assignment *  delta,
Assignment *  deltadelta 

Redefines MakeNextNeighbor to export a simpler interface.

The calls to ApplyChanges() and RevertChanges() are factored in this method, hiding both delta and deltadelta from subclasses which only need to override MakeOneNeighbor(). Therefore this method should not be overridden. Override MakeOneNeighbor() instead.

Implements LocalSearchOperator.

Reimplemented in PairNodeSwapActiveOperator< swap_first >, IndexPairSwapActiveOperator, and SwapIndexPairOperator.

◆ MakeOneNeighbor()

bool MakeOneNeighbor ( )

This method should not be overridden. Override MakeNeighbor() instead.

Reimplemented from PathOperator.

◆ MarkChange()

void MarkChange ( int64  index)

OnStart() should really be protected, but then SWIG doesn't see it.

So we make it public, but only subclasses should access to it (to override it).

Definition at line 932 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ MoveChain()

bool MoveChain ( int64  before_chain,
int64  chain_end,
int64  destination 

Moves the chain starting after the node before_chain and ending at the node chain_end after the node destination.

◆ Next()

int64 Next ( int64  node) const

Returns the node after node in the current delta.

Definition at line 1351 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ number_of_nexts()

int number_of_nexts ( ) const

Number of next variables.

Definition at line 1370 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OldInverseValue()

int64 OldInverseValue ( int64  index) const

Definition at line 1079 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OldNext()

int64 OldNext ( int64  node) const

Definition at line 1448 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OldPath()

int64 OldPath ( int64  node) const

Definition at line 1458 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OldPrev()

int64 OldPrev ( int64  node) const

Definition at line 1453 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OldValue()

const int64 & OldValue ( int64  index) const

Definition at line 857 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ OnSamePathAsPreviousBase()

bool OnSamePathAsPreviousBase ( int64  base_index)

Returns true if a base node has to be on the same path as the "previous" base node (base node of index base_index - 1).

Useful to limit neighborhood exploration to nodes on the same path. it's currently way more complicated to implement.

Both base nodes have to be on the same path since they represent the nodes after which unactive node pairs will be moved.

Reimplemented from PathOperator.

Definition at line 114 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

◆ Path()

int64 Path ( int64  node) const

Returns the index of the path to which node belongs in the current delta.

Only returns a valid value if path variables are taken into account.

Definition at line 1365 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ path_starts()

const std::vector<int64>& path_starts ( ) const

Returns the vector of path start nodes.

Definition at line 1409 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ PathClass()

int PathClass ( int  i) const

Returns the class of the path of the ith base node.

Definition at line 1411 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Prev()

int64 Prev ( int64  node) const

Returns the node before node in the current delta.

Definition at line 1357 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Reset()

void Reset ( )

Reimplemented from LocalSearchOperator.

◆ ResetPosition()

void ResetPosition ( )

Reset the position of the operator to its position when Start() was last called; this can be used to let an operator iterate more than once over the paths.

Definition at line 1507 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize()

bool RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize ( )

Required to ensure that after synchronization the operator is in a state compatible with GetBaseNodeRestartPosition.

Reimplemented from PathOperator.

Definition at line 124 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

◆ ReverseChain()

bool ReverseChain ( int64  before_chain,
int64  after_chain,
int64 *  chain_last 

Reverses the chain starting after before_chain and ending before after_chain.

◆ RevertChanges()

void RevertChanges ( bool  incremental)

Definition at line 895 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Self()

virtual const LocalSearchOperator* Self ( ) const

Definition at line 813 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SetInverseValue()

void SetInverseValue ( int64  index,
int64  value 

Definition at line 1083 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SetNext()

void SetNext ( int64  from,
int64  to,
int64  path 

Sets 'to' to be the node after 'from' on the given path.

Definition at line 1479 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SetNextBaseToIncrement()

virtual void SetNextBaseToIncrement ( int64  base_index)

Set the next base to increment on next iteration.

All base > base_index will be reset to their start value.

Definition at line 1441 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SetOldInverseValue()

void SetOldInverseValue ( int64  index,
int64  value 

Definition at line 1087 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SetValue()

void SetValue ( int64  index,
const Val &  value 

Definition at line 858 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Size()

int Size ( ) const

Definition at line 847 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SkipUnchanged()

bool SkipUnchanged ( int  index) const

◆ Start()

void Start ( const Assignment *  assignment)

This method should not be overridden.

Override OnStart() instead which is called before exiting this method.

Implements LocalSearchOperator.

Definition at line 833 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ StartNode()

int64 StartNode ( int  i) const

Returns the start node of the ith base node.

Definition at line 1407 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ SwapActiveAndInactive()

bool SwapActiveAndInactive ( int64  active,
int64  inactive 

Replaces active by inactive in the current path, making active inactive.

◆ Value()

const int64 & Value ( int64  index) const

Returns the value in the current assignment of the variable of given index.

Definition at line 850 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ Var()

IntVar * Var ( int64  index) const

Returns the variable of given index.

Definition at line 855 of file constraint_solveri.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ activated_

Bitset64 activated_

Definition at line 942 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ assignment_indices_

std::vector<int> assignment_indices_

Definition at line 941 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ changes_

SparseBitset changes_

Definition at line 944 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ cleared_

bool cleared_

Definition at line 946 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ delta_changes_

SparseBitset delta_changes_

Definition at line 945 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ ignore_path_vars_

const bool ignore_path_vars_

Definition at line 1566 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ next_base_to_increment_

int next_base_to_increment_

Definition at line 1567 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ num_paths_

int num_paths_ = 0

Definition at line 1568 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ number_of_nexts_

const int number_of_nexts_

Definition at line 1565 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ old_values_

std::vector<int64 > old_values_

Definition at line 939 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ prev_values_

std::vector<int64 > prev_values_

Definition at line 940 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ start_to_path_

std::vector<int64> start_to_path_

Definition at line 1569 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ values_

std::vector<int64 > values_

Definition at line 938 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ var_handler_

IntVarLocalSearchHandler var_handler_

Definition at line 947 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ vars_

std::vector<IntVar *> vars_

Definition at line 937 of file constraint_solveri.h.

◆ was_activated_

Bitset64 was_activated_

Definition at line 943 of file constraint_solveri.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: