C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Graph

one_tree_lower_bound.h File Reference

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class  VolgenantJonkerEvaluator< CostType >
class  HeldWolfeCrowderEvaluator< CostType, CostFunction >
struct  TravelingSalesmanLowerBoundParameters




template<typename CostFunction >
std::set< std::pair< int, int > > NearestNeighbors (int number_of_nodes, int number_of_neighbors, const CostFunction &cost)
template<typename CostFunction >
void AddArcsFromMinimumSpanningTree (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost, std::set< std::pair< int, int >> *arcs)
template<typename CostFunction , typename GraphType , typename AcceptFunction >
int GetNodeMinimizingEdgeCostToSource (const GraphType &graph, int source, const CostFunction &cost, AcceptFunction accept)
template<typename CostFunction , typename GraphType , typename CostType >
std::vector< int > ComputeOneTree (const GraphType &graph, const CostFunction &cost, const std::vector< double > &weights, const std::vector< int > &sorted_arcs, CostType *one_tree_cost)
template<typename CostFunction , typename Algorithm >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithAlgorithm (int number_of_nodes, int nearest_neighbors, const CostFunction &cost, Algorithm *algorithm)
template<typename CostFunction >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBoundWithParameters (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost, const TravelingSalesmanLowerBoundParameters &parameters)
template<typename CostFunction >
double ComputeOneTreeLowerBound (int number_of_nodes, const CostFunction &cost)