C++ Reference

C++ Reference: Graph

ebert_graph.h File Reference

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class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::NodeIterator
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::ArcIterator
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::OutgoingArcIterator
class  PermutationIndexComparisonByArcHead< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::CycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs
class  EbertGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >
class  EbertGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::CycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::OutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::IncomingArcIterator
class  ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
struct  graph_traits< GraphType >
struct  graph_traits< ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  graph_traits< ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  TailArrayBuilder< GraphType, has_reverse_arcs >
struct  TailArrayBuilder< GraphType, false >
struct  TailArrayReleaser< GraphType, has_reverse_arcs >
struct  TailArrayReleaser< GraphType, false >
class  TailArrayManager< GraphType >
class  ArcFunctorOrderingByTailAndHead< GraphType >
class  GraphBuilderFromArcs< GraphType, is_dynamic >
class  GraphBuilderFromArcs< GraphType, true >
class  AnnotatedGraphBuildManager< GraphType >




typedef int32 NodeIndex
typedef int32 ArcIndex
typedef int64 FlowQuantity
typedef int64 CostValue
typedef EbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > StarGraph
typedef ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > ForwardStarGraph
typedef ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > ForwardStarStaticGraph
typedef ZVector< NodeIndex > NodeIndexArray
typedef ZVector< ArcIndex > ArcIndexArray
typedef ZVector< FlowQuantity > QuantityArray
typedef ZVector< CostValue > CostArray


template<typename GraphType >
bool BuildLineGraph (const GraphType &graph, GraphType *const line_graph)