OR-Tools  8.1
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1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "absl/types/span.h"
22 #include "ortools/base/macros.h"
24 #include "ortools/sat/sat_base.h"
25 #include "ortools/util/stats.h"
27 namespace operations_research {
28 namespace sat {
30 // This class implements more or less the strategy described in the paper:
31 // Devriendt J., Bogaerts B., De Cat B., Denecker M., Mears C. "Symmetry
32 // propagation: Improved Dynamic Symmetry Breaking in SAT", 2012,
33 // IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence.
34 //
35 // Basically, each time a literal is propagated, this class tries to detect
36 // if another literal could also be propagated by symmetry. Note that this uses
37 // a heuristic in order to be efficient and that it is not exhaustive in the
38 // sense that it doesn't detect all possible propagations.
39 //
40 // Algorithm details:
41 //
42 // Given the current solver trail (i.e. the assigned literals and their
43 // assignment order) the idea is to compute (as efficiently as possible) for
44 // each permutation added to this class what is called the first (under the
45 // trail assignment order) non-symmetric literal. A literal 'l' is said to be
46 // non-symmetric under a given assignement and for a given permutation 'p' if
47 // 'l' is assigned to true but not 'p(l)'.
48 //
49 // If a first non-symmetric literal 'l' for a permutation 'p' is not a decision,
50 // then:
51 // - Because it is not a decision, 'l' has been implied by a reason formed by
52 // literals assigned to true at lower trail indices.
53 // - Because this is the first non-symmetric literal for 'p', the permuted
54 // reason only contains literal that are also assigned to true.
55 // - Because of this, 'p(l)' is also implied by the current assignment.
56 // Of course, this assume that p is a symmetry of the full problem.
57 // Note that if it is already assigned to false, then we have a conflict.
58 //
59 // TODO(user): Implement the optimizations mentioned in the paper?
60 // TODO(user): Instrument and see if the code can be optimized.
62  public:
64  ~SymmetryPropagator() override;
66  bool Propagate(Trail* trail) final;
67  void Untrail(const Trail& trail, int trail_index) final;
68  absl::Span<const Literal> Reason(const Trail& trail,
69  int trail_index) const final;
71  // Adds a new permutation to this symmetry propagator. The ownership is
72  // transferred. This must be an integer permutation such that:
73  // - Its domain is [0, 2 * num_variables) and corresponds to the index
74  // representation of the literals over num_variables variables.
75  // - It must be compatible with the negation, for any literal l; not(p(l))
76  // must be the same as p(not(l)), where p(x) represents the image of x by
77  // the permutation.
78  //
79  // Remark: Any permutation which is a symmetry of the main SAT problem can be
80  // added here. However, since the number of permutations is usually not
81  // manageable, a good alternative is to only add the generators of the
82  // permutation group. It is also important to add permutations with a support
83  // as small as possible.
84  //
85  // TODO(user): Currently this can only be called before PropagateNext() is
86  // called (DCHECKed). Not sure if we need more incrementality though.
87  void AddSymmetry(std::unique_ptr<SparsePermutation> permutation);
88  int num_permutations() const { return permutations_.size(); }
90  // Visible for testing.
91  //
92  // Permutes a list of literals from input into output using the permutation
93  // with given index. This uses tmp_literal_mapping_ and has a complexity in
94  // O(permutation_support + input_size).
95  void Permute(int index, absl::Span<const Literal> input,
96  std::vector<Literal>* output) const;
98  private:
99  // Propagates the literal at propagation_trail_index_ from the trail.
100  bool PropagateNext(Trail* trail);
102  // The permutations.
103  // The index of a permutation is its position in this vector.
104  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparsePermutation>> permutations_;
106  // Reverse mapping (source literal) -> list of (permutation_index, image).
107  struct ImageInfo {
108  ImageInfo(int p, Literal i) : permutation_index(p), image(i) {}
110  int permutation_index;
111  Literal image;
112  };
115  // For each permutation p, we maintain the list of all assigned literals
116  // affected by p whose trail index is < propagation_trail_index_; sorted by
117  // trail index. Next to each such literal, we also store:
118  struct AssignedLiteralInfo {
119  AssignedLiteralInfo(Literal l, Literal i, int index)
120  : literal(l), image(i), first_non_symmetric_info_index_so_far(index) {}
122  // The literal in question (assigned to true and in the support of p).
123  Literal literal;
125  // The image by p of the literal above.
126  Literal image;
128  // Previous AssignedLiteralInfos are considered 'symmetric' iff both their
129  // 'literal' and 'image' were assigned to true at the time the current
130  // AssignedLiteralInfo's literal was assigned (i.e. earlier in the trail).
131  int first_non_symmetric_info_index_so_far;
132  };
133  std::vector<std::vector<AssignedLiteralInfo>> permutation_trails_;
135  // Adds an AssignedLiteralInfo to the given permutation trail.
136  // Returns false if there is a non-symmetric literal in this trail with its
137  // image not already assigned to true by the solver.
138  bool Enqueue(const Trail& trail, Literal literal, Literal image,
139  std::vector<AssignedLiteralInfo>* p_trail);
141  // The identity permutation over all the literals.
142  // This is temporary modified to encode a sparse permutation and then always
143  // restored to the identity.
144  mutable absl::StrongVector<LiteralIndex, Literal> tmp_literal_mapping_;
146  // Symmetry reason indexed by trail_index.
147  struct ReasonInfo {
148  int source_trail_index;
149  int symmetry_index;
150  };
151  std::vector<ReasonInfo> reasons_;
153  mutable StatsGroup stats_;
154  int num_propagations_;
155  int num_conflicts_;
156  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SymmetryPropagator);
157 };
159 } // namespace sat
160 } // namespace operations_research
162 #endif // OR_TOOLS_SAT_SYMMETRY_H_
~SymmetryPropagator() override
Definition: symmetry.cc:28
The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from th...
Definition: dense_doubly_linked_list.h:21
int index
Definition: pack.cc:508
int num_permutations() const
Definition: symmetry.h:88
absl::Span< const Literal > Reason(const Trail &trail, int trail_index) const final
Definition: symmetry.cc:147
void Untrail(const Trail &trail, int trail_index) final
Definition: symmetry.cc:134
Definition: sat_base.h:64
Definition: strong_vector.h:76
static int input(yyscan_t yyscanner)
void AddSymmetry(std::unique_ptr< SparsePermutation > permutation)
Definition: symmetry.cc:36
Definition: symmetry.cc:22
void Permute(int index, absl::Span< const Literal > input, std::vector< Literal > *output) const
Definition: symmetry.cc:192
Literal literal
Definition: optimization.cc:84
bool Propagate(Trail *trail) final
Definition: symmetry.cc:126
Definition: sat_base.h:445
Definition: symmetry.h:61
Definition: sat_base.h:233