OR-Tools  8.1
gtl Namespace Reference




class  BaseDeleter
class  ElementDeleter
class  IntType
struct  LogLegacy
struct  LogLegacyUpTo100
struct  LogMultiline
struct  LogMultilineUpTo100
class  LogMultilineUpToN
struct  LogShort
struct  LogShortUpTo100
class  LogShortUpToN
class  ReverseView
class  small_map
class  small_ordered_set
class  STLCountingAllocator
class  STLCountingAllocator< void, A >
class  STLElementDeleter
class  STLValueDeleter
class  TemplatedElementDeleter
class  TemplatedValueDeleter
class  ValueDeleter


typedef LogShortUpTo100 LogDefault


template<typename IteratorT , typename PolicyT >
void LogRangeToStream (std::ostream &out, IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, const PolicyT &policy)
template<typename IteratorT , typename PolicyT >
detail::RangeLogger< IteratorT, PolicyT > LogRange (const IteratorT &begin, const IteratorT &end, const PolicyT &policy)
template<typename IteratorT >
detail::RangeLogger< IteratorT, LogDefaultLogRange (const IteratorT &begin, const IteratorT &end)
template<typename ContainerT , typename PolicyT >
auto LogContainer (const ContainerT &container, const PolicyT &policy) -> decltype(gtl::LogRange(container.begin(), container.end(), policy))
template<typename ContainerT >
auto LogContainer (const ContainerT &container) -> decltype(gtl::LogContainer(container, LogDefault()))
template<typename E >
detail::EnumLogger< E > LogEnum (E e)
template<typename IntTypeName , typename ValueType >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, IntType< IntTypeName, ValueType > arg)
template<class Container >
ReverseView< Container > reversed_view (const Container &c)
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type & FindWithDefault (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type * FindOrNull (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type * FindOrNull (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type FindPtrOrNull (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool InsertOrUpdate (Collection *const collection, const Key &key, const Value &value)
template<class Collection >
bool InsertIfNotPresent (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &value)
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool InsertIfNotPresent (Collection *const collection, const Key &key, const Value &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDieNoPrint (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDie (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type &value)
template<class Collection >
void InsertOrDie (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &data)
template<class Collection , class Key , class Value >
bool FindCopy (const Collection &collection, const Key &key, Value *const value)
template<class Collection , class Key >
bool ContainsKey (const Collection &collection, const Key &key)
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type & FindOrDie (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
const Collection::value_type::second_type & FindOrDieNoPrint (const Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & FindOrDieNoPrint (Collection &collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key)
template<class Collection >
Collection::value_type::second_type & LookupOrInsert (Collection *const collection, const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &key, const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &value)
template<typename T , typename LessFunc >
void STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates (T *v, const LessFunc &less_func)
template<typename T >
void STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates (T *v)
template<typename T , typename LessFunc >
void STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates (T *v, const LessFunc &less_func)
template<typename T >
void STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates (T *v)
template<typename T , typename E >
void STLEraseAllFromSequence (T *v, const E &e)
template<typename T , typename A , typename E >
void STLEraseAllFromSequence (std::list< T, A > *c, const E &e)
template<typename T , typename A , typename E >
void STLEraseAllFromSequence (std::forward_list< T, A > *c, const E &e)
template<typename T , typename P >
void STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf (T *v, P pred)
template<typename T , typename A , typename P >
void STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf (std::list< T, A > *c, P pred)
template<typename T , typename A , typename P >
void STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf (std::forward_list< T, A > *c, P pred)
template<typename T >
void STLClearObject (T *obj)
template<typename T , typename A >
void STLClearObject (std::deque< T, A > *obj)
template<typename T >
void STLClearIfBig (T *obj, size_t limit=1<< 20)
template<typename T , typename A >
void STLClearIfBig (std::deque< T, A > *obj, size_t limit=1<< 20)
template<typename T >
void STLClearHashIfBig (T *obj, size_t limit)
void STLStringReserveIfNeeded (std::string *s, size_t min_capacity)
template<typename T , typename Traits , typename Alloc >
void STLStringResizeUninitialized (std::basic_string< T, Traits, Alloc > *s, size_t new_size)
template<typename T , typename Traits , typename Alloc >
bool STLStringSupportsNontrashingResize (const std::basic_string< T, Traits, Alloc > &s)
void STLAssignToString (std::string *str, const char *ptr, size_t n)
void STLAppendToString (std::string *str, const char *ptr, size_t n)
char * string_as_array (std::string *str)
template<typename HashSet >
bool HashSetEquality (const HashSet &set_a, const HashSet &set_b)
template<typename HashMap , typename BinaryPredicate >
bool HashMapEquality (const HashMap &map_a, const HashMap &map_b, BinaryPredicate mapped_type_equal)
template<typename K , typename V , typename C , typename A >
bool HashMapEquality (const std::map< K, V, C, A > &map_a, const std::map< K, V, C, A > &map_b)
template<typename HashMap >
bool HashMapEquality (const HashMap &a, const HashMap &b)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
void STLDeleteContainerPointers (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
void STLDeleteContainerPairPointers (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
void STLDeleteContainerPairFirstPointers (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
void STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename T >
void STLDeleteElements (T *container)
template<typename T >
void STLDeleteValues (T *v)
template<typename T >
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT T * release_ptr (T **ptr)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out , typename Compare >
void STLSetDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out >
std::enable_if<!std::is_function< Out >::value, void >::type STLSetDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
Out STLSetDifferenceAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 >
Out STLSetDifferenceAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
In1 STLSetDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
In1 STLSetDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 >
In1 STLSetDifference (const In1 &a, const In1 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out , typename Compare >
void STLSetUnion (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out >
std::enable_if<!std::is_function< Out >::value, void >::type STLSetUnion (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
Out STLSetUnionAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 >
Out STLSetUnionAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
In1 STLSetUnion (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
In1 STLSetUnion (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 >
In1 STLSetUnion (const In1 &a, const In1 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out , typename Compare >
void STLSetSymmetricDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out >
std::enable_if<!std::is_function< Out >::value, void >::type STLSetSymmetricDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
Out STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare comp)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 >
Out STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
In1 STLSetSymmetricDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare comp)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
In1 STLSetSymmetricDifference (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 >
In1 STLSetSymmetricDifference (const In1 &a, const In1 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out , typename Compare >
void STLSetIntersection (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Out >
std::enable_if<!std::is_function< Out >::value, void >::type STLSetIntersection (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Out *out)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
Out STLSetIntersectionAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename Out , typename In1 , typename In2 >
Out STLSetIntersectionAs (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
In1 STLSetIntersection (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
In1 STLSetIntersection (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename In1 >
In1 STLSetIntersection (const In1 &a, const In1 &b)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Compare >
bool STLIncludes (const In1 &a, const In2 &b, Compare compare)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
bool STLIncludes (const In1 &a, const In2 &b)
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 , typename Comp >
bool SortedRangesHaveIntersection (InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2, Comp comparator)
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 >
bool SortedRangesHaveIntersection (InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 , typename Comp >
bool SortedContainersHaveIntersection (const In1 &in1, const In2 &in2, Comp comparator)
template<typename In1 , typename In2 >
bool SortedContainersHaveIntersection (const In1 &in1, const In2 &in2)
template<typename T , typename A >
bool operator== (const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &a, const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &b)
template<typename T , typename A >
bool operator!= (const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &a, const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &b)
template<typename T >
size_t FastTypeId ()



Typedef Documentation

◆ LogDefault

Definition at line 168 of file container_logging.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ContainsKey()

bool gtl::ContainsKey ( const Collection &  collection,
const Key &  key 

Definition at line 170 of file map_util.h.

◆ FastTypeId()

size_t gtl::FastTypeId ( )

Definition at line 19 of file typeid.h.

◆ FindCopy()

bool gtl::FindCopy ( const Collection &  collection,
const Key &  key,
Value *const  value 

Definition at line 155 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindOrDie()

const Collection::value_type::second_type& gtl::FindOrDie ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 176 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindOrDieNoPrint() [1/2]

Collection::value_type::second_type& gtl::FindOrDieNoPrint ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 196 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindOrDieNoPrint() [2/2]

const Collection::value_type::second_type& gtl::FindOrDieNoPrint ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 186 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindOrNull() [1/2]

Collection::value_type::second_type* gtl::FindOrNull ( Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 55 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindOrNull() [2/2]

const Collection::value_type::second_type* gtl::FindOrNull ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 41 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindPtrOrNull()

const Collection::value_type::second_type gtl::FindPtrOrNull ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key 

Definition at line 70 of file map_util.h.

◆ FindWithDefault()

const Collection::value_type::second_type& gtl::FindWithDefault ( const Collection &  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 

Definition at line 26 of file map_util.h.

◆ HashMapEquality() [1/3]

bool gtl::HashMapEquality ( const HashMap &  a,
const HashMap &  b 

Definition at line 303 of file stl_util.h.

◆ HashMapEquality() [2/3]

bool gtl::HashMapEquality ( const HashMap &  map_a,
const HashMap &  map_b,
BinaryPredicate  mapped_type_equal 

Definition at line 282 of file stl_util.h.

◆ HashMapEquality() [3/3]

bool gtl::HashMapEquality ( const std::map< K, V, C, A > &  map_a,
const std::map< K, V, C, A > &  map_b 

Definition at line 297 of file stl_util.h.

◆ HashSetEquality()

bool gtl::HashSetEquality ( const HashSet &  set_a,
const HashSet &  set_b 

Definition at line 270 of file stl_util.h.

◆ InsertIfNotPresent() [1/2]

bool gtl::InsertIfNotPresent ( Collection *const  collection,
const Key &  key,
const Value &  value 

Definition at line 115 of file map_util.h.

◆ InsertIfNotPresent() [2/2]

bool gtl::InsertIfNotPresent ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  value 

Definition at line 103 of file map_util.h.

◆ InsertOrDie() [1/2]

void gtl::InsertOrDie ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  value 

Definition at line 135 of file map_util.h.

◆ InsertOrDie() [2/2]

void gtl::InsertOrDie ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  data 

Definition at line 143 of file map_util.h.

◆ InsertOrDieNoPrint()

void gtl::InsertOrDieNoPrint ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type &  value 

Definition at line 126 of file map_util.h.

◆ InsertOrUpdate()

bool gtl::InsertOrUpdate ( Collection *const  collection,
const Key &  key,
const Value &  value 

Definition at line 86 of file map_util.h.



















◆ LogContainer() [1/2]

auto gtl::LogContainer ( const ContainerT &  container) -> decltype(gtl::LogContainer(container, LogDefault()))

Definition at line 287 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LogContainer() [2/2]

auto gtl::LogContainer ( const ContainerT &  container,
const PolicyT &  policy 
) -> decltype(gtl::LogRange(container.begin(), container.end(), policy))

Definition at line 275 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LogEnum()

detail::EnumLogger<E> gtl::LogEnum ( e)

Definition at line 297 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LogRange() [1/2]

detail::RangeLogger<IteratorT, LogDefault> gtl::LogRange ( const IteratorT &  begin,
const IteratorT &  end 

Definition at line 263 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LogRange() [2/2]

detail::RangeLogger<IteratorT, PolicyT> gtl::LogRange ( const IteratorT &  begin,
const IteratorT &  end,
const PolicyT &  policy 

Definition at line 250 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LogRangeToStream()

void gtl::LogRangeToStream ( std::ostream &  out,
IteratorT  begin,
IteratorT  end,
const PolicyT &  policy 

Definition at line 173 of file container_logging.h.

◆ LookupOrInsert()

Collection::value_type::second_type& gtl::LookupOrInsert ( Collection *const  collection,
const typename Collection::value_type::first_type &  key,
const typename Collection::value_type::second_type &  value 

Definition at line 207 of file map_util.h.

◆ operator!=()

bool gtl::operator!= ( const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &  a,
const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &  b 

Definition at line 985 of file stl_util.h.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& gtl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
IntType< IntTypeName, ValueType >  arg 

Definition at line 283 of file int_type.h.

◆ operator==()

bool gtl::operator== ( const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &  a,
const STLCountingAllocator< T, A > &  b 

Definition at line 977 of file stl_util.h.

◆ release_ptr()

ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT T* gtl::release_ptr ( T **  ptr)

Definition at line 533 of file stl_util.h.

◆ reversed_view()

ReverseView<Container> gtl::reversed_view ( const Container &  c)

Definition at line 33 of file iterator_adaptors.h.

◆ SortedContainersHaveIntersection() [1/2]

bool gtl::SortedContainersHaveIntersection ( const In1 &  in1,
const In2 &  in2 

Definition at line 892 of file stl_util.h.

◆ SortedContainersHaveIntersection() [2/2]

bool gtl::SortedContainersHaveIntersection ( const In1 &  in1,
const In2 &  in2,
Comp  comparator 

Definition at line 886 of file stl_util.h.

◆ SortedRangesHaveIntersection() [1/2]

bool gtl::SortedRangesHaveIntersection ( InputIterator1  begin1,
InputIterator1  end1,
InputIterator2  begin2,
InputIterator2  end2 

Definition at line 875 of file stl_util.h.

◆ SortedRangesHaveIntersection() [2/2]

bool gtl::SortedRangesHaveIntersection ( InputIterator1  begin1,
InputIterator1  end1,
InputIterator2  begin2,
InputIterator2  end2,
Comp  comparator 

Definition at line 856 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLAppendToString()

void gtl::STLAppendToString ( std::string *  str,
const char *  ptr,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 239 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLAssignToString()

void gtl::STLAssignToString ( std::string *  str,
const char *  ptr,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 226 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLClearHashIfBig()

void gtl::STLClearHashIfBig ( T *  obj,
size_t  limit 

Definition at line 180 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLClearIfBig() [1/2]

void gtl::STLClearIfBig ( std::deque< T, A > *  obj,
size_t  limit = 1 << 20 

Definition at line 154 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLClearIfBig() [2/2]

void gtl::STLClearIfBig ( T *  obj,
size_t  limit = 1 << 20 

Definition at line 145 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLClearObject() [1/2]

void gtl::STLClearObject ( std::deque< T, A > *  obj)

Definition at line 132 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLClearObject() [2/2]

void gtl::STLClearObject ( T *  obj)

Definition at line 123 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteContainerPairFirstPointers()

void gtl::STLDeleteContainerPairFirstPointers ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 

Definition at line 338 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteContainerPairPointers()

void gtl::STLDeleteContainerPairPointers ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 

Definition at line 325 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers()

void gtl::STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 

Definition at line 353 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteContainerPointers()

void gtl::STLDeleteContainerPointers ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 

Definition at line 314 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteElements()

void gtl::STLDeleteElements ( T *  container)

Definition at line 372 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLDeleteValues()

void gtl::STLDeleteValues ( T *  v)

Definition at line 382 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequence() [1/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequence ( std::forward_list< T, A > *  c,
const E &  e 

Definition at line 101 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequence() [2/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequence ( std::list< T, A > *  c,
const E &  e 

Definition at line 97 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequence() [3/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequence ( T *  v,
const E &  e 

Definition at line 93 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf() [1/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf ( std::forward_list< T, A > *  c,

Definition at line 115 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf() [2/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf ( std::list< T, A > *  c,

Definition at line 111 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf() [3/3]

void gtl::STLEraseAllFromSequenceIf ( T *  v,

Definition at line 107 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLIncludes() [1/2]

bool gtl::STLIncludes ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 839 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLIncludes() [2/2]

bool gtl::STLIncludes ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 829 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifference() [1/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In1 &  b 

Definition at line 640 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifference() [2/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 636 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifference() [3/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 631 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifference() [4/5]

std::enable_if<!std::is_function<Out>::value, void>::type gtl::STLSetDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out 

Definition at line 613 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifference() [5/5]

void gtl::STLSetDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 595 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifferenceAs() [1/2]

Out gtl::STLSetDifferenceAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 625 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetDifferenceAs() [2/2]

Out gtl::STLSetDifferenceAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 618 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersection() [1/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetIntersection ( const In1 &  a,
const In1 &  b 

Definition at line 822 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersection() [2/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetIntersection ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 818 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersection() [3/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetIntersection ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 814 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersection() [4/5]

std::enable_if<!std::is_function<Out>::value, void>::type gtl::STLSetIntersection ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out 

Definition at line 798 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersection() [5/5]

void gtl::STLSetIntersection ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 781 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersectionAs() [1/2]

Out gtl::STLSetIntersectionAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 809 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetIntersectionAs() [2/2]

Out gtl::STLSetIntersectionAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 803 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifference() [1/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In1 &  b 

Definition at line 761 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifference() [2/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 756 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifference() [3/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  comp 

Definition at line 752 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifference() [4/5]

std::enable_if<!std::is_function<Out>::value, void>::type gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out 

Definition at line 736 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifference() [5/5]

void gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifference ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 718 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs() [1/2]

Out gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 747 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs() [2/2]

Out gtl::STLSetSymmetricDifferenceAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  comp 

Definition at line 741 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnion() [1/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetUnion ( const In1 &  a,
const In1 &  b 

Definition at line 698 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnion() [2/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetUnion ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 694 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnion() [3/5]

In1 gtl::STLSetUnion ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 690 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnion() [4/5]

std::enable_if<!std::is_function<Out>::value, void>::type gtl::STLSetUnion ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out 

Definition at line 675 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnion() [5/5]

void gtl::STLSetUnion ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Out *  out,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 659 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnionAs() [1/2]

Out gtl::STLSetUnionAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b 

Definition at line 686 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSetUnionAs() [2/2]

Out gtl::STLSetUnionAs ( const In1 &  a,
const In2 &  b,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 680 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates() [1/2]

void gtl::STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates ( T *  v)

Definition at line 65 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates() [2/2]

void gtl::STLSortAndRemoveDuplicates ( T *  v,
const LessFunc &  less_func 

Definition at line 58 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates() [1/2]

void gtl::STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates ( T *  v)

Definition at line 85 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates() [2/2]

void gtl::STLStableSortAndRemoveDuplicates ( T *  v,
const LessFunc &  less_func 

Definition at line 75 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLStringReserveIfNeeded()

void gtl::STLStringReserveIfNeeded ( std::string *  s,
size_t  min_capacity 

Definition at line 194 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLStringResizeUninitialized()

void gtl::STLStringResizeUninitialized ( std::basic_string< T, Traits, Alloc > *  s,
size_t  new_size 

Definition at line 203 of file stl_util.h.

◆ STLStringSupportsNontrashingResize()

bool gtl::STLStringSupportsNontrashingResize ( const std::basic_string< T, Traits, Alloc > &  s)

Definition at line 214 of file stl_util.h.

◆ string_as_array()

char* gtl::string_as_array ( std::string *  str)

Definition at line 260 of file stl_util.h.

Variable Documentation