OR-Tools  8.1
iterators.h File Reference

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class  BeginEndWrapper< Iterator >
class  BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container >
class  IntegerRangeIterator< IntegerType >
class  IntegerRange< IntegerType >
struct  MutableVectorIteration< T >
struct  MutableVectorIteration< T >::Iterator




template<typename Iterator >
BeginEndWrapper< Iterator > BeginEndRange (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
template<typename Iterator >
BeginEndWrapper< Iterator > BeginEndRange (std::pair< Iterator, Iterator > begin_end)
template<typename MultiMap >
BeginEndWrapper< typename MultiMap::iterator > EqualRange (MultiMap &multi_map, const typename MultiMap::key_type &key)
template<typename MultiMap >
BeginEndWrapper< typename MultiMap::const_iterator > EqualRange (const MultiMap &multi_map, const typename MultiMap::key_type &key)
template<typename Container >
BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container > Reverse (const Container &c)