OR-Tools  8.1
ebert_graph.h File Reference

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class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::NodeIterator
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::ArcIterator
class  StarGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::OutgoingArcIterator
class  PermutationIndexComparisonByArcHead< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::CycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs
class  EbertGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >
class  EbertGraphBase< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType, DerivedGraph >::CycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::OutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator
class  EbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >::IncomingArcIterator
class  ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType >
struct  graph_traits< GraphType >
struct  graph_traits< ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  graph_traits< ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > >
struct  TailArrayBuilder< GraphType, has_reverse_arcs >
struct  TailArrayBuilder< GraphType, false >
struct  TailArrayReleaser< GraphType, has_reverse_arcs >
struct  TailArrayReleaser< GraphType, false >
class  TailArrayManager< GraphType >
class  ArcFunctorOrderingByTailAndHead< GraphType >
class  GraphBuilderFromArcs< GraphType, is_dynamic >
class  GraphBuilderFromArcs< GraphType, true >
class  AnnotatedGraphBuildManager< GraphType >


 The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from the Traveling Salesman Problem to more complex problems such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.


using NodeIndex = int32
typedef int32 ArcIndex
typedef int64 FlowQuantity
using CostValue = int64
typedef EbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > StarGraph
typedef ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > ForwardStarGraph
typedef ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndex, ArcIndex > ForwardStarStaticGraph
typedef ZVector< NodeIndex > NodeIndexArray
typedef ZVector< ArcIndex > ArcIndexArray
typedef ZVector< FlowQuantity > QuantityArray
typedef ZVector< CostValue > CostArray


template<typename GraphType >
bool BuildLineGraph (const GraphType &graph, GraphType *const line_graph)