OR-Tools  8.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
21 #include "absl/types/span.h"
22 #include "ortools/base/int_type.h"
24 #include "ortools/sat/sat_base.h"
26 namespace operations_research {
27 namespace sat {
29 // Index of a clause (>= 0).
30 DEFINE_INT_TYPE(ClauseIndex, int);
31 const ClauseIndex kNoClauseIndex(-1);
33 // DRAT is a SAT proof format that allows a simple program to check that a
34 // problem is really UNSAT. The description of the format and a checker are
35 // available at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~marijn/drat-trim/. This class checks
36 // that a DRAT proof is valid.
37 //
38 // Note that DRAT proofs are often huge (can be GB), and can take about as much
39 // time to check as it takes to find the proof in the first place!
40 class DratChecker {
41  public:
42  DratChecker();
45  // Returns the number of Boolean variables used in the problem and infered
46  // clauses.
47  int num_variables() const { return num_variables_; }
49  // Adds a clause of the problem that must be checked. The problem clauses must
50  // be added first, before any infered clause. The given clause must not
51  // contain a literal and its negation. Must not be called after Check().
52  void AddProblemClause(absl::Span<const Literal> clause);
54  // Adds a clause which is infered from the problem clauses and the previously
55  // infered clauses (that are have not been deleted). Infered clauses must be
56  // added after the problem clauses. Clauses with the Reverse Asymetric
57  // Tautology (RAT) property for literal l must start with this literal. The
58  // given clause must not contain a literal and its negation. Must not be
59  // called after Check().
60  void AddInferedClause(absl::Span<const Literal> clause);
62  // Deletes a problem or infered clause. The order of the literals does not
63  // matter. In particular, it can be different from the order that was used
64  // when the clause was added. Must not be called after Check().
65  void DeleteClause(absl::Span<const Literal> clause);
67  // Checks that the infered clauses form a DRAT proof that the problem clauses
68  // are UNSAT. For this the last added infered clause must be the empty clause
69  // and each infered clause must have either the Reverse Unit Propagation (RUP)
70  // or the Reverse Asymetric Tautology (RAT) property with respect to the
71  // problem clauses and the previously infered clauses which are not deleted.
72  // Returns VALID if the proof is valid, INVALID if it is not, and UNKNOWN if
73  // the check timed out.
74  // WARNING: no new clause must be added or deleted after this method has been
75  // called.
76  enum Status {
80  };
81  Status Check(double max_time_in_seconds);
83  // Returns a subproblem of the original problem that is already UNSAT. The
84  // result is undefined if Check() was not previously called, or did not return
85  // true.
86  std::vector<std::vector<Literal>> GetUnsatSubProblem() const;
88  // Returns a DRAT proof that GetUnsatSubProblem() is UNSAT. The result is
89  // undefined if Check() was not previously called, or did not return true.
90  std::vector<std::vector<Literal>> GetOptimizedProof() const;
92  private:
93  // A problem or infered clause. The literals are specified as a subrange of
94  // 'literals_' (namely the subrange from 'first_literal_index' to
95  // 'first_literal_index' + 'num_literals' - 1), and are sorted in increasing
96  // order *before Check() is called*.
97  struct Clause {
98  // The index of the first literal of this clause in 'literals_'.
99  int first_literal_index;
100  // The number of literals of this clause.
101  int num_literals;
103  // The clause literal to use to check the RAT property, or kNoLiteralIndex
104  // for problem clauses and empty infered clauses.
105  LiteralIndex rat_literal_index = kNoLiteralIndex;
107  // The *current* number of copies of this clause. This number is incremented
108  // each time a copy of the clause is added, and decremented each time a copy
109  // is deleted. When this number reaches 0, the clause is actually marked as
110  // deleted (see 'deleted_index'). If other copies are added after this
111  // number reached 0, a new clause is added (because a Clause lifetime is a
112  // single interval of ClauseIndex values; therefore, in order to represent a
113  // lifetime made of several intervals, several Clause are used).
114  int num_copies = 1;
116  // The index in 'clauses_' from which this clause is deleted (inclusive).
117  // For instance, with AddProblemClause(c0), AddProblemClause(c1),
118  // DeleteClause(c0), AddProblemClause(c2), ... if c0's index is 0, then its
119  // deleted_index is 2. Meaning that when checking a clause whose index is
120  // larger than or equal to 2 (e.g. c2), c0 can be ignored.
121  ClauseIndex deleted_index = ClauseIndex(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
123  // The indices of the clauses (with at least two literals) which are deleted
124  // just after this clause.
125  std::vector<ClauseIndex> deleted_clauses;
127  // Whether this clause is actually needed to check the DRAT proof.
128  bool is_needed_for_proof = false;
129  // Whether this clause is actually needed to check the current step (i.e. an
130  // infered clause) of the DRAT proof. This bool is always false, except in
131  // MarkAsNeededForProof() that uses it temporarily.
132  bool tmp_is_needed_for_proof_step = false;
134  Clause(int first_literal_index, int num_literals);
136  // Returns true if this clause is deleted before the given clause.
137  bool IsDeleted(ClauseIndex clause_index) const;
138  };
140  // A literal to assign to true during boolean constraint propagation. When a
141  // literal is assigned, new literals can be found that also need to be
142  // assigned to true (via unit clauses). In this case they are pushed on a
143  // stack of LiteralToAssign values, to be processed later on (the use of this
144  // stack avoids recursive calls to the boolean constraint propagation method
145  // AssignAndPropagate()).
146  struct LiteralToAssign {
147  // The literal that must be assigned to true.
148  Literal literal;
149  // The index of the clause from which this assignment was deduced. This is
150  // kNoClauseIndex for the clause we are currently checking (whose literals
151  // are all falsified to check if a conflict can be derived). Otherwise this
152  // is the index of a unit clause with unit literal 'literal' that was found
153  // during boolean constraint propagation.
154  ClauseIndex source_clause_index;
155  };
157  // Hash function for clauses.
158  struct ClauseHash {
159  DratChecker* checker;
160  explicit ClauseHash(DratChecker* checker) : checker(checker) {}
161  std::size_t operator()(const ClauseIndex clause_index) const;
162  };
164  // Equality function for clauses.
165  struct ClauseEquiv {
166  DratChecker* checker;
167  explicit ClauseEquiv(DratChecker* checker) : checker(checker) {}
168  bool operator()(const ClauseIndex clause_index1,
169  const ClauseIndex clause_index2) const;
170  };
172  // Adds a clause and returns its index.
173  ClauseIndex AddClause(absl::Span<const Literal> clause);
175  // Removes the last clause added to 'clauses_'.
176  void RemoveLastClause();
178  // Returns the literals of the given clause in increasing order.
179  absl::Span<const Literal> Literals(const Clause& clause) const;
181  // Initializes the data structures used to check the DRAT proof.
182  void Init();
184  // Adds 2 watch literals for the given clause.
185  void WatchClause(ClauseIndex clause_index);
187  // Returns true if, by assigning all the literals of 'clause' to false, a
188  // conflict can be found with boolean constraint propagation, using the non
189  // deleted clauses whose index is strictly less than 'num_clauses'. If so,
190  // marks the clauses actually used in this process as needed to check to DRAT
191  // proof.
192  bool HasRupProperty(ClauseIndex num_clauses,
193  absl::Span<const Literal> clause);
195  // Assigns 'literal' to true in 'assignment_' (and pushes it to 'assigned_'),
196  // records its source clause 'source_clause_index' in 'assignment_source_',
197  // and uses the watched literals to find all the clauses (whose index is less
198  // than 'num_clauses') that become unit due to this assignment. For each unit
199  // clause found, pushes its unit literal on top of
200  // 'high_priority_literals_to_assign_' or 'low_priority_literals_to_assign_'.
201  // Returns kNoClauseIndex if no falsified clause is found, or the index of the
202  // first found falsified clause otherwise.
203  ClauseIndex AssignAndPropagate(ClauseIndex num_clauses, Literal literal,
204  ClauseIndex source_clause_index);
206  // Marks the given clause as needed to check the DRAT proof, as well as the
207  // other clauses which were used to check this clause (these are found from
208  // 'unit_stack_', containing the clauses that became unit in
209  // AssignAndPropagate, and from 'assignment_source_', containing for each
210  // variable the clause that caused its assignment).
211  void MarkAsNeededForProof(Clause* clause);
213  // Returns the clauses whose index is in [begin,end) which are needed for the
214  // proof. The result is undefined if Check() was not previously called, or did
215  // not return true.
216  std::vector<std::vector<Literal>> GetClausesNeededForProof(
217  ClauseIndex begin, ClauseIndex end) const;
219  void LogStatistics(int64 duration_nanos) const;
221  // The index of the first infered clause in 'clauses_', or kNoClauseIndex if
222  // there is no infered clause.
223  ClauseIndex first_infered_clause_index_;
225  // The problem clauses, followed by the infered clauses.
228  // A content addressable set of the non-deleted clauses in clauses_. After
229  // adding a clause to clauses_, this set can be used to find if the same
230  // clause was previously added (i.e if a find using the new clause index
231  // returns a previous index) and not yet deleted.
232  absl::flat_hash_set<ClauseIndex, ClauseHash, ClauseEquiv> clause_set_;
234  // All the literals used in 'clauses_'.
235  std::vector<Literal> literals_;
237  // The number of Boolean variables used in the clauses.
238  int num_variables_;
240  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
241  // Data initialized in Init() and used in Check() to check the DRAT proof.
243  // The literals that have been assigned so far (this is used to unassign them
244  // after a clause has been checked, before checking the next one).
245  std::vector<Literal> assigned_;
247  // The current assignment values of literals_.
248  VariablesAssignment assignment_;
250  // For each variable, the index of the unit clause that caused its assignment,
251  // or kNoClauseIndex if the variable is not assigned, or was assigned to
252  // falsify the clause that is currently being checked.
255  // The stack of literals that remain to be assigned to true during boolean
256  // constraint propagation, with high priority (unit clauses which are already
257  // marked as needed for the proof are given higher priority than the others
258  // during boolean constraint propagation. According to 'Trimming while
259  // Checking Clausal Proofs', this heuristics reduces the final number of
260  // clauses that are marked as needed for the proof, and therefore the
261  // verification time, in a majority of cases -- but not all).
262  std::vector<LiteralToAssign> high_priority_literals_to_assign_;
264  // The stack of literals that remain to be assigned to true during boolean
265  // constraint propagation, with low priority (see above).
266  std::vector<LiteralToAssign> low_priority_literals_to_assign_;
268  // For each literal, the list of clauses in which this literal is watched.
269  // Invariant 1: the literals with indices first_watched_literal_index and
270  // second_watched_literal_index of each clause with at least two literals are
271  // watched.
272  // Invariant 2: watched literals are non-falsified if the clause is not
273  // satisfied (in more details: if a clause c is contained in
274  // 'watched_literals_[l]' for literal l, then either c is satisfied with
275  // 'assignment_', or l is unassigned or assigned to true).
278  // The list of clauses with only one literal. This is needed for boolean
279  // constraint propagation, in addition to watched literals, because watched
280  // literals can only be used with clauses having at least two literals.
281  std::vector<ClauseIndex> single_literal_clauses_;
283  // The stack of clauses that have become unit during boolean constraint
284  // propagation, in HasRupProperty().
285  std::vector<ClauseIndex> unit_stack_;
287  // A temporary assignment, always fully unassigned except in Resolve().
288  VariablesAssignment tmp_assignment_;
290  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
291  // Statistics
293  // The number of infered clauses having the RAT property (but not the RUP
294  // property).
295  int num_rat_checks_;
296 };
298 // Returns true if the given clause contains the given literal. This works in
299 // O(clause.size()).
300 bool ContainsLiteral(absl::Span<const Literal> clause, Literal literal);
302 // Returns true if 'complementary_literal' is the unique complementary literal
303 // in the two given clauses. If so the resolvent of these clauses (i.e. their
304 // union with 'complementary_literal' and its negation removed) is set in
305 // 'resolvent'. 'clause' must contain 'complementary_literal', while
306 // 'other_clause' must contain its negation. 'assignment' must have at least as
307 // many variables as each clause, and they must all be unassigned. They are
308 // still unassigned upon return.
309 bool Resolve(absl::Span<const Literal> clause,
310  absl::Span<const Literal> other_clause,
311  Literal complementary_literal, VariablesAssignment* assignment,
312  std::vector<Literal>* resolvent);
314 // Adds to the given drat checker the problem clauses from the file at the given
315 // path, which must be in DIMACS format. Returns true iff the file was
316 // successfully parsed.
317 bool AddProblemClauses(const std::string& file_path, DratChecker* drat_checker);
319 // Adds to the given drat checker the infered and deleted clauses from the file
320 // at the given path, which must be in DRAT format. Returns true iff the file
321 // was successfully parsed.
322 bool AddInferedAndDeletedClauses(const std::string& file_path,
323  DratChecker* drat_checker);
325 // The file formats that can be used to save a list of clauses.
326 enum SatFormat {
329 };
331 // Prints the given clauses in the file at the given path, using the given file
332 // format. Returns true iff the file was successfully written.
333 bool PrintClauses(const std::string& file_path, SatFormat format,
334  const std::vector<std::vector<Literal>>& clauses,
335  int num_variables);
337 } // namespace sat
338 } // namespace operations_research
Definition: drat_checker.cc:47
int64 max
Definition: alldiff_cst.cc:139
const LiteralIndex kNoLiteralIndex(-1)
void AddInferedClause(absl::Span< const Literal > clause)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:69
Definition: drat_checker.h:77
The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from th...
Definition: dense_doubly_linked_list.h:21
void AddProblemClause(absl::Span< const Literal > clause)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:56
Definition: drat_checker.h:79
Status Check(double max_time_in_seconds)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:139
int64_t int64
Definition: integral_types.h:34
Definition: drat_checker.h:328
void DeleteClause(absl::Span< const Literal > clause)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:111
DEFINE_INT_TYPE(ClauseIndex, int)
bool ContainsLiteral(absl::Span< const Literal > clause, Literal literal)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:460
bool AddProblemClauses(const std::string &file_path, DratChecker *drat_checker)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:501
bool Resolve(absl::Span< const Literal > clause, absl::Span< const Literal > other_clause, Literal complementary_literal, VariablesAssignment *assignment, std::vector< Literal > *resolvent)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:464
std::vector< std::vector< Literal > > GetOptimizedProof() const
Definition: drat_checker.cc:212
Definition: drat_checker.h:76
Definition: drat_checker.h:327
const ClauseIndex kNoClauseIndex(-1)
absl::StrongVector< ClauseIndex, Clause >
bool AddInferedAndDeletedClauses(const std::string &file_path, DratChecker *drat_checker)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:550
std::vector< std::vector< Literal > > GetUnsatSubProblem() const
Definition: drat_checker.cc:208
Definition: drat_checker.h:78
Definition: drat_checker.h:326
Literal literal
Definition: optimization.cc:84
int num_variables() const
Definition: drat_checker.h:47
Definition: drat_checker.h:43
bool PrintClauses(const std::string &file_path, SatFormat format, const std::vector< std::vector< Literal >> &clauses, int num_variables)
Definition: drat_checker.cc:592
Definition: drat_checker.h:40