OR-Tools  8.1
constraint_solver.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  DefaultPhaseParameters
 This struct holds all parameters for the default search. More...
class  Solver
 Solver Class. More...
struct  Solver::IntegerCastInfo
 Holds semantic information stating that the 'expression' has been cast into 'variable' using the Var() method, and that 'maintainer' is responsible for maintaining the equality between 'variable' and 'expression'. More...
struct  Solver::SearchLogParameters
 Creates a search monitor from logging parameters. More...
class  BaseObject
 A BaseObject is the root of all reversibly allocated objects. More...
class  PropagationBaseObject
 NOLINT. More...
class  Decision
 A Decision represents a choice point in the search tree. More...
class  DecisionVisitor
 A DecisionVisitor is used to inspect a decision. More...
class  DecisionBuilder
 A DecisionBuilder is responsible for creating the search tree. More...
class  Demon
 A Demon is the base element of a propagation queue. More...
class  ModelVisitor
 Model visitor. More...
class  Constraint
 A constraint is the main modeling object. More...
class  CastConstraint
 Cast constraints are special channeling constraints designed to keep a variable in sync with an expression. More...
class  SearchMonitor
 A search monitor is a simple set of callbacks to monitor all search events. More...
class  Rev< T >
 This class adds reversibility to a POD type. More...
class  NumericalRev< T >
 Subclass of Rev<T> which adds numerical operations. More...
class  RevArray< T >
 Reversible array of POD types. More...
class  NumericalRevArray< T >
 Subclass of RevArray<T> which adds numerical operations. More...
class  IntExpr
 The class IntExpr is the base of all integer expressions in constraint programming. More...
class  IntVarIterator
 The class Iterator has two direct subclasses. More...
class  InitAndGetValues
 Utility class to encapsulate an IntVarIterator and use it in a range-based loop. More...
struct  InitAndGetValues::Iterator
class  IntVar
 The class IntVar is a subset of IntExpr. More...
class  SolutionCollector
 This class is the root class of all solution collectors. More...
struct  SolutionCollector::SolutionData
class  OptimizeVar
 This class encapsulates an objective. More...
class  SearchLimit
 Base class of all search limits. More...
class  RegularLimit
 Usual limit based on wall_time, number of explored branches and number of failures in the search tree. More...
class  ImprovementSearchLimit
class  IntervalVar
 Interval variables are often used in scheduling. More...
class  SequenceVar
 A sequence variable is a variable whose domain is a set of possible orderings of the interval variables. More...
class  AssignmentElement
class  IntVarElement
class  IntervalVarElement
class  SequenceVarElement
 The SequenceVarElement stores a partial representation of ranked interval variables in the underlying sequence variable. More...
class  AssignmentContainer< V, E >
class  Assignment
 An Assignment is a variable -> domains mapping, used to report solutions to the user. More...
class  Pack
class  DisjunctiveConstraint
class  SolutionPool
 This class is used to manage a pool of solutions. More...


 The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic vehicle routing problems ranging from the Traveling Salesman Problem to more complex problems such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.


 ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG (int64, cp_random_seed)
 Declaration of the core objects for the constraint solver. More...
int64 CpRandomSeed ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Solver *const s)
int64 Zero ()
 NOLINT. More...
int64 One ()
 This method returns 1. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BaseObject *const o)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Assignment &assignment)
void SetAssignmentFromAssignment (Assignment *target_assignment, const std::vector< IntVar * > &target_vars, const Assignment *source_assignment, const std::vector< IntVar * > &source_vars)
 NOLINT. More...

Function Documentation



Declaration of the core objects for the constraint solver.

The literature around constraint programming is extremely dense but one can find some basic introductions in the following links:

Here is a very simple Constraint Programming problem:

Knowing that we see 56 legs and 20 heads, how many pheasants and rabbits are we looking at?

Here is some simple Constraint Programming code to find out:

void pheasant() { Solver s("pheasant"); IntVar* const p = s.MakeIntVar(0, 20, "pheasant")); IntVar* const r = s.MakeIntVar(0, 20, "rabbit")); IntExpr* const legs = s.MakeSum(s.MakeProd(p, 2), s.MakeProd(r, 4)); IntExpr* const heads = s.MakeSum(p, r); Constraint* const ct_legs = s.MakeEquality(legs, 56); Constraint* const ct_heads = s.MakeEquality(heads, 20); s.AddConstraint(ct_legs); s.AddConstraint(ct_heads); DecisionBuilder* const db = s.MakePhase(p, r, Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); s.NewSearch(db); CHECK(s.NextSolution()); LOG(INFO) << "rabbits -> " << r->Value() << ", pheasants -> " << p->Value(); LOG(INFO) << s.DebugString(); s.EndSearch(); }

which outputs:

rabbits -> 8, pheasants -> 12 Solver(name = "pheasant", state = OUTSIDE_SEARCH, branches = 0, fails = 0, decisions = 0 propagation loops = 11, demons Run = 25, Run time = 0 ms)