1. 21 May, 2019 1 commit
  2. 03 May, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 517b0ba1
      Don Gagne authored
      Tree contains all commands
  3. 27 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 0d5b7019
      Don Gagne authored
      Add support for geofence return point. Also fixed a bunch of bugs in geofence and rally point support.
  4. 26 Apr, 2019 3 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · b476f037
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix incorrect isManualCamera logic
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · ed5fc78f
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix initialization
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 1c5b78f5
      Don Gagne authored
      Pattern Preset support
  5. 22 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  6. 18 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  7. 17 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 6aa20324
      Don Gagne authored
      Heading: Switch from Radians to Degrees
  8. 16 Apr, 2019 3 commits
  9. 07 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • Flavio Tonelli's avatar
      · 0498ccd5
      Flavio Tonelli authored
      BUGFIX: When scanning from the top the starting altitude shall be equal to the structure altitude.
  10. 05 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 5e49ead0
      Don Gagne authored
      Hack around ArduPilot problems with unsupported NaN in Loiter commands
  11. 26 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 918bc9e0
      Don Gagne authored
      Structure Scan turns on Survey photo mode
  12. 17 Feb, 2019 3 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · b92ffa74
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix layer heights
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 449861be
      Don Gagne authored
      More work on Structure Scan rewrite
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 61bdd7f2
      Don Gagne authored
      Bug fixes for Structure Scan. Also includes support for Entrance/Exit Alt.
  13. 15 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 2aa727a1
      Don Gagne authored
      Add support for Start From Top/Bottom, plus more helpful stats
  14. 04 Feb, 2019 2 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 02afc021
      Don Gagne authored
      Use correct QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP to prevent crash
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · abfdd937
      Don Gagne authored
      Default ROI altitude to 0
  15. 03 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 81e80f51
      Don Gagne authored
      Show camera mode if plan contains it
  16. 01 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 4c53c984
      Don Gagne authored
      Rework complex distance, camera shot count calc for better back compat
  17. 31 Jan, 2019 5 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · b47b6075
      Don Gagne authored
      Save camera shots and complex distance in plan file so that values are valid when reloading
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 924d5ceb
      Don Gagne authored
      Should not rebuild transects for newer file formats where mission items are stored in file
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 879b37f0
      Don Gagne authored
      Should not rebuild transects when loading. Mission items are already stored in file
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 6b0ef073
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix Survey additionalTimeDelay as it relates to hover and capture
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 7abbe1b9
      Don Gagne authored
      Preserve clockwise winding when adjusting vertices
  18. 20 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · d6500c1c
      Don Gagne authored
      Add internal error case
  19. 19 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · efd5f652
      Don Gagne authored
      Support for new AltitudeFactTextField
  20. 18 Jan, 2019 2 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 94b6e756
      Don Gagne authored
      Make settingsGroup public for custom build overrides
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 55ed5cb2
      Don Gagne authored
      Move valueSetIsDistance to Fact so custom builds can override
  21. 07 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 99960f13
      Don Gagne authored
      Default abort alt = 0. This works around problems between multi-rotor and fixed wing.
  22. 05 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · fe691f5c
      Don Gagne authored
      Radius to 1 decimalPlaces
  23. 04 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 5cb7e53c
      Don Gagne authored
      Expose complex item names in a way useful for custom builds
  24. 03 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · bde5c03d
      Don Gagne authored
      Support custom build override of available complex items
  25. 31 Dec, 2018 3 commits
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 919e2ead
      Don Gagne authored
      Fix valueSetIsDistance when manual camera change
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 5675ec3d
      Don Gagne authored
      Better defaults
    • Don Gagne's avatar
      · 2e2db243
      Don Gagne authored
      Scan fixes
  26. 10 Dec, 2018 1 commit