Commit f820a7c6 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Initial cleanup of (Doxygen) documentation.

parent c7a3dd87
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......@@ -3,35 +3,12 @@ Linux/Mac OS X
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Doxygen Manual
# Link Management
The LinkManager creates, configures and maintains communication links. Links are created either through the user
interface or programmatically. The LinkConfiguration base classs defines the means to configure a given link
while the LinkInterface exposes the link itself.
Link specializations such as UDPLink, TCPLink, SerialLink, etc. are implemented in their own derived classes as well
as their equivalent configuration derivations such as UDPConfiguration, TCPConfiguration, SerialConfiguration, etc.
Links are primarily responsible to send and receive (MAVLink) data to and from a vehicle. When data arrives, the link will emit a
LinkInterface::bytesReceived signal and when data needs to be sent back to a vehicle, the code uses its
LinkInterface::writeBytesSafe method.
<div align="center">
<img src="../links.svg">
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QGroundControl Architecture Documentation {#mainpage}
* [Link Management](
* [Vehicle Management](
# Vehicle Management
The singleton MAVLinkProtocol implements the target slot for all LinkInterface::bytesReceived signals. As data is received, it parses and builds MAVLink messages.
All messages are then sent through a MAVLinkProcotol::messageReceived signal. In addition, when it detects a heartbeat message,
it emits MAVLinkProcotol::vehicleHeartbeatInfo signals.
The singleton MultiVehicleManager is responsible for creating and maintaining instances of the Vehicle class. When it receives a MAVLinkProcotol::vehicleHeartbeatInfo
signal for the first time, it creates a vehicle instance, recording the vehicle ID and the link used.
The Vehicle class holds all the functionality to handle vehicles. It receives all messages sent from the vehicle and manage all messages and commands to that vehicle.
<div align="center">
<img src="../vehicleMgmt.svg">
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......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
class QGCApplication;
/// Text to Speech Interface
class AudioOutput : public QGCTool
......@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ public:
static QString fixTextMessageForAudio (const QString& string);
public slots:
/// Convert string to speech output and say it
void say (const QString& text);
private slots:
......@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
/// @file
/// @brief Command line option parser
/// @author Don Gagne <>
/// @brief Command line option parser implementation
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#include "CmdLineOptParser.h"
......@@ -9,20 +9,18 @@
/// @file
/// @brief Command line option parser
/// @author Don Gagne <>
/// @brief Command line option parser declaration
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#pragma once
#include <QString>
#include <cstring>
/// @brief Structure used to pass command line options to the ParseCmdLineOptions function.
typedef struct {
const char* optionStr; ///< command line option, for example "--foo"
bool* optionFound; ///< if option is found this variable will be set to true
const char* optionStr; ///< Command line option, for example "--foo"
bool* optionFound; ///< If option is found this variable will be set to true
QString* optionArg; ///< Option has additional argument, form is option:arg
} CmdLineOpt_t;
......@@ -32,4 +30,3 @@ void ParseCmdLineOptions(int& argc,
size_t cOpts,
bool removeParsedOptions);
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
virtual QString gotoFlightMode(void) const;
/// Returns the flight mode which the vehicle will be for follow me
virtual QString followFlightMode(void) const { return QString(); };
virtual QString followFlightMode(void) const { return QString(); }
/// Set guided flight mode
virtual void setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode);
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
virtual void guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double takeoffAltRel);
/// @return The minimum takeoff altitude (relative) for guided takeoff.
virtual double minimumTakeoffAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return 10; }
virtual double minimumTakeoffAltitude(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return 10; }
/// Command the vehicle to start the mission
virtual void startMission(Vehicle* vehicle);
......@@ -217,21 +217,21 @@ public:
virtual void getParameterMetaDataVersionInfo(const QString& metaDataFile, int& majorVersion, int& minorVersion);
/// Returns the internal resource parameter meta date file.
virtual QString internalParameterMetaDataFile(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QString(); }
virtual QString internalParameterMetaDataFile(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return QString(); }
/// Loads the specified parameter meta data file.
/// @return Opaque parameter meta data information which must be stored with Vehicle. Vehicle is responsible to
/// call deleteParameterMetaData when no longer needed.
virtual QObject* loadParameterMetaData(const QString& metaDataFile) { Q_UNUSED(metaDataFile); return nullptr; }
virtual QObject* loadParameterMetaData(const QString& /*metaDataFile*/) { return nullptr; }
/// Returns the FactMetaData associated with the parameter name
/// @param opaqueParameterMetaData Opaque pointer returned from loadParameterMetaData
/// @param name Parameter name
virtual FactMetaData* getMetaDataForFact(QObject* parameterMetaData, const QString& name, MAV_TYPE vehicleType) { Q_UNUSED(parameterMetaData); Q_UNUSED(name); Q_UNUSED(vehicleType); return nullptr; }
virtual FactMetaData* getMetaDataForFact(QObject* /*parameterMetaData*/, const QString& /*name*/, MAV_TYPE /*vehicleType*/) { return nullptr; }
/// Adds the parameter meta data to the Fact
/// @param opaqueParameterMetaData Opaque pointer returned from loadParameterMetaData
virtual void addMetaDataToFact(QObject* parameterMetaData, Fact* fact, MAV_TYPE vehicleType) { Q_UNUSED(parameterMetaData); Q_UNUSED(fact); Q_UNUSED(vehicleType); return; }
virtual void addMetaDataToFact(QObject* /*parameterMetaData*/, Fact* /*fact*/, MAV_TYPE /*vehicleType*/) { return; }
/// List of supported mission commands. Empty list for all commands supported.
virtual QList<MAV_CMD> supportedMissionCommands(void);
......@@ -247,19 +247,19 @@ public:
virtual int remapParamNameHigestMinorVersionNumber(int majorVersionNumber) const;
/// @return true: Motors are coaxial like an X8 config, false: Quadcopter for example
virtual bool multiRotorCoaxialMotors(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return false; }
virtual bool multiRotorCoaxialMotors(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return false; }
/// @return true: X confiuration, false: Plus configuration
virtual bool multiRotorXConfig(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return false; }
virtual bool multiRotorXConfig(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return false; }
/// Return the resource file which contains the set of params loaded for offline editing.
virtual QString offlineEditingParamFile(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QString(); }
virtual QString offlineEditingParamFile(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return QString(); }
/// Return the resource file which contains the brand image for the vehicle for Indoor theme.
virtual QString brandImageIndoor(const Vehicle* vehicle) const { Q_UNUSED(vehicle) return QString(); }
virtual QString brandImageIndoor(const Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) const { return QString(); }
/// Return the resource file which contains the brand image for the vehicle for Outdoor theme.
virtual QString brandImageOutdoor(const Vehicle* vehicle) const { Q_UNUSED(vehicle) return QString(); }
virtual QString brandImageOutdoor(const Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) const { return QString(); }
/// Return the resource file which contains the vehicle icon used in the flight view when the view is dark (Satellite for instance)
virtual QString vehicleImageOpaque(const Vehicle* vehicle) const;
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public:
/// Allows the Firmware plugin to override the facts meta data.
/// @param vehicleType - Type of current vehicle
/// @param metaData - MetaData for fact
virtual void adjustMetaData(MAV_TYPE vehicleType, FactMetaData* metaData) {Q_UNUSED(vehicleType); Q_UNUSED(metaData);}
virtual void adjustMetaData(MAV_TYPE /*vehicleType*/, FactMetaData* /*metaData*/) {}
/// Sends the appropriate mavlink message for follow me support
virtual void sendGCSMotionReport(Vehicle* vehicle, FollowMe::GCSMotionReport& motionReport, uint8_t estimatationCapabilities);
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ protected:
bool _setFlightModeAndValidate(Vehicle* vehicle, const QString& flightMode);
// returns url with latest firmware release information.
virtual QString _getLatestVersionFileUrl(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QString(); }
virtual QString _getLatestVersionFileUrl(Vehicle* /*vehicle*/) { return QString(); }
// Callback to process file with latest release information
virtual void _versionFileDownloadFinished(QString& remoteFile, QString& localFile, Vehicle* vehicle);
......@@ -14,8 +14,13 @@
#include <QVariantList>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
/// @file
/// @author Don Gagne <>
class QmlObjectListModel;
/// @brief Json manipulation helper class.
/// Primarily used for parsing and processing Fact metadata.
class JsonHelper
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
* @file
* @brief Implementation of class LogCompressor. This class reads in a file containing messages and translates it into a tab-delimited CSV file.
* @brief Implementation of class LogCompressor.
* This class reads in a file containing messages and translates it into a tab-delimited CSV file.
* @author Lorenz Meier <>
#include "LogCompressor.h"
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
#pragma once
#include <QThread>
* @file
* @brief Declaration of class LogCompressor.
* This class reads in a file containing messages and translates it into a tab-delimited CSV file.
* @author Lorenz Meier <>
class LogCompressor : public QThread
......@@ -37,5 +52,3 @@ private:
void _signalCriticalError(const QString& msg);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@
/// @file
/// @brief Subclass of QComboBox. Mainly used for unit test so you can simulate a user selection
/// with correct signalling.
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#include "QGCComboBox.h"
QGCComboBox::QGCComboBox(QWidget* parent) :
......@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
#ifndef QGCComboBox_H
#define QGCComboBox_H
#pragma once
#include <QComboBox>
......@@ -28,6 +26,3 @@ public:
/// @brief Sets the current index on the combo. Signals activated, as well as currentIndexChanged.
void simulateUserSetCurrentIndex(int index);
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
#include "TerrainTile.h"
#include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "QGCMapEngine.h"
......@@ -7,7 +16,7 @@
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QDataStream>
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(TerrainTileLog, "TerrainTileLog")
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(TerrainTileLog, "TerrainTileLog");
const char* TerrainTile::_jsonStatusKey = "status";
const char* TerrainTile::_jsonDataKey = "data";
......@@ -43,7 +52,6 @@ TerrainTile::~TerrainTile()
TerrainTile::TerrainTile(QByteArray byteArray)
: _minElevation(-1.0)
, _maxElevation(-1.0)
......@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool activeVehicleAvailable READ activeVehicleAvailable NOTIFY activeVehicleAvailableChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool parameterReadyVehicleAvailable READ parameterReadyVehicleAvailable NOTIFY parameterReadyVehicleAvailableChanged)
/// The current, active vehicle
Q_PROPERTY(Vehicle* activeVehicle READ activeVehicle WRITE setActiveVehicle NOTIFY activeVehicleChanged)
/// The list of all connected vehicles
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* vehicles READ vehicles CONSTANT)
/// Enable sending heartbeats to the vehicle (defaults to true)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gcsHeartBeatEnabled READ gcsHeartbeatEnabled WRITE setGcsHeartbeatEnabled NOTIFY gcsHeartBeatEnabledChanged)
/// A disconnected vehicle used for offline editing. It will match the vehicle type specified in Settings.
Q_PROPERTY(Vehicle* offlineEditingVehicle READ offlineEditingVehicle CONSTANT)
//-- The current vehicle's last known location
/// The current vehicle's last known location
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate lastKnownLocation READ lastKnownLocation NOTIFY lastKnownLocationChanged)
// Methods
......@@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ signals:
void activeVehicleChanged (Vehicle* activeVehicle);
void gcsHeartBeatEnabledChanged (bool gcsHeartBeatEnabled);
void lastKnownLocationChanged ();
void _deleteVehiclePhase2Signal (void);
private slots:
void _deleteVehiclePhase1 (Vehicle* vehicle);
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
/// Bootloader Utility routines. Works with PX4 bootloader and 3DR Radio bootloader.
/// Bootloader Utility routines. Works with PX4 and 3DR Radio bootloaders.
class Bootloader : public QObject
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
class LinkInterface;
/// Interface holding link specific settings.
class LinkConfiguration : public QObject
......@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
class LinkManager;
* The link interface defines the interface for all links used to communicate
* with the groundstation application.
* @brief The link interface defines the interface for all links used to communicate
* with the ground station application.
class LinkInterface : public QThread
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class UDPConfiguration;
class AutoConnectSettings;
class LogReplayLink;
/// Manage communication links
/// @brief Manage communication links
/// The Link Manager organizes the physical Links. It can manage arbitrary
/// links and takes care of connecting them as well assigning the correct
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class LinkManager : public QGCTool
/// Unit Test has access to private constructor/destructor
// Unit Test has access to private constructor/destructor
friend class LinkManagerTest;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList serialPortStrings READ serialPortStrings NOTIFY commPortStringsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList serialPorts READ serialPorts NOTIFY commPortsChanged)
// Create/Edit Link Configuration
/// Create/Edit Link Configuration
Q_INVOKABLE LinkConfiguration* createConfiguration (int type, const QString& name);
Q_INVOKABLE LinkConfiguration* startConfigurationEditing (LinkConfiguration* config);
Q_INVOKABLE void cancelConfigurationEditing (LinkConfiguration* config) { delete config; }
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ private:
QString _logFilename;
/// Pseudo link that reads a telemetry log and feeds it into the application.
class LogReplayLink : public LinkInterface
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(MAVLinkProtocolLog)
* MAVLink is a generic communication protocol for micro air vehicles.
* for more information, please see the official website.
* @ref
* @ref
class MAVLinkProtocol : public QGCTool
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)
/// SerialLink configuration
class SerialConfiguration : public LinkConfiguration
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