Commit ec1f5ee9 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Don't offer ArduPilot if no support for it is available.

parent d7a538a5
......@@ -258,10 +258,17 @@ SetupPage {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: defaultTextHeight
Component.onCompleted: {
if(!QGroundControl.hasAPMSupport) {
_defaultFirmwareFact.rawValue = _defaultFimwareTypePX4
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: _singleFirmwareMode ? _singleFirmwareLabel : (px4Flow ? _px4FlowLabel : _pixhawkLabel)
text: (_singleFirmwareMode || !QGroundControl.hasAPMSupport) ? _singleFirmwareLabel : (px4Flow ? _px4FlowLabel : _pixhawkLabel)
readonly property string _px4FlowLabel: qsTr("Detected PX4 Flow board. The firmware you use on the PX4 Flow must match the AutoPilot firmware type you are using on the vehicle:")
readonly property string _pixhawkLabel: qsTr("Detected Pixhawk board. You can select from the following flight stacks:")
......@@ -282,12 +289,13 @@ SetupPage {
// The following craziness of three radio buttons to represent two radio buttons is so that the
// order can be changed such that the default firmware button is always on the top
//-- Visible only if you have an option. If it's the only option, it's already setup.
QGCRadioButton {
id: px4FlightStackRadio1
text: qsTr("PX4 Flight Stack ")
textBold: _defaultFirmwareIsPX4
checked: _defaultFirmwareIsPX4
visible: _defaultFirmwareIsPX4 && !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow
visible: _defaultFirmwareIsPX4 && !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow && QGroundControl.hasAPMSupport
onClicked: {
_defaultFirmwareFact.rawValue = _defaultFimwareTypePX4
......@@ -300,7 +308,7 @@ SetupPage {
text: qsTr("ArduPilot Flight Stack")
textBold: !_defaultFirmwareIsPX4
checked: !_defaultFirmwareIsPX4
visible: !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow
visible: !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow && QGroundControl.hasAPMSupport
onClicked: {
_defaultFirmwareFact.rawValue = _defaultFimwareTypeAPM
......@@ -308,10 +316,11 @@ SetupPage {
//-- Visible only if you have an option. If it's the only option, it's already setup.
QGCRadioButton {
id: px4FlightStackRadio2
text: qsTr("PX4 Flight Stack ")
visible: !_defaultFirmwareIsPX4 && !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow
visible: !_defaultFirmwareIsPX4 && !_singleFirmwareMode && !px4Flow && QGroundControl.hasAPMSupport
onClicked: {
_defaultFirmwareFact.rawValue = _defaultFimwareTypePX4
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