Commit e94a6083 authored by DoinLakeFlyer's avatar DoinLakeFlyer

parent 412de39c
......@@ -3878,7 +3878,8 @@ void Vehicle::_handleADSBVehicle(const mavlink_message_t& message)
vehicleInfo.availableFlags = 0;
vehicleInfo.location.setLatitude( / 1e7);
vehicleInfo.location.setLatitude(adsbVehicleMsg.lon / 1e7);
vehicleInfo.location.setLongitude(adsbVehicleMsg.lon / 1e7);
vehicleInfo.availableFlags |= ADSBVehicle::LocationAvailable;
vehicleInfo.callsign = adsbVehicleMsg.callsign;
vehicleInfo.availableFlags |= ADSBVehicle::CallsignAvailable;
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