propertystringlabel///< Label to show to the side of the index indicator
propertyintindex:0///< Index to show in the indicator, 0 will show single char label instead, -1 first char of label in indicator full label to the side
SettingsFact_deltaAlpha;// angle discretisation of the circles
SettingsFact_transectMinLength;// minimal transect lenght, transects are rejected if they are shorter than this value
SettingsFact_isSnakePath;// bool value, determining if transects are connected in a snake like or zig zag like manner
SettingsFact_reverse;// reverses the _transects path
bool_isInitialized;// indicates if the polygon and refpoint etc. are initialized, prevents reinitialisation from gui and execution of _rebuildTransectsPhase1 during init from gui
bool_reverseOnly;// if this is true _rebuildTransectsPhase1() will reverse the path only, _rebuildTransectsPhase1() resets _reverseOnly
bool_referencePointBeingChanged;// is set to true by gui, if user is changeing the reference point