Commit d877104e authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Handle airspace colors.

Replacing colors with the ones provided by Airmap.
Adding border color and width.
Adding airspace ID so it can later be linked to the advisory list.
parent cac6c95e
......@@ -37,36 +37,89 @@ AirMapRestrictionManager::setROI(const QGCGeoBoundingCube& roi, bool reset)
AirMapRestrictionManager::_getColor(const Airspace::Type type)
AirMapRestrictionManager::_getColor(const Airspace& airspace, QColor& color, QColor& lineColor, float& lineWidth)
if(type == Airspace::Type::airport)
return QColor(254,65,65,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::controlled_airspace)
return QColor(254,158,65,60);
if(type == Airspace::Type::special_use_airspace)
return QColor(65,230,254,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::tfr)
return QColor(95,230,254,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::wildfire)
return QColor(254,120,0,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::park)
return QColor(7,165,22,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::power_plant)
return QColor(11,7,165,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::heliport)
return QColor(233,57,57,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::prison)
return QColor(100,100,100,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::school)
return QColor(56,224,190,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::hospital)
return QColor(56,159,224,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::fire)
return QColor(223,83,10,30);
if(type == Airspace::Type::emergency)
return QColor(255,0,0,30);
return QColor(255,0,255,30);
if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::airport) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,50);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,255);
lineWidth = 2.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::controlled_airspace) {
QString classification = QString::fromStdString(airspace.details_for_controlled_airspace().airspace_classification).toUpper();
if(classification == "B") {
color = QColor(31,160,211,25);
lineColor = QColor(31,160,211,255);
lineWidth = 1.5f;
} else if(classification == "C") {
color = QColor(155,108,157,25);
lineColor = QColor(155,108,157,255);
lineWidth = 1.5f;
} else if(classification == "D") {
color = QColor(26,116,179,25);
lineColor = QColor(26,116,179,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(classification == "E") {
color = QColor(155,108,157,25);
lineColor = QColor(155,108,157,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else {
//-- Don't know it
qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "Unknown airspace classification:" << QString::fromStdString(airspace.details_for_controlled_airspace().airspace_classification);
color = QColor(255,230,0,25);
lineColor = QColor(255,230,0,255);
lineWidth = 0.5f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::special_use_airspace) {
color = QColor(27,90,207,38);
lineColor = QColor(27,90,207,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::tfr) {
color = QColor(244,67,54,38);
lineColor = QColor(244,67,54,255);
lineWidth = 2.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::wildfire) {
color = QColor(244,67,54,50);
lineColor = QColor(244,67,54,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::park) {
color = QColor(224,18,18,25);
lineColor = QColor(224,18,18,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::power_plant) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,25);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::heliport) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,20);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,100);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::prison) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,38);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::school) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,38);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::hospital) {
color = QColor(246,165,23,38);
lineColor = QColor(246,165,23,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::fire) {
color = QColor(244,67,54,50);
lineColor = QColor(244,67,54,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else if(airspace.type() == Airspace::Type::emergency) {
color = QColor(246,113,23,77);
lineColor = QColor(246,113,23,255);
lineWidth = 1.0f;
} else {
//-- Don't know it
qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "Unknown airspace type:" << static_cast<int>(airspace.type());
color = QColor(255,0,230,25);
lineColor = QColor(255,0,230,255);
lineWidth = 0.5f;
......@@ -106,24 +159,27 @@ AirMapRestrictionManager::_requestRestrictions(const QGCGeoBoundingCube& roi)
const std::vector<Airspace>& airspaces = result.value();
qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog)<<"Successful search. Items:" << airspaces.size();
for (const auto& airspace : airspaces) {
QColor color = _getColor(airspace.type());
QColor color;
QColor lineColor;
float lineWidth;
_getColor(airspace, color, lineColor, lineWidth);
const Geometry& geometry = airspace.geometry();
switch(geometry.type()) {
case Geometry::Type::polygon: {
const Geometry::Polygon& polygon = geometry.details_for_polygon();
_addPolygonToList(polygon, color);
_addPolygonToList(polygon, QString::fromStdString(, color, lineColor, lineWidth);
case Geometry::Type::multi_polygon: {
const Geometry::MultiPolygon& multiPolygon = geometry.details_for_multi_polygon();
for (const auto& polygon : multiPolygon) {
_addPolygonToList(polygon, color);
_addPolygonToList(polygon, QString::fromStdString(, color, lineColor, lineWidth);
case Geometry::Type::point: {
const Geometry::Point& point = geometry.details_for_point();
_circles.append(new AirspaceCircularRestriction(QGeoCoordinate(point.latitude, point.longitude), 0., color));
_circles.append(new AirspaceCircularRestriction(QGeoCoordinate(point.latitude, point.longitude), 0., QString::fromStdString(, color, lineColor, lineWidth));
// TODO: radius???
......@@ -147,7 +203,7 @@ AirMapRestrictionManager::_requestRestrictions(const QGCGeoBoundingCube& roi)
AirMapRestrictionManager::_addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, const QColor color)
AirMapRestrictionManager::_addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, const QString advisoryID, const QColor color, const QColor lineColor, float lineWidth)
QVariantList polygonArray;
for (const auto& vertex : polygon.outer_ring.coordinates) {
......@@ -159,7 +215,7 @@ AirMapRestrictionManager::_addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& pol
_polygons.append(new AirspacePolygonRestriction(polygonArray, color));
_polygons.append(new AirspacePolygonRestriction(polygonArray, advisoryID, color, lineColor, lineWidth));
if (polygon.inner_rings.size() > 0) {
// no need to support those (they are rare, and in most cases, there's a more restrictive polygon filling the hole)
qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Polygon with holes. Size: "<<polygon.inner_rings.size();
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ signals:
void _requestRestrictions(const QGCGeoBoundingCube& roi);
void _addPolygonToList (const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, const QColor color);
QColor _getColor (const airmap::Airspace::Type type);
void _addPolygonToList (const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, const QString advisoryID, const QColor color, const QColor lineColor, float lineWidth);
void _getColor (const airmap::Airspace& airspace, QColor &color, QColor &lineColor, float &lineWidth);
enum class State {
......@@ -9,21 +9,24 @@
#include "AirspaceRestriction.h"
AirspaceRestriction::AirspaceRestriction(QColor color, QObject* parent)
AirspaceRestriction::AirspaceRestriction(QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _advisoryID(advisoryID)
, _color(color)
, _lineColor(lineColor)
, _lineWidth(lineWidth)
AirspacePolygonRestriction::AirspacePolygonRestriction(const QVariantList& polygon, QColor color, QObject* parent)
: AirspaceRestriction(color, parent)
AirspacePolygonRestriction::AirspacePolygonRestriction(const QVariantList& polygon, QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent)
: AirspaceRestriction(advisoryID, color, lineColor, lineWidth, parent)
, _polygon(polygon)
AirspaceCircularRestriction::AirspaceCircularRestriction(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radius, QColor color, QObject* parent)
: AirspaceRestriction(color, parent)
AirspaceCircularRestriction::AirspaceCircularRestriction(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radius, QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent)
: AirspaceRestriction(advisoryID, color, lineColor, lineWidth, parent)
, _center(center)
, _radius(radius)
......@@ -23,11 +23,20 @@ class AirspaceRestriction : public QObject
AirspaceRestriction(QColor color, QObject* parent = nullptr);
QColor color() { return _color; }
AirspaceRestriction(QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(QString advisoryID READ advisoryID CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor lineColor READ lineColor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(float lineWidth READ lineWidth CONSTANT)
QString advisoryID () { return _advisoryID; }
QColor color () { return _color; }
QColor lineColor () { return _lineColor; }
float lineWidth () { return _lineWidth; }
QColor _color;
QString _advisoryID;
QColor _color;
QColor _lineColor;
float _lineWidth;
......@@ -39,7 +48,7 @@ class AirspacePolygonRestriction : public AirspaceRestriction
AirspacePolygonRestriction(const QVariantList& polygon, QColor color, QObject* parent = nullptr);
AirspacePolygonRestriction(const QVariantList& polygon, QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList polygon READ polygon CONSTANT)
QVariantList polygon() { return _polygon; }
......@@ -55,7 +64,7 @@ class AirspaceCircularRestriction : public AirspaceRestriction
AirspaceCircularRestriction(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radius, QColor color, QObject* parent = nullptr);
AirspaceCircularRestriction(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radius, QString advisoryID, QColor color, QColor lineColor, float lineWidth, QObject* parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(double radius READ radius CONSTANT)
QGeoCoordinate center () { return _center; }
......@@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ FlightMap {
radius: object.radius
color: object.color
border.color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.85)
border.color: object.lineColor
border.width: object.lineWidth
......@@ -448,7 +449,8 @@ FlightMap {
delegate: MapPolygon {
path: object.polygon
color: object.color
border.color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.85)
border.color: object.lineColor
border.width: object.lineWidth
......@@ -556,7 +556,8 @@ QGCView {
radius: object.radius
color: object.color
border.color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.65)
border.color: object.lineColor
border.width: object.lineWidth
......@@ -565,7 +566,8 @@ QGCView {
delegate: MapPolygon {
path: object.polygon
color: object.color
border.color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.65)
border.color: object.lineColor
border.width: object.lineWidth
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