//! Static helper that invokes a File Save dialog where the user can select a directory and enter a filename to be saved.
@param[in] parent The parent QWidget.
@param[in] caption The caption displayed at the top of the dialog.
@param[in] dir The initial directory shown to the user.
@param[in] filter The filter used for selecting the file type.
@param[in] defaultSuffix Specifies a string that will be added to the filename if it has no suffix already. The suffix is typically used to indicate the file type (e.g. "txt" indicates a text file).
@param[in] options Set the various options that affect the look and feel of the dialog.
@return The full path and filename to be used to save the file or \c QString("") if none.
@remark If a default suffix is given, it will be appended to the filename if the user does not enter one themselves. That is, if the user simply enters \e foo and the default suffix is set to \e bar,
the returned filename will be \e foo.bar. However, if the user specifies a suffix, none will be added. That is, if the user enters \e foo.txt, that's what you will receive in return.
@param[in] parent The parent QWidget.
@param[in] caption The caption displayed at the top of the dialog.
@param[in] dir The initial directory shown to the user.
@param[in] filter The filter used for selecting the file type.
@param[in] defaultSuffix Specifies a string that will be added to the filename if it has no suffix already. The suffix is typically used to indicate the file type (e.g. "txt" indicates a text file).
@param[in] strict Makes the default suffix mandatory. Only files with those extensions will be allowed.
@param[in] options Set the various options that affect the look and feel of the dialog.
@return The full path and filename to be used to save the file or \c QString("") if none.
@remark If a default suffix is given, it will be appended to the filename if the user does not enter one themselves. That is, if the user simply enters \e foo and the default suffix is set to \e bar,
the returned filename will be \e foo.bar. However, if the user specifies a suffix, the \e strict flag will determine what is done. If the user enters \e foo.txt and \e strict is false, the function
returns \e foo.txt (no suffix enforced). If \e strict is true however, the default suffix is appended no matter what. In the case above, the function will return \e foo.txt.bar (suffix enforced).
@remark If \e strict is set and the file name given by the user is renamed (the \e foo.txt.bar example above), the function will check and see if the file already exists. If that's the case, it will
QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("No curves selected for logging."),tr("Please check all curves you want to log. Currently no data would be logged, aborting the logging."));
tr("No curves selected for logging."),
tr("Please check all curves you want to log. Currently no data would be logged. Aborting the logging."));